Wordless Wednesday

Photobombing Cats…

While Zoey is my leopard inspired soul-mate kitty, having our picture taken together is not her thing. She will nap on my outstretched legs religiously every night when I finally step away from my computer to relax for the night on the couch and she likes to sleep next to me when I go to bed. Snuggling, picking her up, and hugging, however, are BIG no-no’s to her. So the other day when I saw that she was napping on the floor in the hallway and the lighting was ever-so-perfect, I asked Dan to grab a picture of me sitting next to her because I knew that would be as good as it gets with her.

Need I remind you I have seven cats? What was I thinking? Naturally the moment I sat down, it became a feline excursion in photobombing as led by none other than our Miss Photogenic, Jazmine. Oh well… I guess I sort of have a picture of Zoey and I together! So how does it go in your house when the camera comes out? Any photobombing cats in your bunch?


It started out innocent enough… a picture of me with Zoey was all I really wanted… Enter stage right, the orange blur…


And just like that, Jazmine is sitting pretty, picture purr-fect in the background and joining the photobomb session are Zee and Rolz… Oh well… I gotta admit I do like the picture and there is nothing better than being surrounded by so much kitty love!

Happy Wednesday all and thanks for dropping by!

Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Is it Spring Yet?


Jazmine asks the question we’re all wondering…

Oh Jazmine…if only it were…It’s hard to believe that here it is, almost the end of February and over 68 million people are being affected by the ravages of winter. Or at least that’s what I think the number is – I heard Lester Holt say that on the news the other night, but being that he hasn’t had a day off since Brian Williams has been suspended, I’m not sure how clear his memory is either. But, in all fairness to both gentleman, I barely remember what I ate for dinner yesterday or what day of the week it is for that matter.

What I do know is that I’m pretty sure most of the country has had enough of the snow and is looking forward to clear roads and warmer days. Until that happens, enjoy this picture of my kitties snuggling on our favorite winter blanket, “Big Red” (yes, it even gets cold in Florida).


Zee, Kizmet, Mia, and Rolz keeping warm!

Happy Wednesday all!

Wordless Wednesday – A Much Needed Splash of Sunshine

I don’t know about you, but for me, I think we all could use a dose a sunshine, both literally and figuratively. What a better way to do that on Wordless Wednesday than to share some pictures of cats in sunlight?

There is just something so soothing about a sunbeam and I always marvel that no matter how small that last remaining sliver of sunlight might be, a cat will find it and take comfort in it for every precious second.

Isn’t that the ultimate message? To live life in the moment? I sure think so. Happy Wednesday and may you all find a sunbeam or two of your own along the way…


Kizmet, Rolz, and Zoey








Zee and Rolz




Kizmet back in 2012 when he was a kitten




Rolz and Mia

Nominations Open for the BlogPaws 2015 Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards!


The nominations are open for the BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Awards and my cats are always ready to share their advice and opinions!

With all the snow and cold weather in most of the country, it’s the purr-fect time to grab a cat, or two, or seven and browse through your favorite blogs to nominate them for a prestigious BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Award. There are several categories to choose from and the awards are not just limited to cats –there are categories for dogs and other pets too! And even better, you only have to nominate someone once for them to qualify and you can nominate them for as many categories as you want. You can also nominate yourself if you are a blogger and the best news of all, once the nominations are in, each category is judged by a distinguished panel of professionals, not by popular vote, based on the expertise, performance, and creativity of the entry!

The only thing, time is running out – nominations need to be sent in by Saturday, January 31, so get to your computers as quick as possible to make your selections. Click here for nomination details and if you would like to consider Zee and Zoey for any categories, we thank you in advance. These are some of our suggestions for this year, but we encourage you to surf through our site to make up your own mind. We also encourage you to nominate our friends too – the awards are meant to honor bloggers across all genres and there are so many talented bloggers out there!


