
Cat Compulsions – Red Light/Green Light

by Deb at 5:50 AM • Uncategorized31 Comments

What is it about cats that they cannot control the urge to chase the red dot from a laser pen? As you well know, if a cat doesn’t want to do something, they won’t. But yet, take the laser pen out and they will wake from a deep sleep or stop whatever they are doing to chase that dot – almost like when a light changes from yellow to green and it’s full speed ahead, all systems go! Even the laziest cat on earth, our Miss Harley is powerless to the spell of the laser pen and is unable to NOT try to capture this elusive red monster. Read more

Standing Room Only – An Ovation to Cats!

by Deb at 5:50 AM • Uncategorized27 Comments

When it comes to cats, they are all wonderfully unique, but there are some habits or characteristics attributed to them that most of us can relate too in one degree or another when it comes to our own feline babies. Since I have eight cats, rather than focus on one in particular, I have devised a generic “24 hour typical day” that provides an average composite of all of them. And please note, this is all subject to change. By the time I publish this post, their habits could have changed completely. That’s just how it is with a cat… once you think you’ve figured them out, they go and change things up on you! Read more

Make Love, Not War… Happy Valentine’s Day From Zee & Zoey!

by Deb at 5:50 AM • Uncategorized22 Comments

If there were ever a poster cat for love, compassion, tolerance, and sweetness, our Zee would win paws down and that is why he is our messenger for peace and love this Valentine’s Day! Let’s use the day to be kind to one another – all creatures great and small – and to love and respect the lives we have.  Hugs, purrs, meows, and kisses to all our friends on this special day!

The One and Only Mr. Jazz…

by Deb at 5:50 AM • Uncategorized30 Comments

Everyone loves Mr. Jazz – and why not, he’s a snuggly, love-muffin, cuddly bear of a cat!!

By popular demand, the elusive, one and only Mr. Jazz will be the subject of our post today. Much like that seldom spoken about, never seen other daughter of the Osbourne’s (Aimee), that is what our Jazz is like. Quite frankly, despite being the sweetheart he is, he does not like the camera and prefers to keep the publicity at a minimum, unlike his feline cohorts who are such camera hogs that they can pose in their sleep! Read more

You be the Judge – “Cat in a Basket” Photos – Just how Adorable are They?

by Deb at 5:50 AM • Uncategorized20 Comments

We all love a good “cat in a box” photo, but what about baskets? Why is this adorable picture setting often overlooked and underrated in the mainstream cat stereotype world? To put an end to the clear favoritism, we have a series of wicker basket photos that might just get you to rethinking the whole cute box mentality…

None of our cats take relaxing to the same extreme level our expert Harley does…

Peanut is so camouflaged that you would think at first glance she is one of the toys in the basket!

Um… okay… Peanut is awake… Quick, someone get this kitty a cup of coffee – she looks like she needs it!!

Ever the regal gentleman cat, Rolz looks completely dignified and stunning amidst a basket filled with silly toys!

Have we converted anyone yet? How about your cat? What places do they like to play and snuggle in other than a box – we would love for you to share your stories!  Oh, and just to be perfectly honest, we actually do LOVE a good kitty in a box picture, but, believe it or not, don’t have any of our kitties!! I know, crazy, right?!!! 642 million cat photos and not a one of them has a cat in a box.. All the great stuff we get to review comes in boxes, but where are the pictures? I think with the holidays coming up, we’re going to have to give our wicker basket some competition and get some adorable “cat in a box” photos!