A Compelling Q & A at Zee and Zoey’s for National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day

by Deb at 12:10 AM • Cat Humor12 Comments

question-dayJust like that, it’s already “National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day” and I must admit I’m a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing.  It’s not so much that I mind answering their questions, but I do have several cats – seven of them to be precise – and so that’s potentially a lot of questions to fit in between my full-time job, blogging, maintaining my household, and writing a book. But hey, I’m a good sport, so what’s one or two or seven questions among friends? I’m sure it won’t be that big a deal and hopefully we will all learn some invaluable information about cats based on the caliber of quality questions I am certain to be asked. So without further ado, here we go:

Jazmine: Can I have a snack?

Me: No.

Jazmine: Can I have a bite of your sandwich?

Me: No.

Jazmine: Is it time for dinner yet?

Me: No.

Rolz: Can I go outside?

Me: No.

Rolz: Is the grass always greener on the other side?

Me: Wow, that’s a profound question, Rolz, and one that is very complicated to answer. I’m very proud of you for asking something so provocative. Hey. Wait a minute – you’re just trying get outside again, aren’t you?

Rolz: Well, how else do I know if the grass is greener if I can’t go out to see?

Me: Good try buddy, but you’re still not going outside.

Zee: Is it time for a nap?

Me: You just woke up.

Zoey: Why do we have so many cats in our house and why are they all on the kitchen counter?

Me: That’s actually a great question – thanks for asking it, Zoey. We have so many cats in our house because we learned an invaluable lesson on the importance of spay/neuter. If kitties are not spayed or neutered, it can lead to litters of kittens which is the reason why streets and shelters are overrun with cats and kittens that need a good home. You had a litter of kittens because we did not get you spayed in time and we ended up keeping your kittens that have now grown up into cats. We also adopted Kizmet and Jazmine from a rescue situation and that is why we have so many cats. We also have so many cats because we happen to love cats very, very much and they bring joy to our hearts and home.

Zoey: Never mind. I really don’t care why we have so many cats – I was only asking the question to be polite. And please don’t answer the part about the counter – you’ve already bored be to tears. Oh, and I want dinner.

Jazmine: I’m hungry.

Me: That’s not a question, Jazmine.

Peanut: If Jazmine gets something to eat, I want something to eat too.

Me: That is not a question either.

Kizmet: What’s the meaning of life?

Me: Finally, something serious! I love that question, Kizmet! Let’s see… I think for me, the meaning of life is about finding kindness and making the world a better place for others. I also…

Kizmet: Whoa lady. Don’t mean to cut you off, I think you heard me wrong. What I said was “has anyone seen my toy mice?”

Me: Yes, of course that’s what you said. In that case, check under the couch. Mia, you haven’t said much. Do you have a question?

Mia: Can I be fed away from the other cats? They bother me when I’m eating.

Me: Sigh.

Me again: Guys, sorry to interrupt, but for the most part, these really don’t seem like important questions. It just seems like all most of you want to do is eat. Does anyone have a question that isn’t food related? Guys? Hello?


*Chirp* *Chrip* Crickets…

I apologize everyone… I had hoped to have a much more informative Q & A today, but clearly that is not going to happen with my hungry and distracted gang. If any of you cats who happen to read this blog have a serious question you would like to ask me, please do and I will do my best to answer it…

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  1. We wonder what could be an impawtant question if it’s not food-related… Purrs

  2. I have a question! But it’s food related… Did they get their snack?? 😉

  3. so the lesson here is feed the cats BEFORE asking for in depth questions…. MOL That was a great Q&A session

  4. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    deer mizzuz mom ta de crew:

    whenz lunch brake 🙂


  5. My cats are always asking for 2nd breakfast. You’d think they were hobbits!

    Love your post! I am hosting a blog hop for all of the National Answer Your Cat’s Question Day posts. Please stop by and join us at Create With Joy! 🙂

  6. Flynn says:

    Well you tried, but it looks like the cats were more interested in food.

  7. I think your cats question was furry good 😀
    Food and naps are the most impawtent things in life!


  8. My question is when do I get my treats? Purrs, Manhattan from the Squeedunk Gang….

  9. Hey waydaminit! Food questions are important!

  10. OMC this was just too funny! You sounded like a Mom who was exasperated with all of the questions that her kids were asking………..wait…..that’s exactly right! xoxo

  11. Deborah Delagarza says:

    What? Food IS an impurrtant question.
    Love to your 7 purrsons and you!

  12. speedyrabbit says:

    Hahahaha love this,xx Rachel