October 21, 2011 – Author Deborah Barnes to be Featured as Guest Blogger on Mason Canyon’s “Thoughts in Progress” Book Review Site

I am so excited to be guest posting on Mason Canyon’s Book Review Site, “Thoughts in Progress” today, but I have to admit it was a bit overwhelming at first. When I asked her what the topic should be about and what the word length should be, she said, “Whatever you want and as long as you want.”  Oh boy… she did realize she was talking to a perennially wordy author, right?

Once I got over the concern of a lack of guidelines, I really began to enjoy the process of writing for a new audience and I decided the best topic for me to introduce myself to new readers, was “How Does One Become an Author?” I hope you will all take the time to drop by Mason’s site to read the post. I promise you, even though it is something a little different for me, I still mention my beloved kitties!  Please click here to be directed to the post. 

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  1. Marg says:

    WE will have to go over there and read that review. Looks like a great book. Thanks for the info.

  2. That was a wonderful guest post! I also believe that cats have invaluable lessons to teach humans. My own have taught me so many things over the years. Congrats on your book, that is really something to be proud of!

  3. meowmeowmans says:

    Wow, that’s so cool, Deb! Congratulations!

    We’ll head over to check out your post now. 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Mason Canyon says:

    Deb, thanks so much again for guest blogging at Thoughts in Progress today. I enjoyed your post very much and look forward to reading your book. Best of luck.

    Thoughts in Progress
    Freelance Editing By Mason