Wishes For a Safe and Happy Meow-O-Ween to All!
We say “Happy Meow-O-Ween” with a bit of reservation and respect, as we know many of our friends and family are feeling the effects of Hurricane Sandy and might not feel like celebrating. We wish all of you well and hope that you will be safe and get through the ordeal as best as possible.
I personally have been through several hurricanes and know just how scary, surreal, and devastating they can be. The best advice I can give people, is to remember that even when the storm is over, it is still very dangerous outside, especially to our pets.
Keep in mind if you have a dog that you are walking, or if you are walking around yourself, that flooded streets may have live wires exposed that can cause electrocution and that heavy tree branches can fall at any moment. While you may be stir crazy and want to poke around a bit and explore, please be extremely cautious and careful.
The last big storm I went through was Hurricane Wilma in 2005 that ranged from a category 2 -5 and it happened right around the same time as Sandy. We were without power for almost a week (for some, it was a lot longer) and Halloween was canceled because roads were blocked by dangers such as fallen debris or flooding. Because we were not as prepared as we have learned to become as a result of Hurricane Katrina, there were long lines for gas (many gas stations had no gas at all), lines for ice to keep food from spoiling, and many grocery stores were barren and also without power. We now have plans in place here in South Florida and the stores and gas stations have backup generators.
A curfew was put in place to keep people safe at night and I think the worst was not being able to take a hot shower after a long day of cleaning up heavy tree debris in sweltering hot temperatures and driving conditions. Because traffic lights were out, driving became an exercise in Russian Roulette, especially in high-traffic intersections. Even on a good day, South Florida is not known for having good driving skills or etiquette…
Anyhow, in the scheme of things, all the pretty trees and landscaping that was lost, the damaged roofs, and all the devastation and damage that was caused did not matter as long as friends and family members were okay. My heart goes out to all of you and I wish you and yours the best Halloween you can have in light of the circumstances.
Happy Halloween to you and yours – what an adorable picture!
My heart goes out to everyone affected by Sandy. I can’t imagine living through the kinds of hurricanes you’ve been through. I was plenty terrified by this category 1, and my area wasn’t even hit that hard.
We sure do wish all those up North the very best and hope that everyone is all right. We have been through three hurricanes ourselves. It is not any fun especially when you have to evacuate with 30 horses and many cats and dogs and one time goats.
Happy Halloween to all of you. Cute picture.
Happy Halloween. My hearts to go out to everyone also. My best friend lives in a small town in NY.
I loved the photo. That was great advice for those in the storm. Just because the storm has passed doesn’t mean its safe to go out.
I hope you have a safe and fun Halloween!
Carma Poodale
A howling-ween to you too! Wagging Wordless Wednesday Halloween!
So glad you and all the babies are safe and sound. I really feel for everyone who has been effected by Sandy. Kiss all the babies for me and have a happy howloween for us.
Miss Bella and Sele
a grate post two day Z & Z….and we hope everee one haza happee howl o ween at yur place and when ewe R done posin with de pumpkins…think of all de PIE !!!! YUM 🙂
Super cute photo and great advice! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Great post.
Sandy caused so much damage to so many people, it is very sad. Our prayers include all the affected ones.
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Happy Halloween!
Thank you for thinking of all those who are dealing with the effects of Sandy. There are so, so many here in the Northeast.
Happy Halloween to you all!
LOVE your Halloween card <3
We have seen on the news here in Sweden how bad Sandy have behaved to you in the States 🙁
The last big hurricane we had in SC was Hugo. There was devastation throughout SC. We hope everyone get through safely and quickly.,
I love your seven fur balls. Seven has always been my comfort number; though, once eight were in residence and are again. Fell in love with a dilute tort, Calista Josette at a recent adoption event! Check her and my others out at http://www.thecatonmyhead.com.
Happy belated Halloween! We had lots of ghouls and goblins (and a ton of pricesses) last night. Me watched from the window and then (when Daddy let me out of the bedroom because me was singing) from the back oof the sofa.
We lives in a teeny tiney village and there are about 30 kids, last night wes had over 85! (All the farm kids comes to town for trick and treating).
I love seeing all of your kitties. And thanks for sharing your storm survival story with us. Those are good reminders. Happy Wordless Wednesday a day late.