Wordless Wednesday

BlogPaws and My Cats – It’s all About the SWAG!


Handsome, confident, and supremely cool – Rolz is the epitome of the purr-fect ambassador and spokescat for the awesomeness of BlogPaws swag! Seen here, he is claiming his favorite item – the “KittyKush” catnip grinder made by Trust Fund Pets, Inc.

I’m back from BlogPaws safe and sound and can’t wait to tell you all about my experiences in Nashville! Trouble is, my brain and body have not yet caught up with my whirlwind adventures, so until I can regain a semblance of my sanity I thought I’d share the reason why my cats don’t give me the silent, indignant, “How dare you leave us” treatment when I come home from traveling like they used to years prior to my blogging. In a four letter word – SWAG.

So here you go, in the spirit of sort of Wordless Wednesday, here’s a photo glimpse into how my cats get to take advantage of the aftermath of BlogPaws! Enjoy and see you tomorrow for a special Thursday blog post in honor of Hug Your Cat Day. Read more

Mimic Me Wednesday – Cat Training Human or Human Training Cat?


Jazmine is just one of those cats that makes you smile and melts your heart all day and night with her endearing ways. She is an absolute charmer and one of her favorite things in the whole world to do is eat. Chicken is her absolute favorite, favorite, favorite thing on this earth, but since I am a vegetarian, she doesn’t get many scraps from me that she can eat! But, no matter… she remains diligent just in case a small tidbit of cheese or something else delectable might happen her way…

The cutest aspect of her eating obsession is just how smart she is – one quick plop onto her side, coupled with a bewitching turn of her head and I am putty in her sweet little paws! The best part – if I turn my head to the side, she will do the same thing at the same time! I used to think I had trained her, but now I think she has trained me… Either way, how can you not give her a treat for being so darn adorable!?


Yeah… There’s nothing this cat can’t have with this precious look!

How about your cats – do they have any cute little tricks to get you to give them a treat?

Wordless Wednesday – Watercolor Cat in Black and White


There is something just timeless about the beauty and simple integrity of a black and white photo. Seen here is our lovely Jazmine (click image to enlarge) modeling a quote by Wesley Bates that suits her purr-fectly.

Happy Wednesday and see you on the weekend with more Jazmine antics to follow…

Zee and Zoey – A Purr-fectly Comfortable Love Story

by Deb at 12:10 AM • Wordless Wednesday24 Comments

With so much of my life focusing on writing and books lately, it is no wonder my mind wandered to Zee and Zoey’s relationship for today’s post, since they are the cat couple that started it all for me. The moment the two of them met in 2008 after the initial “who are you shock,” it was a love at first sight affair. As the years have gone by, much has changed – from being parents – to losing Jazz and Harley – to adoptions of Kizmet and Jazmine – they have been through it all and as time has moved on, their love remains tried and true. Much like a couple that has been together for decades, they have that same soft slipper/old shoe kind of comfort with one another. Sure, there is the occasional grumpy growl – primarily from Zee who does not want his nap to be interrupted by Zoey who wants to cuddle, but she ignores him and settles in despite his protests.

For today’s post I thought I would share a brief pictorial history of the steadfast love, ending with a picture that Dan was able to capture of the two of them just a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy the midweek break and for those of you that live in a multi-pet household, do you have any pets that have been best friends from the moment they met?



This was literally the first moment Zee met Zoey. Despite that he towered over her, she was not intimated in the slightest!

Zee and Zoey - Love Story Begins

This was the lovebirds in the beginning of their relationship – they were absolutely inseparable and adored one another!


The proud couple after becoming parents in 2009. They look so stoic and regal here – like a purr-fect King and Queen!


The kittens are long grown up and Zee and Zoey remain happily in love.


Present day Zee and Zoey – a love that withstands the test of time…

Celebrating Earth Day in a Feline Friendly Way!


Look at the world though the wonderment of a cat’s perspective. It’s an awe-inspiring beautiful place that we should be thankful for each and every day. Click image to enlarge and please feel free to share to spread the gratitude.

Today is Earth Day and I’m not going to write a long post about how precious our earth is and that we need to figure out ways to preserve the bounty we have been given. I would hope we already know that the land we live in, the air we breathe, and the water that is necessary to keep us alive is a gift that should not be taken for granted. Read more