Photobombing Cats…

While Zoey is my leopard inspired soul-mate kitty, having our picture taken together is not her thing. She will nap on my outstretched legs religiously every night when I finally step away from my computer to relax for the night on the couch and she likes to sleep next to me when I go to bed. Snuggling, picking her up, and hugging, however, are BIG no-no’s to her. So the other day when I saw that she was napping on the floor in the hallway and the lighting was ever-so-perfect, I asked Dan to grab a picture of me sitting next to her because I knew that would be as good as it gets with her.

Need I remind you I have seven cats? What was I thinking? Naturally the moment I sat down, it became a feline excursion in photobombing as led by none other than our Miss Photogenic, Jazmine. Oh well… I guess I sort of have a picture of Zoey and I together! So how does it go in your house when the camera comes out? Any photobombing cats in your bunch?


It started out innocent enough… a picture of me with Zoey was all I really wanted… Enter stage right, the orange blur…


And just like that, Jazmine is sitting pretty, picture purr-fect in the background and joining the photobomb session are Zee and Rolz… Oh well… I gotta admit I do like the picture and there is nothing better than being surrounded by so much kitty love!

Happy Wednesday all and thanks for dropping by!

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  1. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    my stars zoey…the only thing I would like to bomb is the camera itself…indeed for all my FABulousness,
    I sooooooo hate the camera and the minute I see it, I run, and hide, and no one can get a good
    photo of my stunning self….which is sad I guess but since it’s all about me and what I want anyway…oh well…

    hugs girl from dai$y =^..*=

  2. But it’s such a cute photobombing ! Purrs

  3. you know what? I think it turned out even BETTER than you originally planned! It is sooo appropriate for you to be surrounded by cats!! Love it!

  4. Sue Brandes says:

    Love your photos. I love when the other cats get in the photo.

  5. That’s hilarious! Probably wouldn’t happen at my house, though. Any of us see the camera and we RUN!!!


  6. MOL! Yes, all of our photos are a continuous series of photobombs! We love seeing you and your kitties, even if the photos aren’t exactly what you had in mind.

  7. MOL! Totally life with cats! Photobombs galore!

  8. We don’t usually photobomb, but we don’t make it easy to have our pictures taken…like turning our heads or closing our eyes.

  9. great pictures. we don’t have this problem, but mom has lots of pictures of Daiquiri’s nose since she will get up and walk close when mom has the camera out 🙂

  10. MOL The thing is, we are just so curious!!