For those of you looking for a job like me, I seriously recommend you enlist the help of your cat. The love, support, and selfless encouragement you will get is incredibly uplifting and inspiring – the pictures don’t lie – here’s Jazmine helping me…

Mom? Mom who? You have the camera out – isn’t this all about me?

Oh… why didn’t you tell me cat treats and toys were in jeopardy?! Of course I’ll help Mom find a job!

Ahem… better?

Already lady… enough with the Facebook… and Instagram… and the blog… and emails… and Twitter… and anything else you can procrastinate with! Time to find a job! Am I making myself clear?

*Yawn* How long is this going to take? A cat’s gotta eat and nap, ya know…

This is exhausting… what is the problem, lady? You just applied for a job a minute ago that was purrfect for you – how come they didn’t call you yet?

Clearly I’ve done everything I can… Can we please focus back on me again… Being cute is a 24/7 job around here!
Sigh… thanks Jazmine! But I can’t argue with your logic – being cute is a 24/7 job and thank goodness you will never be in jeopardy of being let go like I was! Sorry I couldn’t find a job in less than 10 minutes… I promise I’ll keep trying!
Have a great Wednesday everyone!!

Sidenote – Yes… I’m still looking for a job. But with a helper like Jazmine and the love and support of all of you and the rest of my feline gang, family, and friends, it’s not so bad. Thank you all again for your kindness over the past couple of weeks – I couldn’t get through it without you!