Happy 10th Birthday to my beautiful leopard kitty!
My sweet Zoey was born on April 9, 2008 and it’s so hard to believe that 10 years have zoomed by so quickly. Zoey is the love of my life and I adore every bone in her quirky little body. She’s the ultimate yin and yang of her own self. She’s both sweet and snarly. Aloof but loving. And quiet when she wants to be left alone, but alarmingly loud when she wants attention, normally about 5:00 a.m.
Happy birthday my darling girl. For your special day, I thought I’d share a photo montage from the day we first got you to present.

Zoey came into our lives on June 14, 2008. She was a tiny thing and practically fit into the palm of my hand back then. This was her first picture in our home.

On 2/12/2009 Zoey had a litter of kittens. We kept 3 of them – Mia, Peanut, and Rolz. The 4th – Zeuss Catt moved on to Boston. These kittens have forever changed our lives and Zoey was an incredibly proud and loving mama.

In 2010 Zoey had enough of motherhood and looked forward to moments in our backyard when we’d bring her out on a leash to explore the world.

In 2011 Zoey matured into a beautiful cat with a gorgeous coat that mimicked that of a leopard in the wild.

When Zee and Zoey first met in 2008, it was love at first sight. Zee is the father of Zoey’s kittens and years later in 2012, they were still madly in love.

2013 – Zoey is a true sun goddess. If there is a sliver of sunshine to be found, she will find it.

All the cats love to nap in the guest bedroom that has a window view. This was 2014 and a bittersweet moment – Zoey shares the space with her now grown kittens, as well as Harley who unexpectedly passed on a few months later.

One of my all-time favorite pictures. This was 2015 – Zoey has been sleeping on my lap when I sit on the couch ever since she’s been a young cat. This rare moment was the whole gang sharing the couch with me – Zee, Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Kizmet, and Jazmine.

2016 – Zee and Zoey still remain a couple in love.

Zoey loves Christmas, typically enjoying a nap under the tree. This is her with Zee, Mia, and Rolz in 2017.

2018 – my girl has matured into such a beautiful cat. How can it be that 10 years have gone by?
Thank you for letting me share my trip down memory lane. I hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I did!