True Confessions of a Cat Lover

My brother's newest family member - Abbie. Ironically, they named her Abbie without even knowing the name had special meaning for me. The first cat trapped on the Loews properties was named Abbie.
During the past Memorial Weekend, I traveled from Florida with my mother, up north to Pennsylvania to visit my brother and his family. I decided on a whim to buy a book at the airport and a couple chapters into it, it turns out there was a subplot about a rescue shelter for cats. A short while after we arrived, we had to drop my brother’s dog off at the local Petco to be groomed. We ended up walking out with a rescue cat for my nephew who had been wanting a cat for the longest time (it was a complete surprise for him). On the way back home to Florida, I heard strange noises on the plane and thought I had to be going crazy… it sounded like a cat. Not being able to take it any longer, I asked the young man sitting next to me if I was hearing things…. Nope, he had a cat in a carrier next to him…
My point, my entire life, I have been surrounded by cats. I don’t question it any longer – I have an intuitive relationship with these creatures and somehow they seem to find me, or I them, for whatever purpose. The majority of pet cats in my life came to me that way – a skin and bones black cat found along a rural roadside one very dark night; a litter of weeks old kittens found in the bottom of a dry well during a cold winter’s day in Connecticut, abandoned by their mother and moments away from death; and another cat who just appeared in my driveway out of thin air. I also had a cat with one eye and several that I got through rescue organizations (along with numerous rescue dogs).
Given that information, one would think I was an expert in cats. But, truth be told, as my life has ever increasingly changed after writing The Chronicles of Zee & Zoey, a book about my current gang of seven cats, I see from my growing social circle of cat peers from blogging, facebook, twitter, and membership in such groups as The Cat Writer’s Association and the Cat Lady Coalition, that I really knew very little about cats at all and was quite surprised at this admission.
To vaccinate a cat or not. Raw food diet or not. What brand of dry kibble, what brand of flea collar, or no flea color. Indoor cats. Outdoor cats. Aromatherapy for stress. And on and on. The list of debate on the subject of cats is endless and I had no idea the amount of controversy and heated emotion these creatures could cause. Quite honestly, my dealings with cats was simple. I took the best care of them that I could and loved them with all my heart. This was based primarily on intuition, common sense, and whatever limited knowledge I had garnered thorough the years of endless trips to the vet. The brand of cat food I fed my cats was based on whatever I could afford from the grocery store at the time and the word “aromatherapy” was not even part of my vocabulary. Nor were the initials TNR. I had no idea what a feral cat was, let alone that they existed, and while I had many rescue cats, I had no idea of the staggering numbers of cats on the streets and in shelters that were homeless.
Looking back, I see that I was actually sheltered most of my life – from a childhood with no television, to an early marriage with children that kept me extremely busy, to a full time job to pay the bills, college as an adult, to divorce, to struggling to raise my boys as a single parent, to the point where I am today. I never had the time or resources to study up on cat issues, nor did I even realize there were cat issues to study up on. I knew it was important to have a cat spayed and neutered, but I did not know a female cat could get pregnant before a year old. Neutering was a way to avoid spraying the furniture and spaying was not only to avoid pregnancy, but for anyone that has gone through a heat, it was a survival mechanism, as a cat in heat can be more than exasperating to the nerves! I had no clue a cat was healthier by sterilization, happier yes, but healthier, that I did not know.
The Internet was virtually non-existent until recent years, and, as I said, it was a simple concept – take care of the cat(s) and try to get through the day. I never considered myself a bad pet owner, and I certainly don’t now. But, what I am now finding out, is that the book that I ironically wrote as a heartfelt and inspirational story about my family of cats who got me through a very difficult time in my life and taught me incredible messages about love and having the courage to follow one’s dreams, would actually bring some serious issues to the forefront in the cat world that I had never even considered.
