Wordless Wednesday – Kizmet Defies the Logic of Time…

Here is Kizmet from just a few weeks ago. Despite that Kizmet is an old soul, he is actually still a young cat and he and Jazmine are only a year and a few months apart in age.
With each day that goes by, it seems that time is passing quicker and quicker. I say this because in the process of writing Mr. Jazz’s story for my newest book, I am forced to reminisce and go down memory lane with more frequency as I revisit how each cat in my life came to be. It was an odd revelation – especially with Kizmet. Even though we only got him a year and a half ago, time has deluded me into thinking he has been part of our family forever because each and every day has become one big, fleeting, blurry passage of time that has gone by in the blink of an eye.
I truly don’t know where the days are going but I guess having Jazmine around has caused me to reflect about Kizmet even more because they are such good friends. This caused me to take another trip down memory lane as I spent some time looking at pictures of him when we first got him… Shocking news, but he actually was a tiny little kitten at one time! See for yourself as I share some of my favorite pictures of him today for Wordless Wednesday and a bonus video that was taken of him a couple of nights after I brought him home from Pet Supermarket!

This was Kizmet the first week he was with us – this was before he was introduced to the rest of the feline family and he was sharing my office. He loved playing with wads of paper and still does!

In this picture, Kizmet was finally out of the office. Look how little he was! You just want to scoop him up in your arms and give him a big hug!
What about you all – is time going by too quickly for you or is it just me?
We weren’t reading when Kizmet was a kitten, so those were especially delightful photos. You’re right about time going by too quickly. The head peep counted on her fingers the other day and realized that Pierre is about to be nine years old. It seems only yesterday that he was a spotted-tummy kitten.
I feel that time seems to me moving faster and faster, the older I get. I suppose that in a way, it’s a reminder to treasure every extraordinary (and ordinary) moment, because it will pass before you know it!
dood….we wont tell yur mom that if ewe bee maine coon…. ewe iz knot EVEN done growin
til yur like 5…..yur gonna knead a WAY bigger wad oh paper!!!
pea ess…dood jazz…good ta see ya on film buddy ♥♥♥
Awww those pictures of Kizmet are so special. What a cutie. M says time is going way too fast for her. She gets up in the morning and before she knows it, it’s time for bed and she’s accomplished nothing. But then she’s old and time does that to old people You are a long way from there tho, so get ready for when time moves even faster.
Kismet sure was a beautiful kitten. Thank goodness for cameras – it’s a gift to go back and revisit their youth – and ours!
Nice picture of Harley today on the Cats of the CB calendar!
We remember when Kismet joined your household. So glad things are going well for him.
Oh, he was a little guy, wasn’t he? Super cute!
Yeah, the peeps say I was little once, too. I don’t think I believe ’em though. I just remember always bein’ just my size. You know… the purrfect size for me.
Where does the time go?……good grief!!
Lovely post Deb….so happy you’re writing another book!!
Love the video and pictures. What a cutie he is.
Kismet was…is adorable. Yes, time goes by too quickly. It’s hard to believe that my Wally-Cat is almost 11 years old now. Gosh I remember when he was just a baby.
Island Cat Mom
Stopping by to wish Harley a Happy Calendar Cat Day.
We can still remember when Kizmet was first gotcha’d! Has sit been that long???
IN any case, we’re glad all is going so well. 🙂
The cute little guy turned into a beautiful mancat ! Purrs
I was just reminiscing about the day I found Waffles at the shelter…
I absolutely marvel at the joy and laughter he’s brought into our lives.
And I thank you for helping me “take the plunge.”
…I think even Katie has grown to appreciate him in her own way.