Wordless Wednesday – The Ponderous Poses of Zee

by Deb at 6:50 AM • Wordless Wednesday24 Comments

No matter where he is or the circumstances, there is just something about Zee that implies a certain regalness about him. Just what is he pondering with that fully reclined body and outstretched paw? Is it world peace, a cure for the common cold, or perhaps just him wondering when someone will feed him next or rub his belly. With him, one never really knows… Any ideas?

Zee on the tiki deck railing

Zee on the top level of his cat condo

Zee relaxing on the cool pavers of our outside garden

Zee looking especially regal on the coffee table

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  1. Marg says:

    We think Zee is just wondering what is going to happen next.?? Can I just take a nap now. is it time for food or about a new toy. Just our opinions. Take care.

  2. Zee is stunning! I think he is saying “Why the heck are you pointing that annoying thing in my face?” 🙂

    • Deb says:

      Poor Zee is always being stalked by the paparazzi! It’s just something he has to deal with, being a famous cat and all!

  3. Zee, we think you’re posing simply to be admired. You are one of the most hadnsomest, if not THE most gorgeous kitties of all!

  4. Carolyn says:

    I think that handsome fella is saying “I think you could adjust the lighting a tiny bit to best show my drop dead gorgeous personage”! xx

  5. Cheysuli says:

    He is no doubt contemplating why you feel a need to stare at him when staring is rude. And of course, everything else you suggested.

    • Deb says:

      Yes Chey…. starring is rude, but he is just so darn beautiful that it is hard not to stare!! I’m sure you get that all the time too!

  6. meowmeowmans says:

    Zee is SO photogenic!

  7. He is thinking, “Does she know she has a bit of dirt on her nose?”

  8. Brian says:

    Oh that’s pretty clear, thinking about what to think about what we all think about!

  9. Zee is clearly at home in his castle. Master of his domain.
    : ) Katie & Glogirly

    • Deb says:

      No doubt about that Glogirly and Katie!! He is absolutely the King of the Castle, and Zoey is his beautiful Queen!!

  10. I love how he always has one paw forward. I think he is just thanking his lucky stars that he found such a wonderful forever home!!

  11. Sweetharte says:

    Deb, are they bengals? They are both beautiful. I have 5 of my own. I think ALL cats are beautiful!! 😉

    • Deb says:

      Thank you Sweetharte! My Zee is a Maine Coon and Zoey is a Bengal. I also have a Ragdoll, a Tortie mix, and 3 mixed kittens from Zee and Zoey – I agree with you – ALL cats are beautiful!!