BlogPaws and My Cats – It’s all About the SWAG!

Handsome, confident, and supremely cool – Rolz is the epitome of the purr-fect ambassador and spokescat for the awesomeness of BlogPaws swag! Seen here, he is claiming his favorite item – the “KittyKush” catnip grinder made by Trust Fund Pets, Inc.
I’m back from BlogPaws safe and sound and can’t wait to tell you all about my experiences in Nashville! Trouble is, my brain and body have not yet caught up with my whirlwind adventures, so until I can regain a semblance of my sanity I thought I’d share the reason why my cats don’t give me the silent, indignant, “How dare you leave us” treatment when I come home from traveling like they used to years prior to my blogging. In a four letter word – SWAG.
So here you go, in the spirit of sort of Wordless Wednesday, here’s a photo glimpse into how my cats get to take advantage of the aftermath of BlogPaws! Enjoy and see you tomorrow for a special Thursday blog post in honor of Hug Your Cat Day. Read more