Honoring Those Pets We Have Loved and Lost for Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day 2016


My beautiful senior cat, Mr. Jazz – the inspiration for the book, Purr Prints of the Heart, and Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. This was him in early 2013 – each day I was given with him at this point was a precious gift.

I’m in the process of going through pictures of our cats with Dan to determine which one’s I’d like to use for my upcoming book. We have thousands of images – each one more beautiful than the next – but it’s a bittersweet process because it always inevitably happens when we look at pictures – a random one will pop up and hit me painfully in the gut, reminding me of days gone by. This time it was a picture of Jazz. But what’s most interesting, was that it was a picture of him I hadn’t seen before. Considering I combed through what I thought were all of his pictures when I wrote his meow memoir, Purr Prints of the Heart, last year, it was all the more perplexing.

With today marking the third anniversary of his death, my heart is telling me he brought it to me as a gift, giving me a special memory of a time I had long since forgotten about. Some might call it random luck. I don’t. With Jazz, there have been far too many uncanny things that have happened to me with him since his passing and I am certain he is communicating to me from the afterlife. So, in tribute to Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day, a day I created in his honor for pet lovers worldwide to pay tribute to those pets they have loved and lost, I share this never before seen picture of him.


Me with Zee, Zoey, Mia, Jazz, Peanut, and Rolz. I’m sure Harley was somewhere around my feet.

This was us on August 25, 2012 – we had a tropical storm brewing and Dan and I were getting ready to hunker down with some basic hurricane essentials, like wine, cheese, and crackers.I really love this picture because it’s just so ordinary – an everyday slice of my life. I don’t remember Jazz being much of a counter top jumper, but there he was, hanging out with all his feline cat-mates. He was so happy and healthy back then. My Harley with us back then too, but she NEVER jumped on the counter. The couch cushion was as high as she would jump but I’m sure she was somewhere on the floor watching us. This was before Kizmet, before Jazmine, and before I would lose Jazz a mere year later, and then Harley, unexpectedly a year after that.


Harley was never a jumper – she always preferred to participate in everything from the safety of the floor.

The photo serves as a powerful reminder to appreciate those glorious, beautiful, wonderful every day moments were are blessed to have with our precious pets, because we just don’t know when they will end, only to be left as memories in our hearts.

To all my beloved pets that have come and gone in my life, this day is for you. I love you forever and always, and each and every one of you has touched my heart in a special way.


For any of you who have loved and lost a pet, my heart goes out to you as well. I know how difficult it is to say goodbye and it is my hope this special day can bring some happiness to you as you remember the joy your pet brought into your life, for however long or brief that time was. Please feel free to share comments here, or join the blog hop if you have a blog, or stop by the specially created Facebook event page here to share your stories and pictures. Thank you and love and peace to you all.



For anyone who has loved and lost a beloved pet, Purr Prints of the Heart is a warm, sweet, and beautiful story to help with the grieving process.

For anyone interested in reading the meow memoir of Mr. Jazz in Purr Prints of the Heart – A Cat’s Tale of Life, Death, and Beyond, please visit www.purrprintsoftheheart.com for details.

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  1. Oh Deb this was EXQUISITE!!! That photo is PRICELESS!! I love how they all were gathered around you…..like obedient little students with their teacher!! This was just so touching…..I am sure Mr.Jazz is purring contentedly about now xoxoxo PS: Cody had a special love of Harley….I remember 🙁

    • Deb says:

      Caren – oh gosh yes, I remember that about Cody and Harley – I believe it was her come hither photo when she was exposing her belly that got to him!! Thank you for sharing that memory. I’m glad you liked the photo – it really was a wonderful moment that Dan forever immortalized.

  2. Duh! I forgot to thank you AGAIN for creating this wonderful event! xoxo

  3. Sending lots of purrs and some licks, too as you remember all of your precious angels.
    We treasure ours too…

  4. I always get tears in my eyes when you talk about Mr. Jazz. The photograph is so wonderful–as I can see how perfectly ordinary this moment must have felt but to see it four years later it’s just spectacular. Those are the times to treasure. Thanks for creating a space for all of us to share our typical moments and wax poetic about those we miss so dearly. I’ll be sharing mine to the Hop shortly. Peace to all the readers who are missing a furry, feathered or other non-human companion.

    • Deb says:

      Thanks Laura – it truly is a spectacular picture. I really thought I remembered everything about him, so it was just so extra-special to find a memory that seemed new an fresh to me. I appreciate you stopping by and I’m glad you find the day has a special spot in your heart.

