Family Trees and a High 5 From the Zee and Zoey Kitties!

This picture was taken back in 2009 when Mia, Peanut, and Rolz were still kittens, Jazz was still with us, and Kizmet was not yet even born. You will note that Peanut has the unique honor of having the number 5 on her coat!
As they would say in Sesame Street, today’s blog post is brought to you by the number 5. Why? Well first off, because I’m always fascinated by being able to find something out of nothing to write about, and secondly, the number 5 actually is quite relevant to the Zee/Zoey Gang, especially now.
That’s right… Something is in the air…No, it’s not Spring yet, but starting today and counting to 5, we have some exciting news on the way!! Mia, Peanut, and Rolz will be celebrating their 5th birthday on Wednesday, February 12th!! So, in celebration of the Zee/Zoey family and the number 5, here’s some fun images that tie that theme all together!

Sorry Zeuss Catt! We know you are part of the Zee/Zoey family and will be celebrating your 5th birthday this Wednesday as well, it’s just that you live in Boston with your furever family and if we included you in the blog post, the number 5 would no longer make sense!! But you are still part of the family and we love you very much!!

Here’s the gang of 5 hanging out in the office with me – no matter the time of day, if I am on the computer I can always be sure to have company with me!

This is the gang in the kitchen. I don’t know how they got on the counter… don’t they know that’s not allowed!
Thank you to the number 5 for sponsoring this blog post and out of curiosity, do any of you kitties have a unique marking on your fur like our Peanut does? We would love to hear in the comments if you do!
We hope you all have a great weekend and that you will be able to stop back on Wednesday to wish the “kittens” a Happy Birthday!
They are so beautiful.
The 5 on Peanut is amazing. So perfectly formed.
Does it seem like 5 years has gone by since they were born?
I’m glad to see Zuess Cat included as he is a part of the family and it is wonderful you still get to visit and be a part of his life. I cannot believe the gang is going to be 5, where does the time go?! So many changes in life go by, time seemingly speeding up over everything without us realizing it. The Zee & Zoey Family is a remarkable, loving, and philanthropic one who should be proud of all their accomplishments in raising awareness on behalf of cats needs and for being THE most stunningly photogenic cat families in the blogosphere. Oh and of course I must add an observation my angel Queen tortie and huge Z&Z fan, Ms. Phoebe, often made: ‘They have done a pretty CATerrific job raising/training their human/Mom/slave/typist/photographer/assistant/minion Auntie Deb too. Look how much she worships them to a point of even dressing like them– pawesome technique!’ (She then would proceed to give me a true tortie look of disdain at my mediocre performance on that part of training. Apparently a pair of leopard print underpants fails in comparison to a full outfit AND ears. I just can’t carry off that kind of coolness, I appear more dork than anything else!)
Happy fifth to all of you!
We send you all a high paw 5! That was a terrific post and we counted to 5 often!
Happy birthday to all of you 🙂
Five? Really?! I can’t wait for the celebration to wish you happy birthday!
Wow, five already? All moms say it feels like yesterday, right? If you cropped the photo with Zoey in the heart-shaped leopard print box would be purrfect for V’day!
Happy Five to all of you. What a good looking herd of cats. Great pictures. Hope all of you have a great day.
Happy Birthday!
That is one amazing cat tree you’ve got there! I’m impressed.
Happy birthday to all your lovely kitties.I sure do enjoy reading about your posts.You are an amazing cat lady.
High 5 to the gang! It should be quite the celebration.
Lovely photos of the 5 together. They all have such beautiful markings.
YAY!!!! We have something special for your girls and ALL of the girls that entered Cody’s Valentine photo contest!!!! Come back on Valentine’s Day to see!
It is so great to see 5 getting the recognition it deserves!!
Will be back on Wednesday 🙂
zeuss…frank lee dood we think ya shuld bee inn clooded in de feztivateez coz math
iz knot a subject catz hafta studee at skewl any way.. sew like 4 mor catz iz all de merrier
… therz an optshun for mor cake N pie !!!! and mice creem…donutz, pizza N ham
samiches ….
N de sister cuzin dai$y who iz bizee lookin at her self in her 360..USED ta
haza a heart on her side…in beige…then her grew up N bee came a ewe noe what
🙂 MOL ~~~~~~~ ooopz…heer her comes now…….bye
High 5 to the gang 🙂