Wordless Wednesday

Kittenish by Gwen Cooper: Cat Selfies With a Serious Mission – Raising Funding for the Nepal Earthquakes

For those of you that know me, you know pictures aren’t my thing. I have a blog filled with gorgeous pictures of cats, but probably 95% of them are taken by Dan. Of the remaining 5%, 2% are stock images and 3% are really horrible, blurry pictures that I have taken – usually at an event like a BlogPaws conference where I travel alone. Even though it should be relatively obvious, I try to point out when I have taken the image, because I don’t want to discredit any of Dan’s beautiful pictures.

When it comes to selfies – those pictures that one takes of oneself, at very close range – my photography skills actually become even worse. And truthfully, at my age, selfies are not my flattering, best friend so I rarely attempt taking them. Cats and selfies – that’s an entirely different story because in my mind, there is just no such thing as a bad picture of a cat, and that is why New York Times bestselling author, Gwen Cooper’s newest book, Kittenish, is such a home run. Read more

Hug Your Cat Day – A Mandatory Part 2 in Perpetuity


This was the image I shared for Hug Your Cat Day – I love this picture because all of my cats are sharing the love with me!

June 4th was Hug Your Cat Day, but somehow it just doesn’t seem like enough. On Monday, my dear friend, Caren Gittleman of Cat Chat with Caren and Cody did a review of Purr Prints of the Heart that really stopped me in my tracks. You always run the risk of asking a friend to do a review – will they be honest with what they write, or will they feel obligated to say something positive so as not to risk hurting feelings? For those of you that know Caren, she is a straight shooter and that happens to be one of the reasons I adore her so much. She tells it like it is and she doesn’t pull punches. When I read her review, she brought me to tears. I knew it was the real deal – it came from the heart and she really got the essence of the book. Read more

For Cats, Everyday is the Lazy Day of Summer!


Rolz takes the lead – it’s summer – let the lazy days begin!

When it comes to cats, let’s face it, they have the market cornered on lazy. With their ability to nap for approximately 16 hours a day, we may as well give the trademark to them. But with summer officially here and the extra rays of sunshine that goes along with it, for my cats, the nap to sun quotient becomes even higher! Read more

Remembering My Sweet Harley – Gone But Never Forgotten


My beautiful, sweet, darling girl. I had to say goodbye to you far sooner than I ever imagined I would and I can’t believe a year has already gone by since I last held you in my arms, desperately willing for a miracle so I would not have to let you go.

Try as I might, I still find it so very hard to reconcile your sudden loss, and for that I apologize, because sometimes blocking it all out makes it easier. But I don’t want you to think I don’t care or that you weren’t important. The times we shared were ever so precious and you were such a good girl. Not a mean bone in your pleasantly plump body and your wishes and needs were truly so simple.

Breakfast, dinner, a snack, and lying next to my side, whether on the couch at night when I was watching TV or at my side when I went to bed – that’s all you ever needed to be happy and content. Toys, bugs, lizards, and cat condos – you wanted none of that. And on those rare occasions when you would chase the red dot from the laser pen with the other cats, even you seemed surprised that you were doing it!

I love you and miss you so, so much. I pray you are at peace with Mr. Jazz and all the other cats and dogs that have been part of my heart and home in years past. You remain a part of me – I think of you everyday and I thank you for being a part of my life.




A final note – if any of you were complementing the purchase of Purr Prints of the Heart, it would mean the world to me if perhaps you would consider doing it between now and the end of June. Harley might not be with me any longer, but that does not mean she can’t be the harbinger for helping shelter cats that are here who need our love, help, and donations. Harley was a shelter cat and on behalf of Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, in tribute to her, 10% of the proceeds will be going to Advocates 4 Animals for any sales made in June. Harley was the calendar cat cover girl for in 2013 for Advocates 4 Animals and Purr Prints truly is a lovely story that any cat lover will appreciate. There is also a special chapter at the end of the book in memoriam to Harley.

Thank you – for more information on the book and purchasing options, please click here.

Now if you’ll all excuse me, I really must go. This was not easy for me, but in respect to my sweet girl, I would like to share a few pictures in her memory…


Harley used to like to look at life from the inside looking out. She was not the bravest cat in the world and always liked to watch the others from afar!


Harley loved napping on this homemade bed that my dear friend, Liz Wyman, made for her.


When Dan took this image of Harley in 2013, I never imagined she would be gone a year later. I had saved the photo, never sharing it until now, as I had originally thought I would used it for a Valentine post because it has such a romantic, vintage look to it.


Harley didn’t like to play much, but she did have her goofy moments!


Harley shares some couch time with Zoey and Mia back in 2010.


A reflective moment looking out her favorite window. This photo is so vivid, I can almost feel her hair.


Harley and Jazz – more so than any of the other cats, they had been through everything together!


An incredibly special picture – the whole gang – Rolz, Peanut, Zoey, Kizmet, Mia, Jazmine, Zee, and Harley peeking from behind me.

Deb Barnes of Zee and Zoey

Sharing some time with Harley and Kizmet. Kizmet, more so than any other the other cats, really mourned the loss of his buddy Harley. Me too, Kizmet, me too…

Cats and a Mid-Year Reality Check


This was me last Friday, firmly planted on the couch with Mia and Zoey on my legs to begin my Orange is the New Black viewing marathon. Some people actually watched all 13 episodes in one day. I am a bit more reserved – it will take me about 7 days…

Having binge watched nearly all of the new episodes of Season 3 of the NetFlix megahit, Orange is the New Black, that was released a mere 6 days ago, it dawned on me just how quickly time has gone by. We live in an age where we can literally watch an entire season of a show in one day if we want to. Remember the olden days, that cumbersome era in time, about two years ago, when we’d have to wait an entire week to watch a show before we could watch the next episode? Torture… just how did we survive back then? Read more