Saying Goodbye to Harley – Parting is Such Sorrow…

by Deb at 4:50 AM • Uncategorized216 Comments

Harley was a ray of sunshine in our lives and her beautiful coat and sweet disposition always reminded me of a carefree field of sunflowers…

It is with extreme pain and despair that I write to inform you our beloved Harley crossed to the Bridge this past Tuesday. It was completely unexpected and as a result I am truly having trouble communicating with any sense of peace or comfort but I felt that you all needed to know, as I know you loved her for the sweetheart she was. My grief is just too raw and too profound right now for words – the road Dan and I have been traveling of late has been extremely difficult – I feel we have each aged a hundred years in the span of mere months and losing our darling baby in the midst of it all is a hard cross to bear and I am incapable of rationale thinking and eloquence at the moment.

I will just say that we did what was best for her. She had undergone a grave epileptic seizure and I honestly can’t write about it – I tried, but I just can’t. Not now anyhow. The words won’t come out and those that do are a meaningless garble of detached and confused sentences and I just don’t have it in me to open my feelings on this one at the moment. All I can do is take comfort in the fact that she lived in a loving and happy home and never once did she go a day without knowing how much we cared about her. She was an absolutely darling girl who didn’t have a mean bone in her body and she always had a friendly meow, or two, or three, for anyone who cared to converse with her.

I know they say to look for the happy moments in life and I firmly believe in that mindset, but since she was one of those happy moments, it will be difficult to move on without her. I am grateful for her sake that she is at peace and that Dan and I were with her in her final moments. We got to tell her how much we loved her and we got to say goodbye. She heard our loving voices and she was not alone. It wasn’t how I wanted it and it isn’t fair, but surely we all know that life is not always easy, fair, or just.


Our Harley looks so peaceful here… Dan took this photo of her just a few days ago and we had no idea what was in store for us all…

I don’t understand why she had to be taken from us and I probably never will, but I never understood why my sweet golden retriever puppy, Bailey, who was only two years old died of cancer or why my dog Meadow got hit by a car. These things happen every single day, all across the world, and if I must find comfort, it is that Harley will now be with Bailey and Meadow as well as with Mr. Jazz and many other fur friends who will gladly open up their paws and hearts to her in a happy and glorious welcome.

Time will march on and the pain will lesson. It won’t happen quickly but I am grateful for Dan, my kitties, and my friends and family who are such an important part of my life that will help me heal. Harley will forever remain in my heart and as someone who has loved animals her whole life, I know only too well that they are with us for borrowed time and that we have to love them for however long or short the amount of time we are blessed to have with them is. R.I.P. my darling girl… the couch will never be the same without you on it next to me… Until we meet again, I love you…

Zoey, Mia and Harley

This picture from 2010 is one of my favorites because it is so Harley – she loved the couch so much and here she is surrounded by Zoey and Mia – they all look so happy and content…

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  1. I am so sorry to hear this and know all to well how upsetting it is to lose a beloved pet too suddenly and too soon. The only way that I have found comfort in this situation is to know that out pets like us have a life plan for them and when it is time for them to move on to the next world, then it is time. How it happens is upsetting but know that Harley and all the others are happy and in their full glory waiting for you and watching over you and yoru family.

    With deepest sympathy,
    Cheri and cats

  2. Oh, Deb, I’m so sorry. My heart breaks for you. I know how hard it is to suddenly and unexpectedly lose a furry friend, and I’m sending hugs across the miles. I can only imagine that my sweet Dahlia and Kissy were there to meet Harley on the other side. I give you a line from the Buddhist Heart Sutra which has provided me comfort when my own beloved furries have passed: Gate, gate, paragate, parasamgate, Bodhi soha! (Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone far beyond … O, what beautiful enlightenment!

    • Deb says:

      Thank you for your kindness, JaneA and I can only hope that Harley meets up with Dahlia and Kissy… what great conversations they will be sharing for sure!

  3. Goodbye precious Harley. We don’t have many words either because we know how painful this can be. We’re sending our strongest comforting purrs to Dan and you.

  4. Flynn says:

    Oh Deb, I am so sorry for your loss of beautiful Harley. Try as I might, I can’t find the words, but know that you and Dan are in my thoughts.

    • Deb says:

      Thank you Flynn – I know that this is hard for you, as you mourn the loss of your sweet Eric and I appreciate your kindness.

  5. I am so sorry your dear Harley’s time to leave for the bridge came so suddenly. It’s never easy to deal with the shock and the pain. Your friends and fellow bloggers understand and are here for you. A warm hug, purrs and tail wags.

  6. Oh my dear sweet Deb, there truly are no words….and you know it’s going to be me that tells it like it is….Sometimes life just sux. There’s no sugar coating it…It’s HARD!! And its hard to see such kind, caring, compassionate people like yourself hurt. Nothing I can say will take away your pain or make the road you and Dan are traveling easier….all I can do is let you know that I care….and hold you close in my thoughts and prayers.

