Zee sure does seem excited! I wonder what he’s talking about!

Best not to be rude… Lets follow him to see what’s going on!

Oh! That’s right! Spring officially started yesterday! That sure is something to meow over! I see Jazmine is celebrating by climbing a tree – so is Kizmet, but he’s hard to find at first glance (click image to enlarge to help see him!)
Yes, finally! After a dreadfully long winter, spring officially started yesterday according to the calendar. Granted, in Florida that doesn’t really mean much of anything, but for all of our friends that live in colder climates, we do hope that things are finally starting to warm up a bit for you. To help celebrate the season, I put together a fun compilation of some pictures of my gang enjoying a supervised outdoor excursion.

Beautiful Mia hiding behind some papyrus where she thinks we can’t see her!

Peanut is taking in all the wonderful sights and smells that the outdoors has to offer!

Hmmm…. Rolz lets us know that it looks like the pool needs to be cleaned…

And Zoey is telling us the fountain needs water…
Well, thanks a lot Rolz and Zoey. I thought this was just going to be a light and carefree post highlighting some spring images, but I guess we have yard work on the agenda for this weekend. Oh well… I’m not complaining – it’s good exercise and thankfully we don’t have mountains of snow to deal with! What kind of plans do you all have for this weekend?