Cat Ear Caturday – A Cat Lady’s Element

Enter at your own risk!

Cat ears and Caturday, to me, just like coffee and cream, or a rainy day and a good book, somethings just go together.
Although for me, it’s really any day and cat ears, because I’ll take any opportunity, reason, or excuse to don my favorite feline fashion accessory. But be forewarned, as the bevy of pictures to follow will show, it’s not just me and cat ears I’m obsessed with – man, woman, child, friend, family member, dogs, cats, and even rats, if you’re anywhere in my vicinity, I’ll try to get you to wear a pair of my cat ears as well!That fact was well documented and confirmed after I started going through my library of pictures. Picture after picture of me getting other people to wear my cat ears (because yes, I do have several available pairs, always at the ready), making it difficult to keep this post to a manageable amount! Anyhow, enjoy my trip down memory cat ear lane and Happy Caturday (and don’t be surprised if we meet up one day and I get you to wear a pair of my cat ears, too!)

A visit with my brother and his family proves I don’t limit cat ears to one person – I bring enough for the whole group (as a bonus, I got them to wear my favorite color – leopard print!)

Okay – so maybe this cute pet rat I met at a BlogPaws conference isn’t wearing a pair of my cat ears, but if I had a pair small enough, he would have…

One of my greatest thrills is getting celebrities to wear my cat ears – this is Peter Shankman, author, motivational speaker, and founder of HARO.

Classic cat ears – the first time I met bloggers, Ingrid King of The Conscious Cat and Caren Gittleman of Cat Chat with Caren and Cody in 2011 I got them to wear my ears for a photo opportunity!

Dino Dogan from Triberr loved my cat ears so much, he borrowed them to wear for some of his speaking sessions at BlogPaws 2012.

Okay, maybe it’s not cat ears, but this gentleman posing with Christine Michaels of Riverfront Cats and me at Barkworld was having the time of his life wearing his mouse ears with us!

This poor soul, Ken Kunz from PetCareRx, was like a deer in headlights when he met me at Barkworld! I told him by the end of the conference he would be wearing cat ears and sure enough, he was…

My first Cat Writers Conference in 2011 – posing with Susan Logan, then editor of Cat Fancy Magazine.

Okay, so this never actually happened, but I can still dream that my beloved Ellen will wear a pair of my cat ears one day…

Recruiting my step-daughter, Jackie, and her cousin, Katie to my world!

Certified animal behavior consultant, radio host, and newspaper columnist, Steve Dale and me at BlogPaws 2015.

Lucy from the Lucy Foundation wasn’t able to wear cat ears, but she did wear a cool pair of shades so we could take this photo together at BlogPaws 2015!

Dr. Marty Becker – America’s Veterinarian and Fear Free Pets Founder being the good sport he always is, as he wears a pair of my cat ears at the CWA/BlogPaws conference in 2016.

Weruva rep, Jimmy, at CWA/BlogPaws 2016 – doesn’t he look adorable?!

A dream shot from the BlogPaws/CWA 2016 conference – all the CWA members for one group shot (with most of us wearing cat ears!)

I went to a pre-Christmas lunch with my mom and my son last year – this is what happened instead…

I tried to convince Santa to wear my cat ears, but he wouldn’t budge. No matter, he was wearing them in my mind…

One of our newest CWA members – Jessica Spawn – at our 2018 CWA conference. Like me, I think Jessica was born wearing cat ears!

If anyone had any doubts as to my credentials, me back in my college days, 1979. It might not be leopard, but it is cat ears!

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  1. I think you and I would get along well, Deb! I have several pairs of cat ears and am always looking for more to add to my collection! Where do you get all your cute ears?

  2. Cat ears forever! The very first time I wore cat ears was with you at our first CWA conf. in 2011 🙂

  3. Ingrid King says:

    I’m pretty sure that that old photo is still the only photo in existence of me wearing cat ears 🙂 Only for you, Deb, only for you!

    • Deb says:

      I’m very aware of how privileged I am to have that picture, Ingrid! It’s one of my all-time favorites and I’ll always cherish it, along with the memory that goes along with it!

  4. jmuhj says:

    I have a pair of black ones but haven’t worn them for awhile. One time at Halloween I was handing out candy and a little kid had the nerve to insist they were mouse ears. Twice. ;( Anyway, I’m all about cat TAILS.

  5. Ellen Pilch says:

    I have one set. I am impressed with all of yours 🙂

  6. Wow, that’s a lot of ears! And all of them are great!

  7. caren says:

    OMC I AM DYING LAUGHING!!!!!!!! What a fantastic series of photos, ESPECIALLY the one of you in 1979!!!!!!! OMC that is waaaaaaaaaaay before EVERYTHING!! You get the award for wearing cat ears longer than ANYONE! That photo is a gem! Thanks for this fun post! (oh and you didn’t have to twist my arm or Ingrid’s to join you in the fun if you remember!)

    • Deb says:

      I know – that picture from 1979 is classic, right?!! And for the record, I started leopard print before Peg Bundy from Married With Children made it popular! And I do remember what fun we had taking that picture – no arm twisting at all!

  8. Cat ears go with everything!

  9. Love all of those cat ears! I must say that I have more than a few here. Not only the ones on Spike William LOL

    Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William and Mom Teri

  10. Andrea Dorn says:

    Thanks for the wonderful romp into your cat ear world. I’ve been known to wear cat ears at cat shows.