Saying Goodbye to Harley – Parting is Such Sorrow…

by Deb at 4:50 AM • Uncategorized216 Comments

Harley was a ray of sunshine in our lives and her beautiful coat and sweet disposition always reminded me of a carefree field of sunflowers…

It is with extreme pain and despair that I write to inform you our beloved Harley crossed to the Bridge this past Tuesday. It was completely unexpected and as a result I am truly having trouble communicating with any sense of peace or comfort but I felt that you all needed to know, as I know you loved her for the sweetheart she was. My grief is just too raw and too profound right now for words – the road Dan and I have been traveling of late has been extremely difficult – I feel we have each aged a hundred years in the span of mere months and losing our darling baby in the midst of it all is a hard cross to bear and I am incapable of rationale thinking and eloquence at the moment.

I will just say that we did what was best for her. She had undergone a grave epileptic seizure and I honestly can’t write about it – I tried, but I just can’t. Not now anyhow. The words won’t come out and those that do are a meaningless garble of detached and confused sentences and I just don’t have it in me to open my feelings on this one at the moment. All I can do is take comfort in the fact that she lived in a loving and happy home and never once did she go a day without knowing how much we cared about her. She was an absolutely darling girl who didn’t have a mean bone in her body and she always had a friendly meow, or two, or three, for anyone who cared to converse with her.

I know they say to look for the happy moments in life and I firmly believe in that mindset, but since she was one of those happy moments, it will be difficult to move on without her. I am grateful for her sake that she is at peace and that Dan and I were with her in her final moments. We got to tell her how much we loved her and we got to say goodbye. She heard our loving voices and she was not alone. It wasn’t how I wanted it and it isn’t fair, but surely we all know that life is not always easy, fair, or just.


Our Harley looks so peaceful here… Dan took this photo of her just a few days ago and we had no idea what was in store for us all…

I don’t understand why she had to be taken from us and I probably never will, but I never understood why my sweet golden retriever puppy, Bailey, who was only two years old died of cancer or why my dog Meadow got hit by a car. These things happen every single day, all across the world, and if I must find comfort, it is that Harley will now be with Bailey and Meadow as well as with Mr. Jazz and many other fur friends who will gladly open up their paws and hearts to her in a happy and glorious welcome.

Time will march on and the pain will lesson. It won’t happen quickly but I am grateful for Dan, my kitties, and my friends and family who are such an important part of my life that will help me heal. Harley will forever remain in my heart and as someone who has loved animals her whole life, I know only too well that they are with us for borrowed time and that we have to love them for however long or short the amount of time we are blessed to have with them is. R.I.P. my darling girl… the couch will never be the same without you on it next to me… Until we meet again, I love you…

Zoey, Mia and Harley

This picture from 2010 is one of my favorites because it is so Harley – she loved the couch so much and here she is surrounded by Zoey and Mia – they all look so happy and content…

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  1. Shiner Cougarcat says:

    Oh no, so very sorry for your loss. You’re right, it isn’t fair at all. Only believing that they’re happy, pain free and we’ll see them again some day makes it bearable. Purrs and pawhugs to your house from ours.

  2. Ingrid King says:

    Oh Deb, I’m so sorry. It’s always hard to loose a cat, but when it happens as suddenly as it did with Harley, it’s devastating. My heart goes out to you and Dan. Be gentle with yourselves as you mourn your beautiful girl. You’re in my thoughts.

    • Deb says:

      Thank you Ingrid – I am trying to take your words to heart, but right now it is all but impossible to be gentle…

  3. Ms. Phoebe's Mum says:

    I am so saddened to hear this and feel your loss deeply. These past months have been filled with such sorrow and joy for your family with the loss of Jazz and now Harley, yet the joy of the addition of precious Jazmine. There is no need to go in to details now or ever, the last moments in a loved one’s life is a personal one sometimes needing to be kept inward so we can process it as part of our grief. Please know you have my deepest sympathy and love, and take comfort in knowing Harley was a soul admired by people all over the world who follow your blog. Not many kitties are lucky to have so many who loved them AND be part of a loving, devoted family who gave them a wonderful life. Purrs of love and comfort we send to you, anything we can do please let me know- you are all special to us.
    Fly free darling Harley, your halo shines bright,
    Beth, Kaspars, & Clove

    • Deb says:

      Ms. Phoebe’s Mom – you are so right – not all kitties are loved in such a large regard. Harley was such a sweet girl and she was blessed to have so many friends that cared about her so much. I appreciate your kind words and sentiment.

  4. Nancy Traverse says:

    I am so sorry for the loss of your so loved baby. I know there are just not any words to help but I can almost feel your pain. These are the times that we fear when you love your furs as your family. Thinking of you.

