Have a Safe and Happy Meow-O-Ween from Zee & Zoey’s Cat Chronicles

Hey everyone and Happy Meow-O-Ween! In the spooky spirit of the day, and since it’s Sunday-Selfie, too, we thought we’d share a few cards from years past. Hope everyone has a great day – but please be safe and keep those kitties inside away from any tricksters that might be lurking about, looking to cause trouble. And hope you enjoyed our mini-intro clip, too!
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The 2018 Winter Olympics – Not Just For People, Cats Like Em’ Too!

Like a lot of people across the world, I’ve been enjoying the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang. Turns out I’m not the only one in my house who feels the same way! As you can see from this short video montage, my Zoey is absolutely mesmerized by the athletes and has been watching via a front row seat since the games began. She’s so enthralled by the event that sometimes I’ll catch her watching the TV with no one else in the room! The other cats…not a single one of them could care at all!

Hope you enjoy – Happy Sunday to all and go team USA – thank you for all the memories! P.S. – sorry for the video quality. Since the events I’ve been watching don’t even air until 10:00 p.m, EST, my living room is practically pitch dark and I keep the volume low so I suggest you turn your volume up if you want to hear the video! And as a disclaimer, I’m not really a fan of Zoey watching TV so close to her precious little face. But since she only seems to have a proclivity toward the Olympics, I’m making this exception for her and not requesting she get down!


It’s a Blog Hop!

Caught Red-Pawed in the Act! Jazmine’s Caturday Indiscretion!


This was Jazmine and Kizmet minutes after they had first met. He loved her from the first moment he laid eyes on her!

Well… this is certainly awkward and embarrassing… for Jazmine. Why? Because she and Kizmet have been BFF’s since the moment Jazmine came into our home back in March of 2014. She was about 6 months old when we got her – Dan and I had gone to the Global Pet Expo in Orlando with the intention of meeting people and learning about pet industry trends, but instead came home with a rescue kitten that was not at all on our radar of things to do!! Read more

Jazmine and Kizmet – A Young Love Story of Two Old Souls

by Deb at 4:50 AM • Jazmine, Kizmet, Videos37 Comments

ZZ-cover-04-lowresMost of you that follow my blog know that it was started as a direct result of my writing The Chronicles of Zee & Zoey – A Journey of the Extraordinarily Ordinary, a book about the tumultuous love story of Zee and Zoey. While my writing the book was not initially planned, getting Zee and Zoey very much was. Both cats came from stable homes and I knew their background and history from the minute they were born. Zee was given as a gift from me to Dan and a couple of years after that, we got Zoey because the timing was right.  Zee was going through a very naughty stage in his life and was misdirecting his excessive energy with Mr. Jazz who was with us at the time, as well as with Harley – neither of whom appreciated it. I had always wanted a Bengal kitten and because they were known for being extremely playful and athletic, it seemed the perfect match and solution.  Read more

Kizmet’s Korner – What Exactly do you Mean by “Being Good?”

by Deb at 5:50 AM • Cat Humor, Kizmet, Videos20 Comments


I don’t know about you, but I find it impossible to look at Kizmet’s sweet and precious little face without my heart melting. Our darling boy who could never do wrong turned 8 months a few days ago and he is the most endearing and intelligent cat I have ever known. We don’t know his lineage, but he has the wise mind and soul of someone who has seen other lives and traveled to faraway places. Read more