    The older and “wiser” I get, the more I understand the quote, “it’s the little things in life”….because it truly is. It’s those little glimmers of joy and happiness…they ARE there, sometimes you have to look harder for them…but they are there. Hold of to these….they will get you through. You know I’m here….my heart hurts for you! love ya girl!

    • Deb says:

      Thank you Toni – you are one of those “little glimmers” and I appreciate your friendship and support so very much. xoxo

  7. Brian says:

    Dear Deb, we are so, so sorry to hear about dear Harley and we can only imagine the pain of this loss. We send you purrs, hugs and all our love.

  8. meowmeowmans says:

    We’re so sorry for your loss, Deb and Dan. Please know that you are in our thoughts, purrs and prayers as you mourn the loss of your special and beloved Harley. Hugs to you all.

  9. Me and my mom-person are so very sorry for your loss. You’re right, it isn’t fair at all 🙁
    R.I.P sweet Harley <3 <3 <3

  10. Linda Gross says:

    Loss of a Pet: Last Will and Testament
    I,_______, being of poor health, do hereby bequeath to my friend, my last will and testament, to be recalled fondly whenever they may think of me. My time on earth has been a happy time, full of joyful memories and carefree hours. I take with me no worldly possessions, because possessions and property have never been my primary concerns. What was important to me was earning your trust and praise, being obedient and always faithful. But one thing I possessed and will cherish about all else was my master’s love, for no one could have loved me more. When I am gone and you have occasion to think of me, do not feel sad, for I am at peace and no longer feel any discomfort or pain. All the maladies that age and circumstanced had thrust upon my physical being are no longer a concern to me. I am free to romp with the wind at my face and the grass tickling my feet. I nap in the warmth of the sun and sleep under a blanket of stars. In this joy I wait for you. Because we shared so many happy ties together, I know you feel like I cannot ever be replaced and that perhaps you should live the remainder of your life without another pet as a faithful companion. My friend, don’t try to replace me, for what we shared is irreplaceable. We grow together, throughout some pretty hairy (and cold) times. But don’t deprive yourself of the warmth and love another companion can bring to you. I would not want you to be alone. Most of all, remember, I will always be with you, in your heart, in your mind, and in your memories. For what we shared was special, today, tomorrow, and always. And if you should ever feel a cold nose on your skin, and there’s no animal around, just know, in your heart of hearts, it’s me saying hello.

    • Deb says:

      Thank you Linda – such a beautiful sentiment. I will try to keep it close to my heart and I appreciate you sharing it with me.

  11. Oh no….we are so very sorry. You are right….it isn’t fair. We will be sending you all healing purrs and know our hearts break with you.

  12. I ache for your loss. The sudden departure is shocking and leaves one numb. I know. Find comfort and peace by holding your cats and talking with them. Warm hugs, Savannah and Mom Linda

  13. JB says:

    Sending comforting purrs from all of us. So sorry for your loss.

  14. We’re very sorry about your sudden loss ; we can feel your pain. We send you comforting purrs and gentle headbutts. Purrs

  15. We are so incredibly sorry to read this heartbreaking news. Wishing you all comfort at this time of great sorrow…hugs and love.

  16. Connie Marie says:

    Oh, I feel so sad. She was beautiful and sweet, words can’t come close to the sorrow I feel for you and Dan.
    You have my sympathy, sending purrs and love. May your other kitties help you in healing. I know how painful it is.
    God Bless you and ease your minds.

  17. Oh Deb, no words just hugs and prayers. Will email.

  18. Liz says:

    Deb, I admire this post so much. You are so brave to show your vulnerability and rawness in your time of grief. I love that even though you are a fabulous blogger you can admit that you just can’t find the words for this right now– People can learn from your “human-ness,” something so many people hide. I am keeping your human and furry family in my thoughts and sending ((hugs)) from Maryland.

    • Deb says:

      Thank you Liz – I guess when you write from that deep inner spot of truth, the rawness and vulnerability can’t help but show through… I appreciate your support and offer the same back to you as you mourn the loss of your Apollo. xoxo

  19. No Deb it’s never easy, and although time does lessen the intensity raw sorrow, it is never easy. I am very very sorry to hear about your loss of Harley. Your words are poignant and touching. I hope that you will be able to find the road to the happiness sooner rather than later, for they tell it comes. For my own journey, I haven’t found it yet, but I still hold out hope. Thinking of you in your losses of both Harley and Mr Jazz,

    • Deb says:

      Angel AbbyGrace – I do pray with both find a path with some sort of peace and happiness. Thank you for your kindness and support.

  20. Forty Paws says:

    I am so sorry that Harley had to cross over. It is very sad when they leave us unexpectedly. Many hugs and purrs and purrayers to you and Dan and your fur children at this difficult time.

    Luf, Us and Maw