Wordless Wednesday – Whiskers by Jazmine

by Deb at 12:10 AM • Jazmine, Wordless Wednesday14 Comments

To see full beauty (and to bring a smile to your day, click image to enlarge)

Simple, classic, and beautiful. I can’t do much more for Wordless Wednesday than to offer you this stunning image of Jazmine. Happy mid-week all – I hope I was able to brighten your week and give you a smile or to by bringing you a bit of kitty love!

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  1. Gorgeous photo of Jazmine and yes, I got your e-mail – look forward to hearing from you! 🙂

  2. Carolyn says:


    that was Austin swooning!

  3. Jazmine, you’re a spectacularly photogenic girl!

    We missed you at Global Pet Expo this year. Hopefully the stars align for you to come up next time.

  4. Mr Puddy says:

    Miss Jazmine, you look so BOOTIFUL !
    And your mom is so sweet 🙂
    My mom will say ” Puddy you have whisker to know you can walk through the door or not ” + giggle

  5. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    one werd….

    total lee gorgeouz ~~~~~~ ♥♥


  6. Gorgeous profile, and beautiful whiskers ! Purrs

  7. Annabelle says:

    Stuning Jazmine!

  8. Ellen Pilch says:

    That is a beautiful photo of Jazmine!

  9. Absolutely gorgeous!!!

  10. Absolutely GORGEOUS!! xoxo

  11. meowmeowmans says:

    What an amazing photo of beautiful Jazmine (and her awesome whiskers)! 🙂