I Surrender to the Cat Nap

by Deb at 12:10 AM • Uncategorized13 Comments

Tell me about it…

When I came home from work on Monday, I was already longing for the weekend. By Tuesday, I was ready to crawl into a hole. Don’t get me wrong – everything is okay, it’s just that I’ve had to do an intense amount of data entry lately and my head is literally spinning. It’s truly amazing just how exhausting typing numbers all day long for weeks and months on end can be. To top it off, at night Dan and I have been catching up on watching Game of Thrones (we just finished season 4) and I think I am probably the only person on earth that literally finds Game of Thrones to be one giant sleeping pill.

To be fair, it’s not just Game of Thrones that puts me to sleep – it’s any type of overly dramatic show that is heavy with dark, artistic elements. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings – anything like that is an instant snooze fest for me. It’s not that I don’t like the production itself, it’s just the constant dark and dreary setting. Especially with Game of Thrones – it just seems like all they do for an hour is kill one another. Give me a series like Orange is the New Black or a romantic comedy and I can stay up all night…


That’s why I love cats so much – they are always true to themselves. If they want to nap, they nap…No worries about getting work done or anything like that.

No matter, all this is leading to my cats. They like to nap, and right now, that’s all I want to do. In their honor, here is a vintage video Dan shot a few years ago that is guaranteed to give you a sleepy yawn. Go grab a nice cup of tea and settle in for a cozy nap!! Happy Wednesday and see you on the weekend!

Oh, and as a crazy P.S. – does this happen to anyone else? Why is it that I can be exhausted and sound asleep on the couch, but as soon as I get up to go to bed, I am wide awake for hours?

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  1. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    guys…tell yur mom thatz coz her ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzZzzzzzz

    oooopz sorree bout that….wear wuz we…oh yea….we haz never SEEN game of thrones
    ore orange is the new black bee coz we due knot …..ZZZZzzZzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzZZZZZ

    awesum mewvie by de way we gived it 984 paws up for actshun & suspenze….
    but seer ee iz lee….slow down guys…..slow….down !!!!!

    pee….ezz…..N yea…same here with de food serviss gurl

  2. I must be the only person on earth who never watched a single episode of Game of Thrones – – it just never appealed to me 🙂
    As for the cat nap, I’m a big fan. When I can I love to take a nap with my cat

  3. I love sleeping kitties! This is sooo sweet!
    When I get up in the middle of the night to turn off the tv or pick up a fallen book and actually go to bed I am wide awake, too!

  4. Ellen Pilch says:

    I do the same thing, fall asleep on the couch and then go to bed and can’t sleep for hours- I may have to try watching Game of Thrones to put me to sleep.

  5. Oh what a comfy bunch of kitties! They make me sleepy…
    I do the same thing.. I’ll fall asleep, cant keep my eyes open for anything! then decide ok, I’ll sleep and bam, wide awake!

  6. Robin says:

    The video of your kitties is so beautiful! I love how peaceful they are. They know that they are safe and loved. I know what you mean about being wide awake the second you lay down in bed. That happens to me all the time! I am the opposite of you when it comes to tv or movies, though. I’m more into fantasy, crime, and mystery. I’ve yet to really get into any romantic comedies or anything like that.

  7. I haven’t watched one episode of Game of Thrones. I don’t want to make the commitment. 😉

    Island Cats Mom

  8. Flynn says:

    That was so relaxing to watch them.

  9. Like the Island Cats Mom, the head peep hasn’t watched any Game of Thrones, so she’s safe from that. She so rarely sits down and actually watches TV that we’re always surprised to find her lap available when she does!

  10. Rosemary says:

    Love the video!

    I too fall asleep watching TV and then can’t get to sleep in bed! Drives me crazy!

  11. Yep, mommy get sleepy and falls asleep at da puter and when she wakes up and goes to lay down she’s wide awake again. Weez have to massage hers back to sleep. Have a good nap.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  12. Can you imagine than Mum never watched a single episode of Game of Thrones ? But she loves to take a nap on the couch with us after dinner on Sundays. Purrs

  13. Jean Dion says:

    Thanks for the notes on Game of Thrones. I was thinking of giving it a shot, but now I think I’ll skip it!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie