Orange Crush Ginger Cat

Think Like a Cat – Finding Common Ground for the New Year 2025

As with any year, 2024 saw its share of highs and lows, joys and heartaches. We also saw a time in our nation more polarized than we’ve been accustomed to in recent years. The presidential election brought out the best and worst in many of us, with the results, for some, so unbearable the thought of moving forward in any positive fashion seems unfathomable.

I, for one, was deeply saddened, disappointed, and discouraged by the outcome. But I also believe we must make the most of circumstances and not drown in negativity, anger, or denial. Pick up our bootstraps and adjust our sails, so to speak. Business consultant Susan Graham sums it up nicely:

“Win with humility, lose with grace, and do both with dignity.”

I am still me, and all of you are still you. Despite how it might sometimes seem, this is a wonderful world, and we are blessed to be a part of it. I’m grateful for my cats, family, friends, colleagues, and the birds and squirrels who brighten my world daily. I’m also thankful for my job and my writing and graphic design opportunities. The list goes on, so for 2025, I remain committed to living a life of gratefulness, kindness, compassion, empathy, and tolerance. Nobody can ever take that away from me. Look for common ground in circumstances that don’t always make sense or might not be your opinion or choice. If my mortal enemy cats, Jazmine and Shadow, can find common ground to get along, I think the rest of the world can, too!

It’s been over 5 years, and Jazmine (Left) and Shadow (Right) still don’t get along. Food, however, is their common ground, and for those brief moments at feeding time, all is well with the world.

Happy New Year Everyone! Best Wishes from all of us at Zee & Zoey’s for peace, love, good health, and happiness.

AI generated artwork based on the creative prompts of author and artist, Deborah Barnes.

Happy 11th Birthday to Jazmine!

When we adopted Jazmine in March 2014, we had no idea how old she was. But, based on what we did know, it was easy enough to surmise she was probably born in September 2013. The date of September 28? I decided to bestow that upon her so that she had something official. But, truthfully, Jazmine is by far the biggest Diva cat I’ve ever had the pleasure of being owned by, and for her, every day is a celebration of her existence on this planet!

But still, being the princess she is, she deserves even more love, attention, and treats on this specially decreed day. Happy birthday, sweet girl. You bring sunshine into our lives every day, and we wouldn’t want you any other way than the spoiled kitty you are!

Ginger Interruptus – The Unwinding of a Cat Legacy

Blogging in the early days. Always with the help of my feline gang.

I started blogging in October 2010. That’s a long time. Since then, the journey has changed. When I began, it was a small climate of bloggers, newly emerging and growing together, each with our unique voices and personalities. But now, many of us in that initial clowder have quietly stepped aside or changed direction, including me. I have several reasons, but it boils down to three: my ginger cat, Jazmine, an oversaturated amount of cat-related facts and information on the internet, and my day job. Read more

Happy Easter 2024 from Zee and Zoey’s Cat Chronicles

Our lovely model for Easter this year is Jazmine.

Hi everyone and Happy Easter from all of us at Zee and Zoey’s! Remember, it’s okay to Photoshop bunny ears on your cat(s). And some cats might even be tolerant enough to sport a pair of fake bunny ears (not mine!). But it’s not okay to give our kitties any of the goodies associated with Easter, such as chocolates, Easter lilies, cellophane grasses, small toys, and more. These things can pose a significant danger to our feline friends, so it’s best to keep them away from anything that could tempt them.

Love, peace, and purrs.


For a detailed post on cat safety protocol, please visit our previously posted article, “Spring Cleaning, Covid, and Easter Safety Tips for Cats for Poison Prevention Awareness Month”


It’s a Blog Hop!

Peach Fuzz – 2024 Pantone Color of the Year and Why it’s Connected to Cats and Your Health

Beautiful Jazmine in all her peach fuzz glory.

The Pantone Color Institute named its 2024 color of the year, PANTONE 13-1023 “Peach Fuzz,” declaring our need for compassion and human connection in the year ahead. It’s a velvety and soothing tone meant to represent “our desire to nurture ourselves and others” and “whose all-embracing spirit enriches mind, body, and soul.” For Jazmine, our feline diva cloaked in luxurious peachy, fuzzy fur, the announcement was met with some dismay, because to her, every year should be the year of Peach Fuzz. Truth is, she has a valid point. The correlation between the power of peach fuzz and feline fur to enrich one’s mind, body, and soul is a strong one indeed, and one that should not be overlooked. Read more