BlogPaws and My Cats – It’s all About the SWAG!

Handsome, confident, and supremely cool – Rolz is the epitome of the purr-fect ambassador and spokescat for the awesomeness of BlogPaws swag! Seen here, he is claiming his favorite item – the “KittyKush” catnip grinder made by Trust Fund Pets, Inc.
I’m back from BlogPaws safe and sound and can’t wait to tell you all about my experiences in Nashville! Trouble is, my brain and body have not yet caught up with my whirlwind adventures, so until I can regain a semblance of my sanity I thought I’d share the reason why my cats don’t give me the silent, indignant, “How dare you leave us” treatment when I come home from traveling like they used to years prior to my blogging. In a four letter word – SWAG.
So here you go, in the spirit of sort of Wordless Wednesday, here’s a photo glimpse into how my cats get to take advantage of the aftermath of BlogPaws! Enjoy and see you tomorrow for a special Thursday blog post in honor of Hug Your Cat Day.

When I first got home, the cats scattered because the sound of the suitcase rolling into the house scared them. About a half minute later, all was well and they were ready for what they already knew was in my bag!

Since I got so much great stuff, it wasn’t just limited to my suitcase – my carry on bag was also full of swag and Jazmine takes the lead to help unpack it!

Oh boy! Jackpot says Jazmine! Zee and Peanut are looking on, wishing she would hurry up and empty out the bag!

As the resident eldest cat who feels he deserves first rights, Zee is a bit perplexed once the bag is emptied out that he actually has to share what he believes should be HIS loot!

Resigned that he has to share, the others stop by to investigate all the goodies! Can anyone guess which of my cats is missing in this picture?

Jazmine who was the actual swag from Global Pet Expo two years ago has never experienced a suitcase full of cat toys before! She was completely overjoyed to find out I had brought home a new retractable feather toy from the Jackson Galaxy collection. She loved her original one so much that she actually wore it out and we needed a new one!

All that great stuff… but guess what their favorite toy of all was… Yup – a tiny pom-pom ball. Just how does someone do a review of a pom-pom toy?
Thank you to all the wonderful sponsors for the great giveaways and a special thank you to Janet Blue from the blog The Cat on My Head – she was the one who gave me the pom-pom toy. Thank you also to Jeanne Kudich of Random Felines, Julie McAlee of Sometimes Cats Herd You, and Teri Thorenstein of Curlz and Swirlz – all of them were kind enough to give me goodie bags for both myself and my cats and we are all so very appreciative of their kindness and generosity. Oh, and a personal thank you to Kate Benjamin of Hauspanther for sponsoring the Cat Lounge at BlogPaws – not only is she an incredible hostess, but she gave away some really great cat stuff, including the retractable wand toy from the Jackson Galaxy line that has made my Jazmine so happy!
I haven’t even unpacked the large suitcase yet with the swag! My cats are too busy demanding attention and affection constantly! They missed me!
But at least I got my clothes unpacked from smaller suitcase.
Im going to guess Rolz and Mia are missing.
I think it will take me weeks to get unpacked, Christine!! As far as the missing cat – you are half right! There is only one missing in the picture!
It was great seeing you in Nashville. It looks like the kitties are having a blast with their swag. We are trying ours a little bit at a time instead of dumping it out all at once this year… much to someone’s frustration!
Oh gosh, Sometimes Cats Herd You… no way could my kitties be that patient! Great seeing you too!
Great photos. That picture of Zee is priceless- he does look annoyed.
Looks like your kitties got a lot of great stuff!
guys….glad yur mom hada fun fun time, N glad her was thinkin oh everee one bak home
{ who wuz sew upset her waz gone that ewe conned dad inta throwin a pizza pie & pool partee
N whoa did we haza BLAST !!!! thanx } …N tuna iz missin frum de fotoz 🙂 ♥♥♥
Deb, I’m so glad you had such a nice time (and scored some pretty awesome swag. Jazmine steals the show….as usual ; ) Loved following your escapades via FB posts and photos, felt like I was there♥
Glad you had such a good time. And all your cats scored some awesome swag! It figures the cheapest toy is the one wanted by everyone.
That is what we in the UK call a “Result!” 🙂
What a great swag bag for the kitties!!!!
we are just hoping mom will someday open the swag….hopefully this weekend!! that picture of Zee and the goodies – he looks totally appalled that he has to share 🙂
I haven’t even unpacked my suitcase, much less the three bags of swag I have for the girls. It was so great to see you and have the opportunity to chat a bit. Hope to see you again next year.
so sad I missed you this year! Your kitties couldn’t have been happier!
Pawsome ! It looks like you had great time ! Purrs
Dat’s so pawsum dat they luv everyfin’. Weez got sum gweat swag too and kuldn’t be happier. It was so much fun. Weez got da bug and sure hope to be able to go to da next BlogPaws. It was nice meetin’ ya’, and maybe weez’ll see ya’ next year.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
The mom hasn’t given us our swag yet! She said something about wanting to take pictures and not having the time. Pfffffttt! We want our swag!
The mom said it was great seeing you at BlogPaws. What a fun conference it was this year!
WOW, that was a lotta loot you brought home. No wonder the kitties were all gathered around you in anticipation. Such pretty kitties too. I’m sure you missed them as much as they missed you.
Jazmine looks in love with that feather toy! It was such a lovely BlogPaws, especially spending time with you!
Woo hoo! Enjoy that swag guys.