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Happy 11th Birthday to Jazmine!

When we adopted Jazmine in March 2014, we had no idea how old she was. But, based on what we did know, it was easy enough to surmise she was probably born in September 2013. The date of September 28? I decided to bestow that upon her so that she had something official. But, truthfully, Jazmine is by far the biggest Diva cat I’ve ever had the pleasure of being owned by, and for her, every day is a celebration of her existence on this planet!

But still, being the princess she is, she deserves even more love, attention, and treats on this specially decreed day. Happy birthday, sweet girl. You bring sunshine into our lives every day, and we wouldn’t want you any other way than the spoiled kitty you are!

Letting the Fur Down for Mother’s Day!

Since Zoey gave birth to her four kittens on February 12, 2009 (apart from Zeuss, who went on to his forever home with a family friend in Boston), they have been bonded to her like glue. There is rarely a time she is not surrounded by one, two, or all of them.

Zoey, a few days after giving birth to her kittens on 2/12/09.

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2024 – The Year of the Shadow

Shadow napping on the couch.

According to the lunar calendar, Chinese New Year, 2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon. While I certainly don’t want to minimize the importance of this ancient custom, I must respectfully say that in our house, it is the year of the Shadow. Why? Because that little black cat of ours that showed up as a kitten in our driveway a little over 4 years ago, in November 2023, has done something we never thought we’d see: he came onto the couch one morning with me and settled in for a nap! Read more

Celebrating 15 Years with Mia, Peanut, Rolz, and Zeuss at Zee & Zoey’s Cat Chronicles

Happy 15th birthday to Mia, Peanut, Rolz, and Zeuss!

It’s the “kittens” 15th birthday! That’s a biggie! I’m happy and excited for them, but it’s also a bittersweet happiness, as this darn clock of life keeps moving ahead, seemingly at a quicker pace the older I get. I want it to slow down so I can spend more time with them, not less! Fifteen years ago, but it almost seems like yesterday… I will never forget the day they were born. Before that, Dan and I were on pins and needles, waiting for their birth. We could hardly wait to “meet” our newest feline house members and we doted (some might say, obsessively so) on Mama Zoey day and night in anticipation of their arrival. Read more

Happy Mew Year 2024 from Zee & Zoey’s Cat Chronicles

Shhhh…Don’t tell the human, but it’s us kitties – Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Kizmet, Jazmine, and Shadow posting here! Our human is not much for New Year’s Eve celebrations, so we thought we’d hijack the blog to wish everyone a Happy Mew Year! Honestly, give her a glass of wine, some popcorn, a cat (or two, or three…) on her lap, and a marathon of Office rerun episodes to watch and she’s as pleased as punch!

Okay, guys. It’s the human here. I get it. When it comes to ringing in the New Year, I’m boring, boring, boring, and a regular party pooper. But, I can at the very least, share an over-the-top graphic I made, shimmering in fake gold and glitter to give the illusion I’m full of fun!

Thank you to our handsome Shadow for sharing his incredible eyes for this graphic.

Anyhow, all kidding aside, the cats and I wish everyone a New Year filled with peace, love, joy, kindness, and compassion. 2023 was a rough ride for many of us and we truly hope mankind can take a turn for the better.

See you in the days ahead. And by the way, just what are you planning to do to ring in the New Year? Something exciting, something low-key, or something in-between?!


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