Wordless Wednesday

When April Showers Don’t Really Bring May Flowers… Send in the Cat!

Just because you don't get rain doesn't mean you can't have pretty flowers

When April showers don’t bring May flowers, the best thing to do is improvise… especially when it involves a sweet kitty!

They say “April showers bring May flowers.” I’m not sure who “they” is. Here in South Florida, April was a really dry month and as a result, some of our outdoor flowers have been suffering. But to keep in spirit with the saying, I thought I’d share some May flowers – just the kind that don’t require any rain!

That’s our sweet Jazmine from 2014 – doesn’t she just melt your heart? She looks like such a baby there! She’s all grown up now, with a full and fluffy coat to boot! Have a great Wednesday everyone – and what’s the weather been like where you are?


Cats can be silly, funny, weird, strange, kooky and more - they all have different personalities!

Jazmine… you embrace all the wonderfulness there is in weird and we love you all the more for it!

On another note, I want to thank everyone thus far who has contributed snippets on the weird, strange, or crazy habits their cat has for my upcoming book project. I’ve gotten some really great responses and I’m so happy to see the stories.

If you haven’t sent anything yet, you still have plenty of time – the submission deadline is Sunday, May 22, so put on your thinking-cats and give it a whirl. And don’t forget, it doesn’t necessarily have to be weird cat habits or behaviors – it could be the weird habits YOU have as a result of loving cats so much!!

For further information on submission details and examples of what I am looking for, please visit the following post, Got Cat Weird? Open Submissions for Upcoming Zee/Zoey Publication!

I also want to thank Katie, Waffles, and Debbie Glovatsy of Glogirly. They put together a fantastic post, debating which crazy thing Waffles did was the craziest. Please be sure to stop by and offer your insight – you can even vote on which scenario you think would make the better submission!!

Thank you again – I will share more details about what the book will be about in the months to come, but for now, I’m keeping the cat in the bag. But the bottom line is this – far too many people think cats are solitary creatures – too standoffish and aloof to make great pets. All of us know that’s just nuts! Sure, some cats can be quiet, or aloof, or independent, but that’s fine.

They can also be funny, silly, quirky, charming, and so much more. Just like people, they come in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes, and personalities and we should love them for their uniqueness! They make incredible, loving companions and we want more of them to be adopted in forever homes!!

Wordless Wednesday – Window Dressing with the Cats


Kizmet, Mia, Rolz, and Zee are very happy to see “Big Red” back on the bed!

It’s that time of year – I dig out the one sweatshirt I own and have to wear socks with my shoes. “Big Red,” our thick and fuzzy red blanket comes out of storage to cover the bed. Yes, it’s our annual cold spell in South Florida and we have to do our best to ward off the chill until it’s back to our typical 70/80 degree temperatures, which should probably be tomorrow if I’m correct. For the cats it means three things – extra snuggling time together, zoomies at night, and OPEN WINDOWS!! Read more

Not Really Wordless Wednesday – It’s the Simple Things in Life that Often Bring the Greatest Joy


Kizmet poses wistfully in front of a basket overflowing with cat toys dreaming of his elusive, but favorite toy… the pom pom.

In our house it would be 100% impossible to hide the fact we have cats. Cat condos, baskets and baskets of cat toys, cat beds, cat pillows, cat blankets, cat food dishes – in every room and every where you look, there is something directly related to making sure our cats are well-loved and taken care of. Read more

Secret Paws No More – The Gifts are Out of the Box!


My very own box… It’s EXACTLY what I wanted for Christmas!

Hey everyone! Rolz here! And Oh My Cat, but do I ever have news to share! It was so weird, but out of absolutely NOWHERE a purr-fectly pawsome box was delivered to me (and apparently the rest of my feline family, but that’s not the point) from the Jasper McKitten-Cats. I have no idea why they would be sending me a box – my human screamed something about a Secret Paws – but I know for a fact none of us cats asked for paws this Christmas, secret or not. Read more

Semi-Wordless Wednesday – Silent Night


When it comes to the holidays, I’m a big one for tradition. But with time, life changes and so what once was, cannot always be. It used to be after I decorated the Christmas tree (a real one) with glass ornaments and family heirlooms I would put my two boys to bed and shut off all the lights in the house except for the Christmas tree. I would put Silent Night in my cassette player and just bask in the simplistic beauty of it all. The true spirit of the holiday would course through my body, reducing me to tears, and it was a private moment just for me as I reflected on all I was blessed with.

I no longer have boys to put to bed, and the tree, well, now it’s artificial and it’s decorated in a leopard theme with non-breakable ornaments. After I’m done decorating (with lots of help from my furry gang) I still turn off the lights and reflect in the beauty of it all, but now I share the moment with Dan and the cats. We converse at the end of the day like we do every day, sitting together, me blanketed in a soft pile of kitty love as we binge watch whatever show of the moment it is… in this case, Nurse Jackie.

But regardless of time, one thing always remains true, the spirit of Christmas resides in the heart to be shared with those you love…

Have a lovely Wednesday all!