Tuesday Terror – Kizmet Conquers the Household!
As you know from my last post about Kizmet, I had carefully laid out plans about how I would slowly introduce him to the other cats in the house so that he would not be overwhelmed with the stress of seven large, adult cats who would in all probability chase him into a corner and bully him to defend their territory. To me, he is my sweet little baby – a helpless, tiny ball of fur that I rescued and I wanted to make sure he would feel safe and secure in his new forever home.
He had gone to the vet for his second checkup – his infection was cleared up and he was given the green light to safely meet everyone which was my main concern and I planned on slowly bringing him out of the office in the next day or two. You know how I had wanted it to go – I would put the other cats in the bedroom so that he could explore the house on his own for a bit, then I would introduce him to one or two cats at a time so they could become familiar with one another, while being supervised by Dan and I. Not only did I want the process to run as smooth as possible for Kizmet, but I also wanted the other cats to ease into meeting him so that they were not overly upset either.
Well, Kizmet had an entirely different agenda and it had nothing in common with mine. I opened the door to the office to feed him his dinner and check up on him like I had been doing every night since we got him. He zoomed out so quickly that I didn’t have time to react and he headed straight down the hall to the living room with a confident swagger and purpose. I tried not to overreact, but I was certain disaster was about to unfold at every turn and I braced myself for the inevitable hissing, fur flying, scratching, batting, fighting, and howling.
Zing, zip, bing, bang – he was literally on every piece of kitty furniture we have and playing with every kitty toy we have, instantaneously, all at the same blink of an eye moment with the zealous passion of a possessed demon. The other cats just stood back and watched him in utter fascination, shocked, and so taken aback by his chutzpah that they almost seemed to be in awe of him, rather than upset.

And so it begins, with his tail held high and proud, Kizmet walks over to introduce himself to Rolz!
In one of his highlight moments, he skirted up on one of the kitty condos, straight to the top, reclined his body in regal victory, and basically said, “Nah, nah, nah, nah,” I am a tough, big boy, I am here to stay and none of you scare me, this is my kingdom, so get over it!” To prove it, he batted at each cat that decided to check him out, as I think at this point, they were so perplexed by his presence that they had to make sure he was real and not something they were dreaming!
Once it settled in that he was indeed walking amongst them and no longer that “thing” that was behind a closed door for two weeks, each cat eventually reacted to his boldness in a different way. Zee reacted with a mixture of jealousy and annoyance – he swatted and hissed at Kizmet a few times, but Kizmet was so unaffected by it, that Zee realized his actions were serving no purpose whatsoever and so now he just kind of looks at him like “I don’t have the time for this nonsense, so fine, you can stay, but just keep your distance.” Which, of course, Kizmet is not! Kizmet is the tiny, shrunken, mirror image of Zee and you can see he is doing his best to emulate his new “daddy.”

Not realizing he was caught on camera being nice, Zee shares his food dish with Kizmet who looks like he actually could be Zee's son! Clearly if Kizmet can eat in peace, the cats are far more accepting of him than they are letting on!
Zoey is definitely miffed. She growls and hisses, but Zoey reacted that way to her own kittens when they were about 10 weeks old. In her mind, she had raised them, they were weaned, and it was time for them to leave the nest, so to speak. Once she resigned herself to the fact that we were keeping them and they were permanent members of the household, she become more tolerant, and actually loves them very much. Kizmet could care less about her drama and since he does not react in fear or cower from her, it really is not that much fun for her and she now just goes in the bedroom to avoid contact with him if he gets on her nerves.
The girls – Mia and Peanut – don’t particularly care for Kizmet, but they are behaving and just tend to stay away from him. I think they will be fine and just need a bit more time to get used to him. Rolz is the most incredible player in this saga – he is completely hypnotized by Kizmet and follows him around in utter fascination – almost like he thinks Kizmet is a cat toy come to life. Rolz tends to be an extremely aloof and lazy cat, not really caring to participate too much in family feline activities. He can be a bully sometimes too and will ambush his sisters and the older cats, Harley and Jazz, on occasion, but for the most part likes to be left to the sidelines. Somehow Kizmet seemed to assess Rolz up in one quick meeting and decided to take charge. He wiggled his little butt and assumed attack mode, going after Rolz in one fell swoop of playful dominance. Rather than get angry, Rolz just kind of let it happen, shook him off his back, and walked away shaking his head in disbelief, but at the same time admiring the boldness of Kizmet!

