Wordless Wednesday – A Much Needed Splash of Sunshine

I don’t know about you, but for me, I think we all could use a dose a sunshine, both literally and figuratively. What a better way to do that on Wordless Wednesday than to share some pictures of cats in sunlight?

There is just something so soothing about a sunbeam and I always marvel that no matter how small that last remaining sliver of sunlight might be, a cat will find it and take comfort in it for every precious second.

Isn’t that the ultimate message? To live life in the moment? I sure think so. Happy Wednesday and may you all find a sunbeam or two of your own along the way…


Kizmet, Rolz, and Zoey








Zee and Rolz




Kizmet back in 2012 when he was a kitten




Rolz and Mia

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  1. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    guys…we heer ya….bring on de sun, surf & turf, N snax tray filled with snapper 🙂

    happee whitefish wednesday ! ♥♥♥

  2. Considering I’m looking out a window right now and seeing nothing but snow falling, I could definitely use some sunshine!

    Island Cat Mom

  3. meowmeowmans says:

    Yes, indeed. WE’d love a bit of sunshine and warmth right about now. 🙂

  4. Flynn says:

    A nice sunbeam makes everything seem better.

  5. There’s nothing quite like the pleasure cats take in a sunbeam…. and watching them is nearly as much of a pleasure, isn’t it?

  6. Sue Brandes says:

    Sunbeams are wonderful. Happy Wednesday.

  7. We would love to get some sunshine here ! We rather have snow-shine…. Purrs

  8. Rosemary says:

    As always, the pictures are stunning!

  9. Emily says:

    I just found you after getting the first issue of my Cat Fancy subscription (alas, the last one as CF). So sorry I didn’t find you soon enough to vote. You site is stunning and your cats are gorgeous!

    • Deb says:

      Emily – so glad to have you as a new Zee/Zoey reader and I appreciate the compliments about the site and my sweet kitties! You have a collector’s item in your hands with that Cat Fancy issue and I am going to miss writing for them. Thank you also for the vote – you may have missed the deadline, but the intention is wonderful nonetheless!!