Despite the flamboyant leopard image, I’m not one that enjoys drawing attention to myself and I certainly never realized the full extent to which I could be subject to criticism and speculation. But, here’s the deal, while I always loved all my stray and rescue cats, I also had a love for particular breeds of cats and bought Zee, my Maine Coon for Dan as a gift (it is his favorite breed) and a while after that, for myself, my beloved Bengal, Zoey. I got both of them from breed specific catteries and had every intention of spaying and neutering them. It did not happen in time and we ended up with a litter of kittens – a litter of kittens from two different breeds of purebred cats in a world rampant with cat overpopulation. As I said earlier, I thought a female cat had to be at least a year old before she could become pregnant, of which I have now since learned is an absolute falsehood. A female cat can actually become pregnant as young as four months of age and Zoey was about eleven months.
So here I am and you all know me by now – I am an ever increasing strong voice for TNR, I have helped spearhead the Save the Loews Cats effort, I have done interviews about the cats in the aftermath of the Japan disasters of last year, I have made informative videos on the misconceptions of feral cats and I am part of a new nonprofit rescue organization called Pawsitively Humane that Christine Michaels of Riverfront Cats has founded. To say that my eyes have been opened to the severe and serious plight of cat overpopulation on the streets and in shelters would be an understatement.
But, I must admit that sometimes in my new social world, I feel a certain stigma, almost like I need to apologize for my purebred cats and for them having a litter of kittens, which I will not do. My cats have brought me incredible joy and this litter of kittens that I have taken full responsibility for, have been brought to me for a greater purpose – I have changed as a person as a result of them and I am fully committed to making the world a better place for cats. It is precisely because of my misconceptions and lack of knowledge that I feel I can champion to help educate the mainstream public, who, like me, can learn to become better, well informed, and more responsible pet owners.

These little beings have changed my life in ways I never thought possible. There are so many cats and kittens in shelters and in the streets that also deserve a loving home, and it is my genuine hope that I can help increase pet adoptions worldwide by educating people on how special cats are and by encouraging pet responsibility.
I cannot change what I have done in my past, but my new found knowledge of the cat world has caused me to ask further questions about my own life’s decisions to the world in general – is it wrong to purchase a purebred cat and should cat breeding be banned since we have such a huge problem of overcrowding in shelters and cats living on the streets? Or even more compelling, are cats in shelters being euthanized as a direct result of cat breeding? I thought as a lot of us are gathering soon to meet at BlogPaws and we have quite an assorted mix of cat lovers, that this would be an interesting topic to tackle and in my newest series of interviews, I will be addressing these very controversial and intriguing questions.
For part one of the series, I decided to go straight to the top (based on a recommendation from the esteemed Wendy Christensen of the Cat Writer’s Association), to one of the most renowned pet experts in the field, Steve Dale, of Steve’s Dale’s Pet World who is a certified dog and cat behavior consultant and give him a call. He was more than up for the challenge and I was fascinated with his answers. Part two of the series is a conversation with an actual cat breeder, Teri Thorsteinson of Curlz and Swirlz, who was a Cornish Rex breeder. Teri was quite forthright with her discussion and I look forward to sharing these posts with you in the days to come.
Deb, good for you for being pro-active and taking a stand. There will always be someone who doesn’t agree with your methods or philosophy. I would know being a bit of a renegade myself! Open dialogue with open hearts is best.
Yes Layla, such is the world we live in and thank goodness we do have the freedom of opinion in this country! I love the sentiment – “open dialogue with open hearts is best.” You have always paved the way for open dialogue at Cat Wisdom 101 and I love that about you!
This is a powerful post, Deb. It’s not easy to stand up for what you believe in in this online world of instant feedback, especially when you may end up being criticized for your beliefs.
Very true Ingrid, especially considering I was such a wallflower at one point in my life! I realize now that unless you do take a stand, whether people agree with it or not, nothing will be gained. The point of all of this is to show that there are more than one side to an issue and that the subject is not completely black and white.
