Wordless Wednesday – A Frightening Update from the Zee/Zoey Kitties!

Today’s Wordless Wednesday photo is brought to you by the glorious and stunning eyes of our lovely Zoey… Thank you Zoey!
Frightening, huh? Wasn’t Christmas just a couple of months ago? It sure seems that way! Sigh… the older you get, the quicker time really goes!
Anyhow, have a great Wednesday everyone and enjoy each and every minute you have… even the annoying ones, like standing in the wrong line at the grocery store, or the boring ones, like when you’re at the bottom of your “procrastination pile” and are resigned to doing something you really hate, like filing old paperwork. Those minutes – from the good to the bad – are all we get… oh, and while you’re at it, hug a cat… that’s always time well spent!
Thank you to everyone who has so generously donated to the Riverfront Cats Fundraiser and Giveaway. Today is the last day to donate and enter our giveaway – to find out who the lucky winner is, please come back on Caturday, October 31 to find out!
Speaking of scary, while feeding the Riverfront Cats tonight, two racoons appeared and shooshing them away didn’t work this time and they came right towards me! EEKs because I was next to plate of cat food . They are getting more bold! So the cats ran away. Then I set up separate plates of cat food for raccoons on one side, and then cats could return and eat their food. So now I’m feeding cats and raccoons! Lol.
Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Time moves so much more quickly as we age……I remember being a teen and thinking time just DRAGGED by and now it’s passing in the blink of an eye. Kind of scary – an interesting realizing right before Halloween YES! Hope the fund-raising is super successful……
Hugs, Pam and Sam
Thanks for the positive message, blessings to you and yours!!!!!
That sure is frightening….Christmas is coming in no time! Great reminder for enjoying every moment 🙂
Thank you for your visit xoxo
Ahhh yes…. tis the season is fast approaching! And yes, it seems to get here faster every year. Ho Ho, Oh No!
It’s already Christmas in the stores. So far no Christmas music but; I am sure that is coming.
It’s my absolute favorite time of the year but it goes SO fast!!!
my grandmother used to say she went to bed and was 78, and when she woke up someone said
Happy 79th !! ~~~~~ ♥♥♥
57 shopping days – yikes. PANIC mode. That is a scary thought.
Yikes! The mom says..where did the year go???
I’m thinking of boycotting Christmas this year. LOL
Yep, mommy sez da same fing. Altho’ she dusn’t weally stwess much anymore since we don’t have money fur stuff, it’s just anuvver day wound here.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
That is really scary! I’m not ready to deal with Christmas shopping yet. I do love Christmas, though. It’s hard to believe it is almost Halloween already!
Yikes, we have no idea where the time has gone. We’re still trying to wrap our minds around the fact that it’s already Halloween week!
That is frightening, but the kitty is cute 🙂
Scary how quick time flies 🙂
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Shhhhh ! Don’t tell Mum about it right now !! She’s already under the water (very deep you know) because of the IT set up at school ! Purrs