This picture was literally taken hours after Kizmet rushed into the living room and if it doesn't sum up how perfectly he fits in, I don't what else could. He is sleeping next to his "big brother," Rolz, who could not be more relaxed or happy to have the company.
Since Jazz spends most of his time in our bedroom, he has had limited contact with Kizmet and doesn’t seem too upset, which is good, because I was the most worried about him. As long as Kizmet leaves him alone, all should be fine. Harley has both been intrigued and miffed, but doesn’t seem overly concerned with his presence either. All in all, I would say that the acclamation went about 90% better than I ever could have anticipated and it is all due to the fact that Kizmet took charge of the situation on his own terms and basically told everyone, humans and felines alike, that this was his home and he was here to stay! He is no longer my snuggle, cuddle baby like he was with me in the office – when I pick him up now, he squirms like a toddler high on sugar to get out of my arms, as clearly he has more important things to do, such as running like a madcat through the house and can’t put up with my loving nonsense…
Despite how well it is going, I still have to respect the new dynamic and have been making sure to give all the kitties extra love and attention so that the jealousies remain at a minimum. We are incorporating treats and playtime as a positive group tool with all the cats and we are trying to keep schedules and routines in place. For the first few nights, I also put Kizmet back in the office for bedtime – I did not want him roaming around the house without supervision and I also wanted to give the cats a break from him to catch their breath. I forgot how much fun, yet exhausting a young feline can be. One thing is for sure though, his name, Kizmet, is perfect for him. He truly seemed to understand that he belonged to the family before we did and set the groundwork so that there was no misunderstanding.
Glad that efurrything have gone well with Kizmet 🙂
Thanks! Me too, Kjelle Bus!
Ah, the best laid plans. I’m so glad everything is going so well.Kizmet is just precious.
Yes Ingrid… the best laid plans approach applies to parenthood of the human species as well!
What a blessed little kitty this is. He has landed himself a wonderful home into a wonderful life! I so love this blog, it makes my morning! The pictures are fantastic and really aid in the storytelling!
Oh Sue, I can’t tell you how touched I am by your comment and you have made my morning as well! Thank you!
Sometimes the kitty calls the shots! We’re so happy Kizmet is fitting in well.
Yeah, Island Cats… I remember we went through the same thing with Zee & Zoey’s kittens – I was so careful with them, then one day they planned a mutiny and took over the whole household!
Kizmet is a lucky kitty! I especially got a kick out of this because before I even opened the page, I sent a text message to my mom saying, “Did you know that cats always have agendas?” The picture of Kizmet and Rolz relaxing together really made me smile.
Oh my goodness Cathy, Abby Normal & Stygia!! That is so funny and I am glad I was able to give you the smile!
We’re so glad things are going so well. As with Raz, we believe a youngster seems to blend in better. We’re amazed that things went so well here. No matter what we plan, they do it THEIR way!!!
The Florida Furkids
Florida Furkids – I think in my case, because of the sheer volume of existing cats,the kitten approach was the right way to go! So happy that all went so well with Raz for you!
Too cute. It is funny that having that “baby” confidence can make such a difference. I have had different foster launch themselves out of the room and of course after 6 years my adults just sigh and seem to roll their eyes. But it is funny to see even the tiniest kittens come running out, tail up and seem to take over a room. What a great addition and adjustment. 🙂
Random Felines – at one point in my life, I had so many pets that it was a revolving door and my cat, Kit, at the time, used to roll her eyes too – “oh yeah, the crazy lady brought another one home!”
holy moley! how absolutely miraculous–we are very very happy for you all!! what a purrrsonality that little guy has–so powerful, even the other cats are not immune. our poor xing still doesn’t fit in, 5 years after coming to us. she lives in her own two rooms, and only comes out to sit safetly on mommer’s lap!
Oh, I sure do hope that xing will warm up soon, meowers from missouri!! Sweet little baby!
This is simply wonderful! I’m so glad Kizmet is finding his place (rapidly and with utter abandon) in your family! I so enjoyed this post. Thank you for making me smile REALLY big, Deb. 🙂
Thank you meowmeowmans – you always make me smile with your success stories, so very happy I can return the favor!
This is so beautiful, Deb. The universe (and kitties) work in mysterious ways. This brings a huge smile to my face and my heart.
xo, Glogirly
Thank you Katie and Glogirly… the universe is strange indeed…
Great that Kizmet fitted in you done well by him 🙂
Thank you Stevebethere!! We do aim to please when it comes to our cats!
Oh I enjoyed this post so much. Too funny. Kismet just took over. I have found that most kittens are very brave and just ignore the growling and hissing and the fact that they could all smell him under the door made it easier for everyone. Great pictures. He is one cute little guy. That is so great that you took him in and that he is fitting in . Can’t wait to hear more.
Glad you enjoyed the post Marg and I can’t wait to share more!
It does’t surprise me at all the little Kizmet is the new big man on campus. I love the pictures of him with his big brothers. You’ve done a great job Deb in keeping things happening in the best way. My love to all of your babies.
MOL… big cat on campus, I love it Wendy!! Thank you for stopping by and for the compliment!
I LOVED reading this update – it reminded me so much of my own experiences… I too plan everything out and my last few kittens have also had their own agenda & boldly proclaimed themselves as the masters of their new kingdom shorly after their arrival as well!
I can’t wait to share your posts with my husband… I also left a response to your comment on my blog urging everyone to come and visit and see Kizmet and your other beautiful cats!
Create With Joy…. I just knew you would find this post special! Thank you for stopping by!!
Standing and applauding!! (and thinking in the back of my mind…hmmmm, maybe it’s time for me to give it a whirl ; )
Thanks so much Deb, for sharing your wonderful story and the photos DO speak volumes…Kizmet is adorable… as are the rest of the clan.
Toni – you know how I feel and I really hope you will consider an adoption some time in the near future! The joy Kizmet has already brought us is incredible!
whoa…ZEE….ewe bee like a LION compared ta yur babee brother….N kizmet….ewe haz mischief written all over yur face…..keep up de good werk !!!!
we loves it……
da tabbies – he is quite a mischief maker – just wait until you see the next video we do of him!
Wow! I would have never guessed in a million years that the introductions would go that smoothly. Kismet indeed!
Lisa, me either!! I knew Kizmet was special, I just had no idea how much!
Kittens are funny that way. Gemini always kept going back to Georgia when Georgia would swat her and that finally won her over. Ichiro, however, was much shyer. Not that he’s shy now, mind you…
Oh yes, Chey, if nothing else, kittens are persistent!
Looks like you’ve found the missing link! I love when kittens introduce themselves to adults. It’s never as bad as you think it will be.
LOL Bernadette!! It seems kittens do have a way of putting the nonsense and protocol of adults into place!!
How funny that he and Rolz became instant friends! Binga hated me – it took her weeks to warm up to me. If she ever totally has, MOL!
Well, Sparkle, to be fair, you really have stole the limelight, so I can’t blame Binga completely! I am sure deep down she cares for you…