The Days Before Christmas…
We apologize that we haven’t been around much lately but it’s been hectic having company and getting ready for Christmas! We thought we’d share a few photos so you can see what’s been keeping us so busy!
Early Day 1 –

Later in the afternoon we begin our all weekend cookie making marathon! Rolz is supervising the Rolo pretzel treats we are making! All is still calm…
Later on Day 1 –

Pretzel treats are done and more company arrives…. including the D.O.G. All is no longer calm as Kizmet so succinctly shows us with his expression.
Day 2 –

Day 2 begins with cookie making detail. Rolz looks on and expresses his displeasure in my outfit and politely asks me to change out of my ratty pj’s if we are taking blog pictures…

Now that I have changed, Rolz gives his nod of approval. Harley looks on as Jackie and I make M&M cookies. I am not actually mad in this picture… I am just struggling to open the bag of candy!

The best part of the day for Harley is hanging with her buddy, Joe. Harley adores Joe and remembers the days when he used to be a teenager living with us!

Twas a couple nights before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, especially the cats since the D.O.G. had left for the day…
Hope you enjoyed the pictures and if we don’t get the chance to see you before Christmas, we wish you a blessed and happy day with you and yours!
Lol@ratty PhD
May you Christmas be peaceful and kitty approved
That looks like a wonderfully family-filled holiday time. Well, except the D.O.G. We hope you have a wonderful holiday full of happiness!
Merry Christmas to you and your family- human and furry. Even the DOG. I always enjoy your blog and pictures.
We sure did enjoy seeing your wonderful photos and it looks like y’all are cooking up some holiday joy!
Are you hiding photos of the D-O-G? You know that GRAND-Dog!! Love Kismets’ expression. That made me Bark Out Loud.
Merry Christmas from my family to yours.
Carma Poodale
Love it…It’s a cozy cat Christmas!
Is Jackie your daughter?
Don’t worry about Mr.Rolz 😉 you have the purrfect figure~you can get away w/wearing anything!
Merry Christmas <3
Loved all your pictures and seeing your wonderful family of humans and cats. That picture of Kizmet is so adorable. It was refreshing to see you in sleeveless tops too – we’re in the middle of winter here with 7 inches of snow on the ground. No short sleeves for us.
Lots of fun festivities going on at your house! Good thing you have some furry snoopervisors to help you. 🙂
Looks like a great Christmas at your house!
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Everything is beautiful.You,your family ,your kitties,your house,just everything.May your Christmas be a blessed one.
My human wishes we were at mewz house to enjoy those M&M cookies, and I wouldn’t mind snuggling up with that cutie kit Kismet! Thank mew for a fun year of posts, happy holidays!!
oh those were sooo much fun! Love Kizmet’s expression! lol. Your house is gorgeous my friend!
Beautiful pictures. Loved seeing them. Merry Christmas.
Merry Catmas, guys! For some reason I never pictured you making coolies. Was sure you were a diva like myself. MOL! TW should be making fudge at this very moment but doesn’t feel like it. Glad the d.o.g. is gone. I’m impressed that Charlie Brown lives in your house!
fishin in concreet iz eazier two day than commintin guys. merry christmas!!!!!
You have cats? Every time I have been over recently I haven’t seen any…maybe it has something to do with the D.O.G.?
LOVE your holiday pics and traditions! We wish you the warmest holiday purrs of love and peace. We’re not blogging today but will be back with a Christmas wish tomorrow.
Christmas at your house looks SO wonderful! Merry Christmas to you, dear friends. Sending you much love, and wishes for a holiday season filled with peace and joy.