
Wishes For a Safe and Happy Meow-O-Ween to All!

by Deb at 6:50 AM • Uncategorized15 Comments

To see photo at full spookiness, please click to enlarge.

We say “Happy Meow-O-Ween” with a bit of reservation and respect, as we know many of our friends and family are feeling the effects of Hurricane Sandy and might not feel like celebrating. We wish all of you well and hope that you will be safe and get through the ordeal as best as possible. Read more

The Yin and Yang of Sibling Cats

by Deb at 6:50 AM • Uncategorized16 Comments

 I always find the study of genetics particularly fascinating, especially in the feline world. Zoey had four kittens that were born relatively within minutes of one another and we know without a doubt who the father was. Yet these siblings are as different as the Yin and Yang of night and day, despite that they were virtually impossible to distinguish from one another since birth and often still are. We kept three of them – Mia, Peanut, and Rolz, so all things considered equally at their current age of three, they live in the same environment, eat the same food, and get the same stimulation and care via human interaction. Read more

Another Cat Truth Revealed at Zee & Zoey’s Chronicle Connection…

by Deb at 6:50 AM • Uncategorized16 Comments

Harley and Zoey doing what cats do best... nap... To see image in full cuteness, click to enlarge.

Well, the polls are officially closed for Zee & Zoey’s Cat Ruler of the World Contest and Campaign for a Cause and I don’t mind admitting that I am a bit worn out… Votes still have to be tallied and winners still have to be announced, but the campaign itself is over until Tuesday, September 18th when all the results will be revealed.

You take one look at the above photo of Zoey and Harley and you would think they were worn out too… But, truth be told, that picture is the true essence of why cats are smarter than humans. I got not one whit of help from Zee, Zoey, and gang. They were nappers before the campaign was even conceived in my mind, they napped during the ENTIRE campaign, and they will nap long after the campaign is over. Read more

A Cat’s Ode to a Sun Puddle…

by Deb at 6:50 AM • Uncategorized32 Comments

Sometimes a Sun Puddle

is just so GLORIOUS

a cat has to SHOUT


Rise & Shine!

by Deb at 6:50 AM • Uncategorized21 Comments

As a public service, anytime you are feeling a bit down or stressed out, just watch the following video for a dose of smiles and warm fuzzies!! You’re welcome in advance!!