Happy Autumnal Equinox / First Day of Fall!

We don’t get much of an autumn in Florida, but this picture of Rolz taking a stroll near our hibiscus bush really gives the impression of a pretty fall day.
According to the Farmer’s Almanac, Fall (the autumnal equinox) begins on September 23, early in the morning at 4:21 a.m. In technical terms, the autumnal equinox is when the Sun appears to cross the celestial equator from north to south.
In my South Florida terms, it means it will begin to get darker and darker each morning before I leave for work and it will also get darker a lot quicker before I cook dinner when I get home. The temperature will still be in the 90’s, as we don’t get our glorious, gift from God humidity-free temperatures until sometime in November, and we definitely don’t get the beautiful change in leaf color on the trees like our friends up North do.
What does it mean for the cats? Well, honestly, they seem to have internal clocks of their own, because they still know what time to wake me up in the morning before the alarm goes off and they still know what time dinner is! About the only change they will feel is less sunbeam bathing time during the day, which means more snuggle time on the bed instead of near the windows.
Have a great one all – and as a side note – how many of you remember the Farmer’s Almanac? When I was growing up, it was a big part of my life. We lived in a very rural town on the east shore of Lake Ontario in New York and did a lot of gardening to sustain ourselves. The almanac helped us to gauge how long our growing season would be and if I remember correctly, it was always pretty accurate. How times have changed… now everything we need to know is just a keyboard click away…instantly updated as circumstances warrant…