Not Really Wordless Wednesday – Waiting for the Weekend
Shhh…. I’m trying to type as quietly as possible so as not to upset the cats. We have company coming this weekend and I’m not entirely sure how they will feel about it. Actually, what I meant to say is that we will be dog si……….
….tting…. Well, so much for keeping things quiet. Sorry to break it to you Kizmet, but yes, I did say dog, as is in Rick, as in we will be dog sitting Rick from this Friday to Sunday. No reason to get in such an uproar, after all, he is my granddog and he’s been over to the house several times – this will just be his first weekend sleep over! I’m actually looking forward to it and think you guys will have a great time. Guys? Guys? Where is everyone?

Zee is not entirely sure how he feels about the whole dog thing, so he’s decided to just stay in the closet for the weekend just to be safe!
Honestly guys, it really won’t be bad at all. Rick is a lovely dog – extremely well behaved and lots of fun. Not to mention, the last time he was here you all came out to say hello and it got to the point you even forgot he was around.

This was Rick the last time he visited – he was so comfortable and at home that he was napping on the cat bed we keep in the dining room.

Mia says, “hmmppfff.” He sleeps on our cat bed, I sleep in his dog bed. Fair is fair… Yup, I think this weekend will go just fine…
So, that’s what I have to look forward to for the weekend. I will be sure to share some pictures and know it will a weekend to remember! How about you all? What plans do you have for the upcoming weekend?
Oh you sure speak cat! Love those range of reactions.
I’m not so sure about Jazmine’s reaction. I got the impression she wants to impress guests, any guest, so they feed her shrimp or some human food…
Have fun!
Dog sitting ??? Sleep Over weekend ???
My COD !!!! …Good luck !
just make sure Mr. Rick doesn’t do brain wash you guys !
Stay Meow !
Sounds like the purrrrfect weekend to me. I’m sure the kitties will help culturize Ricky.
well, sure as de sun iz gonna set in de west
we willna bee round a dawg
…well, all de naybor hood dawgs will bee ouside
barkin ther fool headz off at cod
onlee noes what…..
but then they are like 967,255 feet a way
…unlike rick whooz
gonna bee like …point two feet a way
enjoy yur week end !! ♥
He looks like a sweet doggie, I am sure you will all have fun.
awww geez……well, if you SAY he is a nice dog….but better your house than ours 🙂
Dog sitting? Fur real? You kitties need to put your human in a remedial training program. She is obviously forgetting who rules around there.
Your week-end sounds purrfect, except the dog part ! Purrs
Yikes! A dog?!? We wouldn’t like that one bit!
Cody said to give him a call if things get to be too much! He will fill you in on how he handles Dakota!! The photos are hilarious, especially the one of Peanut!!
Well, he DOES look like a pretty nice woofie. Hope it all goes well, dear pals!
He’s here!! Hope you have a good weekend, see you Sunday!