Wordless Wednesday – It’s Both Fun and Beautiful When Cats Photobomb
Okay. Time for a little levity… Life has been far too serious of late, so this week’s focus for Wordless Wednesday is funny “oops” photobomb moments – in this case, funny “oops there’s a cat in my photo,” photobomb! Have a great day all and enjoy the smiles! Oh, and just for fun – did you have a favorite photobomb picture? Go ahead and let me know, I promise I won’t tell anyone!

This was supposed to be a photo of an edible arrangement gift my daughter-in-law sent me last year for my birthday – I wanted to send it to her to let her know I got the gift. Cats in the picture? What cats?

This picture was taken in 2010 when Harley was still with us. Mia was supposed to be the focus of the picture, but Harley decided a “let it all hang out, inappropriate pose” was far more entertaining!

This classic picture was from a fun meme I did as a parody of the “I’ve fallen but I can’t get up” commercial… Seems to be classic, because it also perfectly showcases what a goof Zee is as he photobombs the other kitties looking out the window!
I love them all, but the third one made me lol!!!
I like the one of the clothes. I have a couple kitties that do that too.
These are all great photobombs, but my favorite is the first one. You have not one, but four cats photobombing the picture 🙂
We think our favorite has to be the edible arrangement photo; though, they are all terrific. The “inappropriate” photobomber is quite funny. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
zee…dood…we iz crackin up at yur fotoz bombs…..AND SHAME UPON DE REST OH DE CREW
This is a great post! MOL We love photobombs. I (Lola) am the photo bomber in our family.
Oh boy those are good ones
Lily & Edward
Those are all great photobombs ! We love the one with goofy Zoey rolling on the floor while the rest of the gang is watching at the window. Purrs
These are all great Deb. They are truly funny creatures!! I love the look on Zoey’s face….like, “so what if I’m on top of the clothes in your closet”. ha!
Gweat fotos. Lots of fun. Have a pawsum day.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
Cat photobombs are great! I love your parody of the “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” commercial. That is pawsome! 🙂 Your cats are gorgeous. They are great photobombers!
I love them all, but the third is my favourite.
MOL! There’s nothing like a good photobomb.
OMC, those are all wonderful. I think the one with Zee goofing around was my fave. 🙂
I love the one of the ” fallen and can’t get up” – so cute.
Luv Fallen and can’t get up, but the closet is also priceless
These are beautiful! And I gotta say, my photobombs don’t come close. More often than not, I just get a big piffle of tail blocking the lens of the camera. Maybe I can say they’re artistic?
Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie