Wordless Wednesday

Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Weekend Update


Despite that Rick is sleeping on the cat’s bed, he was a very good boy…

For Semi-Wordless Wednesday I thought I’d give you a brief update to let you know how we all survived dog-sitting Rick last weekend. First off, let me make it extremely clear that he is a very good dog and we only had a few incidents that needed to be addressed per the cats. Read more

Not Really Wordless Wednesday – Waiting for the Weekend

Shhh…. I’m trying to type as quietly as possible so as not to upset the cats. We have company coming this weekend and I’m not entirely sure how they will feel about it. Actually, what I meant to say is that we will be dog si……….

kizmet Read more

Semi-Wordless Wednesday: One for the Mancats

by Deb at 12:10 AM • Wordless Wednesday12 Comments

Obviously I adore all my kitties, but today for Semi-Wordless Wednesday I decided to focus on the beautiful mancats of the household by sharing a picture of each of them in their full, stunning glory. I think what I love the most is how they all seem to have the same regal pose – paws outstretched in casual elegance as if to say, “yes,” please do admire our beauty.

Enjoy and best wishes for a happy rest of your week!


Zee hanging out on the kitchen counter. This is one of his favorite lounge spots because it is centrally located, allowing him to be able to easily keep an eye on all of his beloved humans!


Clearly Rolz gets his regal posture from his papa Zee. Seen here he is gracing one of the many cat condos in our house that is obviously well-loved and used!


While Kizmet might not be blood related like Zee and Rolz, he still manages a graceful, regal, and stunning posture just like they do.

Wordless Wednesday – Whiskers by Jazmine

by Deb at 12:10 AM • Jazmine, Wordless Wednesday14 Comments

To see full beauty (and to bring a smile to your day, click image to enlarge)

Simple, classic, and beautiful. I can’t do much more for Wordless Wednesday than to offer you this stunning image of Jazmine. Happy mid-week all – I hope I was able to brighten your week and give you a smile or to by bringing you a bit of kitty love!

Semi-Wordless Wednesday: BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Announcement and What Color is My Cat?


This was the dress image I saw courtesy of Tumblr. No matter which way I look, the dress is white and gold (or possibly a lavender and gold). What color do you see?

Like a gazillion other people, I too have been caught in the recent controversy of “what color is that dress – black and blue or white and gold?” From the image I saw, to me the dress is 100%, hands-down, clearly white and gold. However, I happened to catch The Ellen DeGeneres Show yesterday and she had the owner of the dress on the show, wearing the actual dress, and it was 100%, hands-down, clearly black and blue. I’ve always been pretty good with colors, so all of this got me to thinking… just what color is my cat Jazmine? Is she golden-orange and white or something else? What do you all see??


I always thought Jazmine was a pretty ginger and white cat… Maybe all this time I was wrong and she really is black and blue! What do you all think?

BEST-CAT-BLOG-n2n2015-FINALISTbadgeAs most of us in the cat blogosphere know, Wednesday’s are reserved for light fare – typically a couple of pictures and very few words. When I had written my post for today it was created in that tone – just something fun and humorous, complimented by a stunning picture of my cat Jazmine. I had no idea BlogPaws would be announcing their nominations for the Nose-to-Nose Social Media Awards, so you can imagine my surprise when I found out Zee and Zoey’s blog was nominated in the category of “Best Cat Blog.” But that’s what cat blogging is all about at Zee and Zoey’s – from the silly to serious and everything in-between, we try our best to be a blog that embraces our passion, love, and dedication to all things cat related.

From the bottom of my heart, I thank everyone for their support over the years – your friendship and readership means the world to me. And special congratulations to my peers, friends, and colleagues who have also been honored with a nomination – please click here for the list of nominees and I can’t wait to see you all at BlogPaws this May where the winners will be revealed!