Saying Goodbye to Harley – Parting is Such Sorrow…

Harley was a ray of sunshine in our lives and her beautiful coat and sweet disposition always reminded me of a carefree field of sunflowers…
It is with extreme pain and despair that I write to inform you our beloved Harley crossed to the Bridge this past Tuesday. It was completely unexpected and as a result I am truly having trouble communicating with any sense of peace or comfort but I felt that you all needed to know, as I know you loved her for the sweetheart she was. My grief is just too raw and too profound right now for words – the road Dan and I have been traveling of late has been extremely difficult – I feel we have each aged a hundred years in the span of mere months and losing our darling baby in the midst of it all is a hard cross to bear and I am incapable of rationale thinking and eloquence at the moment.
I will just say that we did what was best for her. She had undergone a grave epileptic seizure and I honestly can’t write about it – I tried, but I just can’t. Not now anyhow. The words won’t come out and those that do are a meaningless garble of detached and confused sentences and I just don’t have it in me to open my feelings on this one at the moment. All I can do is take comfort in the fact that she lived in a loving and happy home and never once did she go a day without knowing how much we cared about her. She was an absolutely darling girl who didn’t have a mean bone in her body and she always had a friendly meow, or two, or three, for anyone who cared to converse with her.
I know they say to look for the happy moments in life and I firmly believe in that mindset, but since she was one of those happy moments, it will be difficult to move on without her. I am grateful for her sake that she is at peace and that Dan and I were with her in her final moments. We got to tell her how much we loved her and we got to say goodbye. She heard our loving voices and she was not alone. It wasn’t how I wanted it and it isn’t fair, but surely we all know that life is not always easy, fair, or just.

Our Harley looks so peaceful here… Dan took this photo of her just a few days ago and we had no idea what was in store for us all…
I don’t understand why she had to be taken from us and I probably never will, but I never understood why my sweet golden retriever puppy, Bailey, who was only two years old died of cancer or why my dog Meadow got hit by a car. These things happen every single day, all across the world, and if I must find comfort, it is that Harley will now be with Bailey and Meadow as well as with Mr. Jazz and many other fur friends who will gladly open up their paws and hearts to her in a happy and glorious welcome.
Time will march on and the pain will lesson. It won’t happen quickly but I am grateful for Dan, my kitties, and my friends and family who are such an important part of my life that will help me heal. Harley will forever remain in my heart and as someone who has loved animals her whole life, I know only too well that they are with us for borrowed time and that we have to love them for however long or short the amount of time we are blessed to have with them is. R.I.P. my darling girl… the couch will never be the same without you on it next to me… Until we meet again, I love you…
I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Thank you for your condolences, bichonpawz.
This is such sad news. We all feel your pain and hope sweet memories of your time with Harley will bring comfort.
Thank you for your comforting thoughts, Maggie.
You loved her. Harley knew love. Hold onto that. Love is the most important thing of all.
Yes, holding on to that love is most important. Thank you Nerissa.
Harley was a beautiful soul, we’re so very sorry for your loss. Sending you all our warmest wishes and hugs.
Thank you for your warm wishes and hugs, Pawesome Cats.
I am so sorry to hear about Harley. It is never easy and they stay forever in our hearts. But as you said, she knew she was loved and cared for everyday. I love my Gracie, who does have a little mean bone in her body, but she does love home and knows we saved her and love her deeply. Will keep you in my thoughts.
Gracie sounds like a cat with a lot of personality! Thank you for your condolences Suzanne.
Deb, I just re-read this post and also the post about Mr. Jazz’s passing from last year. Because I’ve read your book and tune into the blog often, I feel that I “know” these kitties–the way we know the pets belonging to dear friends.
It’s a heartbreaking event, to lose a cherished family member. I can’t quite find the words to express my sorrow for these immeasurable losses, yet I can see you don’t really need anything other than the reminder that there is a community surrounding you, good times and sad times.
I’m so happy that Jazmine has joined the bunch, and her life and adventures are a beautiful tribute to the tribal members who have crossed to the bridge.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful beings with your faithful following.
Thank you Laura… as always, and I know you don’t mean to do it, but you bring me to tears with your heartfelt comments. I feel like we are somehow connected, despite the miles, and despite that we have never met. Thank you for your friendship and for helping me keep my head afloat as I deal with it all.
We have been thinking of you and just want to say how very sorry we are for your loss of your precious, beautiful Harley. Sending you our gentlest purrs and holding you in our thoughts and hearts.
Be Well Sweet Harley
Thank you Clooney – that is so very kind of you and I appreciate it.