Awards and Nominations

Petties 2011 Awards – July 29th – Last Day to Vote!

Zee and Zoey thank everyone for all of their support for the Petties 2011 Awards

Well, it’s finally here – July 29th – the final day to vote for Zee and Zoey in the category of “Best Designed Blog” for the Petties 2011 Awards. It’s been a long month of campaigning and Zee and Zoey thank each and every one of you for all of your support. We are hopeful that we will be able to present the Cat Network with the $1000 donation, but, win or lose, we still feel like we have won. We have met so many wonderful new friends along the way and learned so much about our cause – educating people on the critical need to have cats spayed and neutered to help stop the epidemic of cat overpopulation.

We did a three part series on this topic and if you have not had a chance to read these heartfelt and informative posts, I hope you will. I know they have changed my life with what I have learned, and I think it will change yours as well:

The Petties Awards 2011 – Making a Difference – Part One
The Petties Awards 2011 – Making a Difference – Part Two
The Petties Awards 2011 – Making a Difference – Part Three

Thank you again and hope to see you at BlogPaws soon!!

Pettie Award Nomination 2011: How to Reduce Cat Overpopulation – Part Two

Just what is an epidemic of cat overpopulation, how did it start, and what can we do to help?

On the surface, it would appear that these are relatively simple questions with quick and easy answers. For Christine Michaels, volunteer for the Cat Network of South Florida and Riverfront Cats, as well as my choice of donation should Zee & Zoey win the category of “Best Designed Blog” for the Petties 2011 Awards, it turns out this is the most difficult obstacle of all – trying to educate a community where there is little to zero awareness that a problem even exists, let alone a reason to help.

It became popular in the 1800’s for cats to be used in farms and townships to reduce rodent infestations

Let’s set the facts straight right now. Cats have been domesticated for thousands of years – whether it started with the Egyptians as a symbol of worship, or to reduce the rodent population in farms and townships in the 1800’s, to today – where our cats are beloved and pampered members of our household, this creature is the creation of human need and desire. All free-roaming, stray, feral, whatever you want to call them cats, are the descendants of unaltered tame cats somewhere in the ancestry line. One unsterilized cat dumped on the street for whatever human reason, can lead to 5,000 cats in seven generations. Multiply that by an entire community, filled with negligent or ignorant people, and that is how an epidemic is not only born, but sustained. Read more

Vote for Zee & Zoey – Tuna Promised in Every Bowl…

Being cats on a campaign is no easy feat. When you factor in 12 hours a day of napping, 1 hour of window sunning, and assorted moments of chasing bugs and crawling in paper bags, there is barely a minute left to even scratch a few pieces of furniture. But, Zee and Zoey are relentless to their cause to win the Petties 2011 Awards in the category of “Best Designed Blog.” Read more

Pettie Award Nomination 2011: How to Reduce Cat Overpopulation – Part One

While posting pictures of my pretty kitties and writing lighthearted posts about the joys of being owned by them is wonderful, sometimes we have to step back a bit and look at the world for the harsh realities that are in front of us. Being chosen as one of the four finalists for the Petties 2011 Awards for the “Best Designed Blog” category is amazing and quite an honor. The possibility of winning $1000 for a rescue organization of my choice is even more so, but with it comes a significant mental and moral responsibility. It’s one thing to hand a check over to someone for a cause, it is another thing all together to really embrace and understand who you are giving it to and why.

My beloved Kit who came to me as a stray in 1992. Here she is resting on her favorite spot, the windowsill, sunning herself and bird watching. This was the last picture of her on the windowsill before she passed away at 18 years of age.

In my lifetime, I have had at least a dozen cats/kittens that have come to me by some design of fate – they have “appeared” in my driveway, I have happened upon them alongside the road or some other public place, or they have been given to me because I was someone’s last hope for a kitty to be saved from a certain demise. All of these methods have been relatively easy emotionally. Open the door. Feed the kitty. Kitty does not leave and becomes a permanent member of your family. For those dedicated and incredible people who give so much of their time, money, heart, and soul to spearheading rescue causes, that is an entirely different ball game and one that I am not certain I could handle with the grace, dignity, inner-strength, fortitude, and dedication that they do. Read more

Zee & Zoey’s Cat Chronicles First Place Winner for BlogPaws Photo Caption Contest!

The cats of Zee & Zoey's Cat Chronicles make a dream come true by winning the BlogPaws 2011 Photo Caption ContestWe Wish we Will, we Wish we Might, oh Dear BlogPaws Judges, let it be our Human Mom on a Flight Tonight. She Works so Hard, Day and Night, a Trip to Virginia Would be oh so Right!

When I entered this picture of Mia, Zoey, Zee, and Peanut looking out the window, I felt it had some sort of dreamy, magical feel to it, almost as if they were wishing upon a star for me that I might win a trip to BlogPaws. Turns out it was magical, because it was chosen as the first place winner for the BlogPaws Photo Caption Contest to win a trip to the 2011 conference that will be held on August 25 – 27 in Tysons Corner, VA. Read more