Happy 11th Birthday to Peanut, Rolz, and Mia

As my fingers type the words, Happy 11th Birthday to Peanut, Rolz, and Mia, my fingers have a sense of deja vu. The graphic I created for the occasion – didn’t I just do this a couple of months ago with the number 10? I honestly don’t know where time is going, or why it has to go by so quickly. I want time to stand still so I can enjoy my precious kittens who are no longer kittens so that a year passing doesn’t seem like mere days.

So much love and so many good memories. Happy birthday 11th birthday my sweet kitties and here’s wishing for many, many more. Happy birthday also to your brother Zeuss Catt, living a loving life with his family in Boston.

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  1. Happy Birthday Peanut, Rolz, and Mia!
    Time goes by so quickly.

  2. Ingrid King says:

    Happy Birthday, kitties! Here’s to many many more!

  3. Happy Birthday to Peanut, Mia and Rolz! May it be a day filled with lots of catnip!

  4. Happy Birthday, Peanut!
    Happy Birthday, Rolz!
    Happy Birthday, Mia!
    And many more!

  5. caren says:

    Happy Happy Birthday cuties!!

  6. jmuhj says:

    Big Happy PURRthdays to Peanut, Rolz, Mia, and Zeus!!! Eleven? Babies! But I know, we want them to stay kittens always, don’t we?

  7. da tabbies o trout towne says:


    anda happee day az well, N joy guyz, cauz trubull, haz a grate day
    eat lotz oh perch pizza N heerz ta 11 mor; long witha yeer a head
    filled with happeez N healtheez ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  8. Brian Frum says:

    Happy Birthday to the Trio of Cute!!!

  9. Mary McNeil says:

    Happy Birthday to your beautiful trio – and many more !

  10. Ellen Pilch says:

    Happy Birthday to 3 cuties! XO

  11. meowmeowmans says:

    Happy birthday, Peanut, Rolz, and Mia!

  12. Happy belated Birthday buddies ! We hope you had a wonderful celebration ! Purrs

  13. Happy Birthday Peanut, Rolz, and Mia! We hope you all had such a joyous day celebrating your 11th birthday. Thanks for sharing. Have a purrfect rest of your week.

  14. Andrea Dorn says:

    Happy belated birthday to you all. I know what you mean, my youngest “kittens” are almost 12 now but I still call them the kittens.