Well I certainly thank you for all that you do, we think your efforts and the things you accomplish are amazing. I don’t know Steve, but Teri is amazing!
Thank you Brian, coming from you, that means the world to me!!
There’s nothing to apologize for, Deb. Bad Kitty Bo is a purebred Maine Coon whom I acquired from a breeder after following cat shows for two years. After decades of rescuing and doctoring cats of all ilk I decided that one time I wanted a cat that was exactly what I wanted, and I was well-aware of the issues cats in general face in our society. The other three feline members of the house are vet hospital dump, vet hospital orphan and neighborhood dump. The dog came from the shelter. I have sat on three different pet nonprofit boards and am currently on another one. It does no one any good to try and separate those who are invested in making better lives for companion animals based on some idea of who is more “pure of heart and deed” . All that does is help drive away people who might otherwise become terrific advocates.
Vicky – I appreciate you honesty and I agree with you, if we deal with this subject in an extreme manner, nothing will be gained. I am a terrific cat advocate and it is because I am willing to open my eyes to all sides of an issue.
Dear Deb,
Firstly, I hope you never feel on the attack or on edge about what you know or need to know or think you should know about cats. We’re all on a journey and some of us have been studying for a long time and others are eager students. I don’t believe anyone knows all there is to know anyway and some of us only specialize in certain aspects of cat care, behavior, wellness, TNR, etc.
What is important here is that you’re open to learning and willing to learn more. You’re not shutting yourself off, you’re asking questions. I have also written about whether or not there should be ‘pure bred’ cats. The CFA would have you believe the following: ” “The responsible breeding of pedigreed cats is of value to society in order preserve the domestic cat breeds and to provide animals with desirable and predictable physical and personality characteristics. Further, our position is that we are opposed to any law or regulation which would prevent the exercise of these activities.”
As someone who runs a non-profit cat rescue that pulls cats from Kill shelters, I would say that it’s selfish and maybe arrogant to think we can perpetuate breeding while turning our backs on the millions of cats being euthanized just because they don’t have a certificate of authenticity. I realize this is not a black & white topic, but perhaps, at least, breeding has to be strictly controlled (as well as S/N laws for all cats) until such a time-if there ever is one-where more breeding an be allowed. Until perfectly adoptable cats stop being euthanized at shelters, breeders have to stop coming up with excuses as to why it’s ok to make the problem worse.
As for whatever choices you made that you might feel bad about not spaying your cat before she had a litter, don’t. We’re all in this together and I’m pretty sure all of us had made choices we regret after we’ve learned better. The key is you’re not going to do it again and not only that, you’re on a mission to help other people understand the importance of S/N…see how cool that is? No need for a confession or feeling bad, ok?
Hugs to you and the kitties..and see you soon I hope!
Robin – thank you for this post. For someone who works so closely with rescue cats, I know it can be a difficult subject and I appreciate your honesty. I also appreciate that you can see that I want to encourage dialog and ask questions. I don’t think there is one right answer, but clearly we all want kitties to be adopted and stop the millions of cats from being euthanized. For me, it was not necessarily about a certificate of authenticity. Now that I am more aware of circumstances, I see that there are breed specific rescue groups and I would encourage people to adopt that way if they can.
And yes, it is cool that I am on a mission to help spread the word about S/N. Trying to help make the world a better place for cats is one of the best aspects of my life and I am so thankful that there are amazing people like you who also give so tirelessly in this effort. Hugs back and can’t wait to see you!!
I can relate. Everything I have learned about animals, I’ve learned through the school of hard knocks. I’ve never adopted an animal from a shelter and I’ve never bought an animal. They come to me or were given to me to care for.
I’ve made alot of mistakes too. And that’s why I TRY to not be judgmental. that’s also why I tend to let the guys do the talking instead of me, because I do tend to come off that way.
But as long as one is doing the best they can for the animal, and are not putting an animal at risk, I can’t say what they’re doing is wrong. I can only say that’s not what I would do.
