Standing Room Only – An Ovation to Cats!
When it comes to cats, they are all wonderfully unique, but there are some habits or characteristics attributed to them that most of us can relate too in one degree or another when it comes to our own feline babies. Since I have eight cats, rather than focus on one in particular, I have devised a generic “24 hour typical day” that provides an average composite of all of them. And please note, this is all subject to change. By the time I publish this post, their habits could have changed completely. That’s just how it is with a cat… once you think you’ve figured them out, they go and change things up on you!
16.5 Hours – Time spent napping (some call it reflecting, others call it time for a cat to further plot to rule the world, and some just call it laziness)
45 Minutes – Time spent engaged in either heavy eating, grazing, or begging for treats. This also includes swishing paw in water dish and making general overall mess.
30 Minutes – Randomly running, for no apparent reason from one end of the room to the other. Could possibly include jumping on the counter or table and scolding from humans.
15 Minutes – Time spent trying to capture that darn elusive red dot… we’re getting so close…
1 Hour – Time spent following human(s) about the house. It could include tripping them as they walk, helping with household chores, such as making the bed, or trying to escape between their legs to go outside, even though we are not allowed…
2 Hours – Time outside of naptime spent cuddling with human. This could occur while they are on the computer, sitting on the couch, or even when they are on the toilet or trying to eat dinner. Whatever makes most sense at the time and is most inconvenient for the human is preferable.
30 Minutes – Time spent trying to open closed doors, drawers, or cabinets. There is no reason for this, other than, “if it is closed, it must be open.”
40 Seconds – Attacking toe monsters under the bed covers.
1 Hour – Wistfully (well, more like catatonically) watching birds out the window and wondering (quite innocently) why you can’t invite them in for lunch…
1 Hour – Using the litter box. Again, and again, and again. Why does the human keep scooping it if we are not to use it again?
20 Seconds – Experiencing a random scare that gives you instantaneous “poofy tail.”
30 Seconds – Discovery of a box – must climb inside…
25 Seconds – Hacking up a strategically placed hairball for human to step on…
15 Seconds – Standing in a perfectly poised position for no apparent reason whatsoever out of the clear blue.
It is the last 15 seconds that I am most fascinated with. Why is it that a cat all of a sudden just stops whatever they are doing to strike a pose and stand in perfect position? It appears to serve no apparent purpose, that is until Zoey so exquisitely shared the obvious:
Hmmm….. yes, I acquiesce to your obvious superiority, grace, and beauty…it all makes sense now. Here are some more of my favorite cats striking a perfect pose pictures. Enjoy and have a great Caturday!!

Peanut looking whimsical as ever. She is also on top of one of our many cat condos… Do you think she would look so carefree if she knew there was a bird behind her?
You sure captured every cat’s essential “catness” in those 24 hours!
That was terrific and so were the photos. Everything sounds about normal for these parts too!
The photos are beautiful. Would you mind sharing what kind of camera you use? Thanks!
Kathryn – Thank you!My fiance takes the pictures. I really can’t give you an exact answer on the camera because these photos have been taken at varying times, with different cameras. His current camera that he uses is a Nikon D90.
Thanks for that info. I am in the market for a new camera and these pictures are so good, I feel as if I could reach out and pet each one.
Those are some mighty good pictures. They all sure do look happy. I love it when the ones take a moment to pose. It all sounds just about the same as we have here. Take care.
the photos exquisite as always, loved this post but for Cody the time spent eating, begging and wanting food is probably 12 hours 🙂
MOL Caren!! So funny!! Yes, I am sure that everyone will adjust the hours based on their own kitties, but wow… Cody sure does love his food!! 🙂
Are you sure it’s not our planning you are using? It sounds so familiar!
Mario’s mom here – you are so :right on” with your list of behaviors. I think that is what is so intriguing about cats – they just do their own thing whenever. By the way, your cats are all very beautiful and your are a pro with the camera.
Thank you Mariodacat, but I have to give all the photo credits to my fiance, Dan. He is the talent in the family in that regard and I am so blessed to have such wonderful pictures to use to help tell my kitty stories! You will note that any time there is a poorly focused, blurry, and badly framed photo, that I took that one!! (Just look at the photos I take at BlogPaws if you don’t believe me!! LOL)
Very funny Deb! I never thought of observing my girl’s attitudes and behaviors like this. Well done and of course your babies all look beautiful striking their poses.
Kismet looks rather astonished himself!
Ms Stella O Houligan
MOL!! Very funny and true observation, Ms. Stella O’Houligan!!
As our mom likes to say, “Cats are predictably unpredictable.” We think, however, that you mapped out our usual routine to a T. Happy Caturday back at ‘cha. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
What a wonderful, accurate compilation. You have one more cat than we do, but I concur whole-heartedly with your assessments …. errrrr…the cat’s version of their day.
My own blog on the Cat Blogosphere has been sadly neglected, and I’m sure the kitties are upset with me for not allowing them their computer time in recent months. … 😉
Wowza! Miss Zoey is exquis-cat! MOM! You need to take picture lessons….
pee ess: Love the breakdown Deb… I’ll have to time the boys and see if it holds true!
me is wondering how many days it took to catch pictures of all of the cats?
Somedays Mommy can get 15 great shots of mes and waits another 2 weeks to gets another.
Nellie – there is no answer to that question!! I have a huge library filled with pictures of my kitties – some pictures are very current and some are older!
Spitty’s day:
22 hours Sleeping/napping/resting/staring
1 hour Getting his Human to play with him
30 minutes Eating
28 minutes Digging in litterbox
2 minutes USING litterbox
MOL Spitty!!!!
Waffles Too needs to up that time estimate for the random running. He’s got the zoomies like NOBODY’S business. ; )
This was a hilarious post! …love the time estimates. hehe!
Glogirly says the REAL trick is having your camera ready for those elusive 15 seconds. Fortunately you had yours ready! Those are beautiful shots.
: ) Katie
Glogirly – If I had used Kizmet as the yardstick for a typical 24 hour day, the results would have been vastly different!! He’s quite the zoomer himself!! The same could be said if I used Harley – The napping would increase to 23.5 hours a day with a half hour left for everything else!!
Apart from minor variations in the timing, yes I would say I concur! The 20 seconds for the “random scare” had me spitting out my breakfast!!! lol So true! Super pics, as always x
CATachresis… as you well know, there is nothing better than spotting the elusive “poofy tail!”
You’d think we’d find other things to do, but we can do this over and over, every single day. Which species is a creature of habit?! They know this…
Loved this!