Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Is it Spring Yet?


Jazmine asks the question we’re all wondering…

Oh Jazmine…if only it were…It’s hard to believe that here it is, almost the end of February and over 68 million people are being affected by the ravages of winter. Or at least that’s what I think the number is – I heard Lester Holt say that on the news the other night, but being that he hasn’t had a day off since Brian Williams has been suspended, I’m not sure how clear his memory is either. But, in all fairness to both gentleman, I barely remember what I ate for dinner yesterday or what day of the week it is for that matter.

What I do know is that I’m pretty sure most of the country has had enough of the snow and is looking forward to clear roads and warmer days. Until that happens, enjoy this picture of my kitties snuggling on our favorite winter blanket, “Big Red” (yes, it even gets cold in Florida).


Zee, Kizmet, Mia, and Rolz keeping warm!

Happy Wednesday all!

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  1. We know it gets cold here in Florida! The next two nights are going to be freezing here, and even Newton may show up in bed for the coldest nights. Stay warm, kitties. Spring will be here soon!

  2. Sue Brandes says:

    Have a great day! We haven’t been hit too bad by snow but; the below zero weather is getting old. LOL.

  3. We’re with you on that one! The WHITE STUFF’s covering EVERYTHING here! NOT cat-approved.

  4. Yeah we have for sure had enough. Our temps haven’t gone over 10 degrees in days………we have a snowstorm coming Sunday……… warmer temps in sight I believe I heard til the first week of March.
    Mom was just talking about how depressed she is, I think it is cause of the weather.
    Love, Cody

  5. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    guys….fill de ground hog promized uz spring wood bee here by de 20th oh march…

    frank lee we think him iz just az sick oh winter az uz, heez bored, N wuz flippin thru
    a calendar N saw stuff that wuz printed up on it bak last 2014 ♥♥♥ N him said…oh look…
    march 20th soundz like a grate day



  6. meowmeowmans says:

    Snugglng on Big Red sure does sound like a great idea. We are SO ready for spring!

    Stay warm, dear friends.

  7. You’re cold? Cold is below freezing. Waayy below freezing! But we understand. We would probably not like the weather you call nice and we call HOT!

  8. Flynn says:

    Sorry Jazmine, you will have to wait a while longer yet.

  9. We would love to enjoy the cold of Florida instead of ours ! Have a great day ! Purrs

  10. Yeah, we’re tired of the brrrr cold here! Love your big red blanket!

  11. We can’t wait for spring!

  12. Carolyn says:

    That’s a very warm and happy pile of kitties!! We’ve seen the weather in parts of the US!! Scary stuff!! Stay snuggled xx