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Sweet 16 – Happy Birthday to Mia, Peanut, and Rolz!

Happy 16th birthday to Mia, Rolz, and Peanut!

We know the world is crazy, but it’s truly been confirmed. Zee and Zoey’s kittens – Mia, Peanut, and Rolz are sixteen today! How is that even possible? To celebrate the day, I put together a graphic, sharing more recent pictures of each of them that epitomize who they are. Mia, our sweet, shy girl, is on the counter. She is wide-eyed, surveying the world around her in case she needs to jump and hide at any given moment. Rolz is also on the counter, but his sole mission is to ensure he does not miss an opportunity for a treat. He will literally do this from morning to night. And Peanut is out on the tiki deck, absorbing the warm Florida air on her favorite ottoman cushion.

As senior cats now, they remain as active and alert as ever. Working from home, I’m blessed to share time with them that I might not otherwise get, and while they can be a handful at times (a lot of times), they brighten my day with their ever-present antics. Typically, at least two of them nap together, but sometimes, there are rare occasions where all three are with each other simultaneously. I’ve compiled a collage of those moments I captured over the years – from tiny kittens to the present day. I hope you enjoy it – click on the image to see it in full-screen size.

Happy birthday, sweet babies, and happy birthday to Zeuss Catt, too. He’s the fourth kitten who lives with a dear friend in Boston.

Think Like a Cat – Finding Common Ground for the New Year 2025

As with any year, 2024 saw its share of highs and lows, joys and heartaches. We also saw a time in our nation more polarized than we’ve been accustomed to in recent years. The presidential election brought out the best and worst in many of us, with the results, for some, so unbearable the thought of moving forward in any positive fashion seems unfathomable.

I, for one, was deeply saddened, disappointed, and discouraged by the outcome. But I also believe we must make the most of circumstances and not drown in negativity, anger, or denial. Pick up our bootstraps and adjust our sails, so to speak. Business consultant Susan Graham sums it up nicely:

“Win with humility, lose with grace, and do both with dignity.”

I am still me, and all of you are still you. Despite how it might sometimes seem, this is a wonderful world, and we are blessed to be a part of it. I’m grateful for my cats, family, friends, colleagues, and the birds and squirrels who brighten my world daily. I’m also thankful for my job and my writing and graphic design opportunities. The list goes on, so for 2025, I remain committed to living a life of gratefulness, kindness, compassion, empathy, and tolerance. Nobody can ever take that away from me. Look for common ground in circumstances that don’t always make sense or might not be your opinion or choice. If my mortal enemy cats, Jazmine and Shadow, can find common ground to get along, I think the rest of the world can, too!

It’s been over 5 years, and Jazmine (Left) and Shadow (Right) still don’t get along. Food, however, is their common ground, and for those brief moments at feeding time, all is well with the world.

Happy New Year Everyone! Best Wishes from all of us at Zee & Zoey’s for peace, love, good health, and happiness.

AI generated artwork based on the creative prompts of author and artist, Deborah Barnes.

Cozy Caturday at Zee & Zoey’s

I don’t expect anyone in the colder temperatures to get a violin out for me, but it’s been chilly here in South Florida lately. Being accustomed to 80-degree-plus temperatures lately, we’ve seen days in the 50s, and it’s been sweatshirt weather! I’m not the only one who noticed a dip in the heat. Zoey, who is typically snuggled with at least one of her “kittens” (usually Mia), got the rare treat of all three of her kin – Mia, Peanut, and Rolz – snuggled into her for some love and warmth!

I hope everyone has a wonderful, cozy Caturday!

Zoey is in the center. Peanut to her left, Mia to the right, and Rolz in front.


Grateful for Thanksgiving at Zee & Zoey’s Cat Chronicles

Top: Shadow and Jazmine; Middle: Zoey, Mia, and Peanut; Bottom: Rolz and Kizmet

All of us at Zee & Zoey’s Cat Chronicles wish you and yours a safe, peaceful, loving, and wonderful Thanksgiving. This year, we are blessed to have family coming from Boston and local family and friends we’ll be sharing the day with.

Take care, and, as always, we share these tips to keep our kitties safe and sound with all the treats that abound!

A Tale of Not Eating, Eating by a Not Childless, Childless Cat Lady

The gang’s all here! Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Kizmet, Jazmine, and Shadow.

Technically speaking, I’m not a childless cat lady. I gave birth to two wonderful sons way back in the dinosaur age of the 1980s. But, if you do the math, they’ve been adults for eons, and I haven’t had to provide for their food, shelter, or basic needs for many years. My current gang of seven cats, however, is a different story. Ranging in ages from five to sixteen, I do provide them with food, shelter, and more daily. At this point in my life, I may as well be a childless cat lady. Read more