This was the dress image I saw courtesy of Tumblr. No matter which way I look, the dress is white and gold (or possibly a lavender and gold). What color do you see?
Like a gazillion other people, I too have been caught in the recent controversy of “what color is that dress – black and blue or white and gold?” From the image I saw, to me the dress is 100%, hands-down, clearly white and gold. However, I happened to catch The Ellen DeGeneres Show yesterday and she had the owner of the dress on the show, wearing the actual dress, and it was 100%, hands-down, clearly black and blue. I’ve always been pretty good with colors, so all of this got me to thinking… just what color is my cat Jazmine? Is she golden-orange and white or something else? What do you all see??

I always thought Jazmine was a pretty ginger and white cat… Maybe all this time I was wrong and she really is black and blue! What do you all think?

As most of us in the cat blogosphere know, Wednesday’s are reserved for light fare – typically a couple of pictures and very few words. When I had written my post for today it was created in that tone – just something fun and humorous, complimented by a stunning picture of my cat Jazmine. I had no idea BlogPaws would be announcing their nominations for the Nose-to-Nose Social Media Awards, so you can imagine my surprise when I found out Zee and Zoey’s blog was nominated in the category of “Best Cat Blog.” But that’s what cat blogging is all about at Zee and Zoey’s – from the silly to serious and everything in-between, we try our best to be a blog that embraces our passion, love, and dedication to all things cat related.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank everyone for their support over the years – your friendship and readership means the world to me. And special congratulations to my peers, friends, and colleagues who have also been honored with a nomination – please click here for the list of nominees and I can’t wait to see you all at BlogPaws this May where the winners will be revealed!