Life Takes an Unexpected Turn and We Have a Winner!

by Deb at 4:50 AM • Uncategorized15 Comments

Treats, naps, looking cute, chasing bugs…That’s my thing, okay? Not doing blog posts…

Hmmm… Let’s see. A couple of weekends ago I had to fill in for human Mom and do her Caturday blog post because she claimed she had a migraine or some lame excuse like that. Now, she claims she’s too busy and overwhelmed – another lame excuse if you ask me. Apparently out of the blue she was contacted by someone she used to work with and he offered her a job that was too good to refuse – since she already has a job, she had to commit to helping out at her old job while working at her new one. She calls it burning both ends of the candle. Whatever… all I know is that when I was rescued, I didn’t sign up to write blog posts, so I’m going to do what any respectable cat would do on a Caturday (or any day of the week now that I think about it…)


Ahh… Much better…Happy Napping All!

Have a great weekend all, and oh, before I forget, Rolz has an announcement to make:


Congratulations Deborah! You are the winner of our Pawsitive Connection free e-book giveaway! We just know you will love it and we highly recommend everyone pick up a copy – it is a wonderful collection of heartwarming stories written by our friend, Stacey Ritz, about the rewards of adopting a rescue pet and is available on Amazon (Kindle) for just $2.99. Click here to order – a portion of all proceeds are donated to help life-saving rescue efforts, so the  more copies that are sold, the more lives that can be saved!

Editors Note…Thank you again for saving the day Jazmine…Great non-effort at a blog post… Anyhow, I’m hoping to get back on track soon and apologize for slacking off and for making the cats do all my work! Sometimes life throws us curve balls and in this case, it is a good one and I have no choice but to spend less time at the computer! The new job has nothing to do with cats, but it is still a very nice and much needed change of scenery…

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  1. We hope your mom’s schedule is going back to normal very soon ! Concatulations to the winner ! Purrs

  2. Well, well…..congratulations to mom on her new job. Deb, I do hope your schedule gets back to normal soon….I’ve missed you. Wishing you all the very best!!

  3. Brian says:

    Tell your Mom to be careful with that candle burning thing, one end hurts more than the other if it gets burnt! Congrats to Deb!

  4. Big congrats to mom on the new job!!! That’s wonderful news!
    Just make sure she doesn’t lapse on your feeding schedules… ; )

    Have a wonderful Caturday

  5. Flynn says:

    Concats to your mum on her new job! She is lucky to have you fill in for her.

  6. Connie says:

    Congratulations on the job and I hope things calm down soon or Jazmine might actually have to work.. 🙂

  7. Congrats on your mom’s new job. We hope she doesn’t hafta burn that candle from both ends for very long.

  8. speedyrabbit says:

    Try not to work to hard,xx Speedy

  9. Concatulations to your Mom on her new job! Hopefully she won’t have to burn the candle at both ends for too long so she can get back to spending more quality time fussing over you, Jazmine!

  10. Huge concatulations to your Mom but please tell her not to work too hard! xoxo

  11. Jazmine, to be honest we think you are a better blogger than your mom! 😉 However, many concats for her new job. Burning candle at both ends always means a soggy mess in the middle! Hehe xox

  12. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    guys…manee conga ratz in 5 rows to yur mom !!! way awesum mews her getted a new place
    oh employ !!! time ta sell a brate…call de pizza dood & order 744 pizza pies…N grate werk jazmine
    whooz werkin with OUT a contract…hint hint ta de mom purrson 🙂 ♥♥♥

  13. Deborah Delagarza says:

    Whoo! This is an AWESOME win! Thank you, Deb and Stacey. Cuddles, strokes and purrs for the babies. Rolz, that’s the most gorgeous kitty smile.
    Baby and ReeRee are at the mirror trying to match that smile!

  14. meowmeowmans says:

    Congratulations to your Mom on the new job! Paws crossed that the double-ended candle burning doesn’t last for too long. 🙂