Thanks, and Winners of Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day Personalized Pet Portraits

My beautiful Jazz. R.I.P. sweet boy.

On behalf of Mr. Jazz, my beloved angel cat who inspired Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day, I just want to take a moment to thank everyone who participated in the day this past August 28. It’s always bittersweet, as we wish we never had to say goodbye to any of our pets. But I’m always amazed and inspired by the overflowing of love and compassion shown on this day. My heart swells with gratitude for all the lovely memories we have of those pets we have loved and lost.

I’m always overwhelmed by how far-reaching this day has become, too. One such example this year was an event hosted by Gray’s Funeral Chapel in Prince Albert, Canada. They held a free community barbecue with all sorts of food and festivities, and in honor of the day, in remembrance of pets that had passed on, donations were also being collected for the Prince Albert SPCA, for pets in need of forever homes. I love that the day can inspire giving and community camaraderie and I’m so proud that Jazz’s legacy has allowed that to happen.

I also held a personalized pet memorial portrait giveaway in honor of the day, and I’m thrilled to announce the winners*. I will be reaching out to each of them with details as to how they will receive their prizes and I thank everyone who took the time to enter. I also thank Kevin from Pleasant Glen Products for graciously donating these portraits that will surely be cherished for many years to come. If you did not win but would like to connect with Kevin for a personalized portrait, please visit his Etsy Shop here.

Congratulations to winners: Bunny Allen, Theresa Spaid, Ingrid Rickmar, and Allison Cassel.

*(Raffle Press shows the winners from the bottom up, meaning the winner at the end of the list was the first name drawn, with runners-up following in consecutive order).

Take care everyone and love to you all.

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  1. Congratulations to the winners of those great prizes.

  2. Thanks so much!! feel honored to be one of the winners! So hopefully soon, I will have a portrait to place beside the one I have of Minko.

    Thanks once again!
    I did email you as well.

  3. meowmeowmans says:

    We love that the day you started in tribute to Mr. Jazz has grown into an event that helps so many.

    Congratulations to the winners of those awesome portraits!

  4. jmuhj says:

    May the winners treasure their lovely portraits.

  5. Leah says:

    Many congrats to those who won!And many thanks to you, Deb, for creating this meaningful day.

  6. Concatulations to all of the lucky winners!! those prizes will be cherished furever!

  7. Ellen J Pilch says:

    Congrats to all those lucky winners!

  8. Theresa Spaid says:

    Thank you so much! This really going to be a special picture of my Sneaky Pie!

  9. Ellen says:

    I just left a note on the August 28th post about this lovely Giveaway with a few other thoughts as well. Congratulations to each of the fortunate winners. The portraits will surely be treasured by the recipients of your generosity. A final thought for you : “Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.” – Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette. Thank-YOU!