  5. We love this post and thanks for creating an event to honor our loves that have gone before us.
    Nellie and Barb

  6. Beautiful memories…thank you so much for creating this special day for us all to remember our precious babies waiting for us at the Bridge. {{{Hugs}}}

  7. Chirpy Cats says:

    Oh wow, thanks for sharing such a wonderful post and event. That surprise photo of Jazz must have indeed been a gift from him. I just love that everyday, ‘ordinary’ yet extra-ordinary counter top scene of you and your cats. Reminds me of us ? I’m sure you could not have written this with dry eyes! I know my old boy with CKD is not going to be with us for very long and we are treasuring each day with him. Purrs to and to all those who still feel the pain of a furry friend loved too much and lost too soon ❤️

    • Deb says:

      Awww… my heart is with you Chirpy Cats – treasure each day indeed. I’m glad you enjoyed the photo and that it reminded you of your place! It is a scene that so many cat lovers can relate to!

  8. Cathy Keisha says:

    What a gift that photo is—to you and again to us. Thank you for creating this day although we remember each and every day. Poor Faith tends to take a back seat to the more recent memories which is why she is being featured today.

  9. Kat G says:

    I love that you created this lovely rememberance day. We who have lost our pets share this tragic loss together. Such a beautiful blog post to remember you babies.

  10. What a bittersweet day – a lovely way to remember those who have taken a part of our hearts with them ….

    • Deb says:

      Yes, a bittersweet day for sure Maxwell, Faraday & Allie. But with loss,comes new life and new friends. Thank you for stopping by!

  11. meowmeowmans says:

    We love this post, and we are always, always moved by the everlasting love you share with Mr. Jazz. Thank you for creating this special day to honor our furry angel companions.

    We had all intentions of participating, but then our Zoe had her scary medical episode yesterday. But we have been greatly touched by reading everyone’s tributes.

    • Deb says:

      I’m so sorry to hear your Zoe had a medical issue yesterday. Thank you for stopping by and I agree with you, the tributes have been so beautiful.

  12. Thank you for sharing this photo and your memories with us, Deb. Your babies were lucky to have such a wonderful and caring kitty mom. I don’t believe in coincidences – I believe everything happens for a reason. I’m glad you were blessed with this photo you hadn’t seen before. <3

    • Deb says:

      Thank you for dropping by today Sierra – with you sharing this anniversary day with your beloved Jewel, I know how hard it is for you. Peace and blessings to you. xoxox

  13. Andrea says:

    I just wanted to say thank-you for this thoughtful day/event. I’m afraid it is much to soon, to close to the heart to do anything for my most recent loss. Fargo passed on Thursday. He fought valiantly but in the end it took the awful decision to end his pain.

    Thanks for sharing those photos as well. Having one with so many of your cats all visible is magic.

  14. What a beautiful tribute. Thank you so much for creating this special day for us all to remember our angels who have gained their wings.

  15. Thank you Deb for creating this day and for your beautiful collage and photos. I wish to express my condolences for Mr Jazz and Harley too. They are so beautiful and glowing I know they will live forever – in your heart and elsewhere. Now they are in my heart too, through your pictures and writings..

    I posted the slideshow we made six month earlier honoring all kitties we knew about who passed in 2015 and early 2016. Hope it gives comfort.

    Love & Blessings, Carol, Peaches & paprika

    • Deb says:

      Thank you Carol, Peaches, and Paprika. As you well know, Peaches and Paprika remind me so much of my precious Harley. Thank you for stopping by and for making the beautiful slideshow. It’s such a lovely tribute to those we have loved and lost.

  16. Bernadette says:

    Thanks for hosting again this year, Deb. We can never find enough reasons to remember.

    • Deb says:

      You’re welcome Bernadette – I wish we never had to let them go, but they do find the most beautiful of ways to tuck their memories into our hearts each and every day.

  17. What a beautiful post and beautiful photos. Thank you for this.

  18. da tabbies o trout towne says:



  19. Flynn says:

    This is a beautiful tribute to your angels. you have created a special day for us remember our loved ones, but I am afraid to say that I forgot to get my post ready with all the worry of Flynn. BTW, our vet is thinking it is unlikely that Flynn did suffer an embolism and he is improving daily.

  20. CHo Meir says:

    ♫ to all the cats I’ve Loved before….♪