Sunday Selfie

Vintage Holiday Greetings for Sunday

There’s just something about the holidays that causes me to wax nostalgic. I thought it would be nice to share a picture that shares the sentiment for Sunday. This is Rolz. The photo was taken a few days ago, but with some fun editing effects, the image looks perfectly vintage. Add a Santa hat, and there you go!

Have a lovely day, all!

Vintage Rolz


It’s a Blog Hop!

A Tale of Not Eating, Eating by a Not Childless, Childless Cat Lady

The gang’s all here! Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Kizmet, Jazmine, and Shadow.

Technically speaking, I’m not a childless cat lady. I gave birth to two wonderful sons way back in the dinosaur age of the 1980s. But, if you do the math, they’ve been adults for eons, and I haven’t had to provide for their food, shelter, or basic needs for many years. My current gang of seven cats, however, is a different story. Ranging in ages from five to sixteen, I do provide them with food, shelter, and more daily. At this point in my life, I may as well be a childless cat lady. Read more

Ginger Interruptus – The Unwinding of a Cat Legacy

Blogging in the early days. Always with the help of my feline gang.

I started blogging in October 2010. That’s a long time. Since then, the journey has changed. When I began, it was a small climate of bloggers, newly emerging and growing together, each with our unique voices and personalities. But now, many of us in that initial clowder have quietly stepped aside or changed direction, including me. I have several reasons, but it boils down to three: my ginger cat, Jazmine, an oversaturated amount of cat-related facts and information on the internet, and my day job. Read more

Letting the Fur Down for Mother’s Day!

Since Zoey gave birth to her four kittens on February 12, 2009 (apart from Zeuss, who went on to his forever home with a family friend in Boston), they have been bonded to her like glue. There is rarely a time she is not surrounded by one, two, or all of them.

Zoey, a few days after giving birth to her kittens on 2/12/09.

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Happy Easter 2024 from Zee and Zoey’s Cat Chronicles

Our lovely model for Easter this year is Jazmine.

Hi everyone and Happy Easter from all of us at Zee and Zoey’s! Remember, it’s okay to Photoshop bunny ears on your cat(s). And some cats might even be tolerant enough to sport a pair of fake bunny ears (not mine!). But it’s not okay to give our kitties any of the goodies associated with Easter, such as chocolates, Easter lilies, cellophane grasses, small toys, and more. These things can pose a significant danger to our feline friends, so it’s best to keep them away from anything that could tempt them.

Love, peace, and purrs.


For a detailed post on cat safety protocol, please visit our previously posted article, “Spring Cleaning, Covid, and Easter Safety Tips for Cats for Poison Prevention Awareness Month”


It’s a Blog Hop!