  5. carla stevens says:

    I am so very sorry for your loss. I loss my beloved Pekingnese BoBo after a seizure that caused him to have a severe stroke I believe. It was a very painful and scare time. My prayers are with you and Dan and all your Kitties for they are grieving too and my prayers are with beautiful Harley who has earned her angel wings in heaven. Peace be with you and your family in this difficult time.

    • Deb says:

      Carla – my heart aches that you had to go through what we did with your beloved BoBo. May he and Harley both be at peace and thank you for your kindness.

  6. oh Deb, my heart is just breaking for you and Dan. Sweet, Sweet Harley. I am so deeply sorry. I think you might remember that i had mentioned (and I think that you had too), how much she reminded me of my Angel Bobo. Such a gorgeous and sweet girl Harley was. As you mentioned, please draw some comfort from the fact that she couldn’t have been in a more loving home, she KNEW how much you and Dan loved her. I feel as if everything I am saying is trite and doesn’t begin to convey the extreme sorrow I am feeling right now. I am holding you all close to my heart and keeping you all in my prayers. It is never easy (as unfortunately you know all too well), and having one of our babies pass unexpectedly has to be the worst, wish I were there to give you a hug…….may God give you strength and peace in this most difficult time. Much love, Caren

    • Deb says:

      Caren – I can feel your love and support through your heartfelt words and thank you so much for your kindness. It is not easy to get through the days and having your friendship means the world.

  7. I am deeply heartbroken for you and Dan. Those sudden deaths are the worse because one is not able to prepare for the end. I have no other words of comfort that would make you feel any better or make your grief less. Please know that we are praying for you for strength and understanding of what has happened. Our hearts are with you and the family.
    Hugs and love ,
    The Allen girls
    Bunny , Sarah and Carma Poodale

  8. Jane says:

    This was not what I expected to read about. I am so, so sorry fo you all. When one hears of such things it brings up memories of our own losses so we are doubly saddened, for you and for ourselves. As you said, cling to the good memories to help ease you through this difficult time.

    • Deb says:

      Thank you Jane – it does bring up memories of those we have lost and I am sorry for all that have to go through the loss of a pet… we all grieve together…

  9. Kathy Mangan says:

    Words cannot express how sorry I am. It is difficult even for me miles away to look at pictures of such a beautiful, sweet girl and know that she is no longer with you. Hugs. Kathy

  10. Kat Gagliano says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss, it is just heartbreaking to loose one of our beloved pets. Their lives are so short compared to ours. They do take a big chunk of us with them. Having lost several through our life and one that was only 6 years old to a seizure, I can remember the devastating pain. Sending love and support your way.

    • Deb says:

      Kat – I am sorry you had to experience the same devastating pain that we did. Your love and support is very much appreciated.

  11. momsbusy says:

    Sending comforting purrs and prayers.

  12. Oh, Deb, how heartbreaking! Sudden, unexpected losses like hers are such a blindside it’s no wonder you are stunned and grieving. Lots of love to you and Dan in this difficult time.

  13. Alice Towery says:

    I read the facebook blog of an Episcopal bishop who is a Native American in Alaska~ he had this to say just yesterday ~

    “Many years ago, when I was out on Kodiak Island in Alaska, a little girl asked me if her kitten that had just died would go to heaven. Without a moment’s hesitation I replied “of course your little kitten will go to heaven” and I meant it. I still do. In Native tradition we believe all life is sacred. Everything God created was made in love and they are all beloved of the Great Spirit. What a sterile heaven it would be without birds singing in the trees or dogs running through the fields. Today I remember in prayer all of our animal friends who have gone before us. Blessed be all God’s creatures, great and small, now and forever.” Steven Charleston

  14. I am so very sad and sorry to hear this tragic news. Words are inadequate in your pain. Sending love and PURRS. xx

  15. Tamar says:

    Now I am crying. Harley was beautiful and I am so sorry she had to leave you. Xo

  16. Jo Singer says:

    Deb and Dan,

    Both Marty and I send love and healing energy to you both- and also to your other cats who will also miss Harley. There are no words I can write that can fully express what I am feeling, but the tears are there- knowing how difficult it is when we lose a beloved cat- especially when it is such a shock.

    We will keep you in our prayers. We love you.

  17. This is such sad news. We send comforting vibes and purrayers for your loss.

  18. Cory says:

    Sending purrs of comfort to you. We join paws with you in your grief as we lost our Nigel this past winter suddenly to congestive heart failure…without any warning. It is so hard to process such a sudden and unexpected loss. Harley was loved every day and she knew that.


    Cory and family

  19. Cat Holm says:

    The words will come when you are ready. I am so sorry. Loss is HARD, and sudden loss is really hard. Be well….XXOO Cat

  20. Connie says:

    With tears streaming down my face I too find myself lacking words.. Not because I do not care, but because I know how inadequate they can be.

    Losing a loved one is never easy and we are never ready for it, but knowing they knew they were loved can help.

    My deepest sympathies.