Official Caturday Announcement! Spring is Here!

Oh! That’s right! Spring officially started yesterday! That sure is something to meow over! I see Jazmine is celebrating by climbing a tree – so is Kizmet, but he’s hard to find at first glance (click image to enlarge to help see him!)
Yes, finally! After a dreadfully long winter, spring officially started yesterday according to the calendar. Granted, in Florida that doesn’t really mean much of anything, but for all of our friends that live in colder climates, we do hope that things are finally starting to warm up a bit for you. To help celebrate the season, I put together a fun compilation of some pictures of my gang enjoying a supervised outdoor excursion.
Well, thanks a lot Rolz and Zoey. I thought this was just going to be a light and carefree post highlighting some spring images, but I guess we have yard work on the agenda for this weekend. Oh well… I’m not complaining – it’s good exercise and thankfully we don’t have mountains of snow to deal with! What kind of plans do you all have for this weekend?
Always stunning – always adventurous – happy spring to you and your lovely kitties!
Thank you so much Create With Joy and Happy Spring to you too!
simply gorgeous! Yes, it’s Spring on the calendar but won’t “officially” be Spring in Michigan til after April 15 🙂
Caren – wow! April 15th – I think you need a new calendar! MOL!
Lovely photos! We know it’s spring…because our mom is sneezing her head off!!
Maxwell, Faraday, and Allie – our mom is sneezing too – there is a particular tree with yellow blooms this time of year that always gets her!
Oh so beautiful! It took me about 30 seconds (i wasn’t timing myself) lol, to find Kizmets face behind the tree Jazmine was climbing. I think she is so beautiful, they are all so precious, each in their own way. Good thing Zoey and Rolz are such good grouns keeper. Just think how long it might have taken you to find that!! I’m kidding of course.
This weekend myself and my merry band of helpers will be doing laundry, cleaning and starting to pack. We move April Fools Day to a cat friendly new apartment! Yea!! No more air full of cig smoke and drugs, very serious stuff. We get lots more room too!! We already know the landlord and we like each other, a big plus, she offered and showed it to us, a big help! I’m so excited to have a safe place to live soon.
I never had a clue how bad it was here when we moved in 16 months ago. April Fools was the perfect day to book the movers. I can’t wait to be able to fill it with more cat toys and trees!!
Have a Wonderful weekend everyone!
Connie – I am so happy to hear you will be moving to a cat-friendly apartment! What a relief! Purrs to you and your furry gang!
We got some snow yesterday, so spring apparently didn’t get the memo yet that it’s supposed to be here! Thankfully, today it’s supposed to be in the 60’s, and Allegra and Ruby will enjoy the warm spring breezes through our screened windows!
Wow Ingrid… snow one day, then 60 degree temperatures the next! That’s crazy!
Spring sure looks wonderful on all y’all!
Aww! Thanks Brian!
Yay for sun and higher temperatures ! Lovely photos ! Purrs
Yah indeed for higher temperatures, Swiss Cats! And thanks for enjoying our photos!
Beautiful photos, your kitties are so elegant. Spring didn’t get the message here, it is snowing.
Ellen – thank you on the photos and do hope it will stop snowing soon! Enough already!
Well, the calendar may say spring…but reality here doesn’t match. Someone forgot to send spring the memo! 😉
Island Cats – yes, where you are, you have an entirely different calendar!
Such beautiful photos! Spring is here and we have had 4 sunny warmish days.
Flynn – I am happy to hear you will be able to feel the warm air on your belly soon!
Love seeing your beautiful kitties. Spring is here today but; tomorrow I think winter is coming back. LOL.
Thanks Sue! Hope spring will come soon for you!
WOW, you get to climb a tree! I want to move in with you. I don’t get to do that here. M is afraid I’ll go way up high and they are too old to get me down again. What fun that must be.
These photos are simply spectacular! We are sooo jealous that you can boast about the weather. We had snow on the first day of spring!!! NOOOOOO!!!! But, we know spring coming. It is getting warmer and sunnier and that makes all of us happy. Purrs to all of you….
guys….hap pee spring two ewe … snow two day for uz….
oh well…hay, next time yur out oh doorz…pleez ta climb sum treez for uz
we iz knot a loud out…cept for de garage N we canna get de food serviss gurl
to plantz a tree de garage…we due knot noe why…..