Hi! Deb here! I’ll be your moderator for our first scheduled debate between the Cat-idates for Zee & Zoey’s First Annual Cat Ruler of the World Contest. The cats have all been very busy campaigning since the election started last week, but we still need more information from them to help us make our voting decision when the polls open on Tuesday, September 11th. We decided it was time we finally put the tired old issue of cats versus dogs to rest. Dog’s seem to have the upper hand, what with being “Man’s Best Friend” and all, so, it begs the question, is a cat really qualified to rule the world if dogs are so popular?

To better see the Cat-idates, please click image to enlarge.
That was supposed to be the topic of today’s debate, but I got such a fur flying, hissy fit of a response from the Cat-idates that I can’t even repeat what was said. Suffice it to say, according to them, there is NO DEBATE. Cats are the superior creatures and the subject is closed… So, needing to improvise, I am quickly following up with this intriguing debate topic that has all of us concerned people stumped – how do you Cat-idates respond to critics who would say that it is impossible to rule the world with any credibility if you nap over 16 hours a day. Oh, and before we begin the discussion, it must be stated for the record that all the Cat-idates have been duly sworn in and NONE of them are under the influence of nip at this time. Okay cats, your answers please: Read more