Best Cat Blog: https://www.zeezoey.com/blog

Best Designed Pet Blog: https://www.zeezoey.com/blog

Best Written Pet Blog Post These are some of my recent favorites that received a lot of positive attention:

My Personal Farewell to Cat Fancy Magazine (I discuss the bittersweet news of Cat Fancy magazine folding after 50 years of publication) https://zeezoey.com/blog/my-personal-farewell-to-cat-fancy-magazine/

A Footnote to Cats and How Grieving the Loss of a Pet has Changed as a Result of Social Media (After losing my cats, Jazz and Harley, within the span of a year, I discuss how the grieving process has changed as a result of social media)   https://zeezoey.com/blog/a-footnote-to-cats-and-how-grieving-the-loss-of-a-pet-has-changed-as-a-result-of-social-media/

Cats and the Grieving Process – Reconciling the Loss of Harley and a Special Visit from Mr. Jazz (I share my reflective feelings of what it is like to lose a cat after an unexpected death) https://zeezoey.com/blog/cats-and-the-grieving-process-reconciling-the-loss-of-harley-and-a-special-visit-from-mr-jazz/

Saying Goodbye to Harley – Parting is Such Sorrow… (My tribute post to Harley after her unexpected death) https://zeezoey.com/blog/saying-goodbye-to-harley-parting-is-such-sorrow/

Scratching the Surface on Declawing Cats and Trying to Uncover the Reality of Martha Stewart’s Opinion on the Controversial Subject (A very topical and informative post on the dangers of declawing cats and the ethical responsibility of celebrities) https://zeezoey.com/blog/scratching-the-surface-on-declawing-cats-and-trying-to-uncover-the-reality-of-martha-stewarts-opinion-on-the-controversial-subject/

How to Live in a Multi-Cat Household and Keep the Peace and Harmony (I share my experience and expertise on how to successfully live in a multi-cat household) https://zeezoey.com/blog/how-to-live-in-a-multi-cat-household-and-keep-the-peace-and-harmony/

Best Pet Photo on a Blog: In conjunction with two of the above blog posts, I suggest the following photos that helped to enhance the article:

Scratching the Surface on Declawing Cats and Trying to Uncover the Reality of Martha Stewart’s Opinion on the Controversial Subject (A picture of Jazmine and her very beautiful and necessary claws) https://zeezoey.com/blog/scratching-the-surface-on-declawing-cats-and-trying-to-uncover-the-reality-of-martha-stewarts-opinion-on-the-controversial-subject/


How to Live in a Multi-Cat Household and Keep the Peace and Harmony (A picture of Kizmet reaching out to his new brother, Rolz, in a gesture of love, peace, and friendship) https://zeezoey.com/blog/how-to-live-in-a-multi-cat-household-and-keep-the-peace-and-harmony/


I also suggest this photo for National Hug Your Cat Day from this post: https://zeezoey.com/blog/its-our-favorite-day-today-is-hug-your-cat-day/


Here is further information you may need for nomination purposes:
Email: info@zeezoey.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/zeeandzoey
Facebook: www.facebook.com/zeezoey
BlogPaws Profile: http://community.blogpaws.com/profile/DebBarnes

Good luck to everyone – stay warm and if you’d like to attend the BlogPaws conference that will be held this May 28 – 30 in Nashville, TN, and have not yet registered, just use the code BP15-Speaker-10off to receive 10% off your registration. Click here for details.

I will be speaking on a panel entitled “Bridging the Gap Between Bloggers and Publishing” featuring holistic cat expert and award-winning blogger and photographer, Layla Morgan Wilde of Cat Wisdom 101; writer, photographer, and Editor of CatInTheFridge, Alana Grelyak; and award-winning blogger, editor, and author, Janiss Garza of Sparkle Cat.

Going Nuts! Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day!




Okay, so maybe it’s not completely cat related, but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE squirrels and since it is NATIONAL SQUIRREL APPRECIATION DAY I felt the need to follow my heart and share a post on behalf of these nut loving, cute critters!! Read more