RumpyDog – sometimes the school of hard knocks is the best education we can get. That way, it is real and the lessons we learn are true to our hearts…
Thanks for coming to visit Dante again!
Abbie is a very pretty little girl. I just love her red underbelly! I hope she thrives in her new home with your brother.
I think these days everything is extreme compared to when we grew up. So cat protocol is no different. It’s likely due to the internet that so much information is dispersed. Sometimes I think it’s too much information, because who do you believe? One so-called expert may contradict another.
Yes, we always had cats, too, and basically let them be — making sure they were neutered and had vet visits when necessary. We never questioned what kind of cat food they ate — it was whatever was on sale at the grocery store at the time.
Now I question getting regular vaccinations for my cats. I had one precious pet pass from lymphoma, which I have heard can result from regular vaccinations. I was also told by one vet that a yearly vaccination isn’t necessary because these drugs last up to 3 years. Another vet contradicted this. I think too many vets are motivated by the income they can generate, valuing this over what is actually beneficial for the pet.
As for the food, it’s amazing to know what exactly we were feeding our pets in years past. Mostly cornmeal I think. Yet they survived and were healthy. Now we are all looking for grain-free and high protein content, and some have gone to raw only.
We can’t feel guilty all the time, so we just have to do the best we can. Just like with humans, the ideas of what is good and what is not keep changing. Are carbs good or bad? I believe that individuals differ and what may be good for some is not for others — and the same applies to cats. My grandcat Missy is extremely heavy yet she doesn’t even eat that much. It speaks to genetics rather than environment. The upshot is that there is no universal prescription for diet — it’s not one-size fits all (no pun intended).
As for purebreds, I, too, have felt guilty for having a Maine Coon. Dante is my very first purebred cat. It makes me feel less guilty that my other two are rescues. Certainly, there has to be a place for both in our lives.
CCL Wendy – Abbie has the best undercoat! She has tawny paw tips and the sweetest little face! I miss her already and am sure she will be very well loved!
You certainly can relate to my post – all the information we get can cause complete overload, and yes, so much of it is conflicting…. just how do we know what to believe any more? I agree with you – we just have to do the best we can and love our pets with the best of intentions. I do hope you are right, surely there must be a place for both types of cats in our lives.
That was a really good post and none of us can get it right all the time. All we can do is the best that we know how and usually everything turns out just dandy. We think you are doing just terrific and we sure do admire you for all the good stuff you did for the Loews cats. WE think you do just great with your cats. They sure all look very happy.
Oh Marg! Thank you for your kind words – you always know just what to say to make me feel good about myself! And yes, if nothing else, my cats are EXTREMELY happy!!
That was great! And I think sometimes the controversy comes because like parents, we are all certain exactly how to raise our kids! And we know best! And guess what? The Woman will get to see you at BlogPaws–she WON THE TRIP!!! Yes, Yvonne contacted her yesterday and she has won a trip to BlogPaws!!! WOO HOO!!!.
OMC Chey!!! I finally get to meet the Woman!! I am so excited!!
All cats need to be loved, whether they’re purebred or rescue kitties and you have done a fantastic job with loving all your furbabies. It’s not a black or white issue in whether to have purebred kitties or not. Personally, I believe as long as the cats are going to loving homes then that’s what counts as long as one’s also an advocate for homeless or rescue cats like you have. I’m sure you’ll hear and have already heard both sides and obviously you’ve thought about it a long time. I’m so glad you’re such an advocate and lover of cats regardless of where your babies came from.
Sele and Miss Bella – you have hit the nail on the head – it is not a black and white issue and is extremely complicated. That is why I can’t and won’t live in regret. I love my furbabies and because of them it has made me the strong advocate and voice that I am today. Thank you for your support – I love you guys and hope you are settling into your new home.
Deb, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for and nothing to be ashamed of but I appreciate the fact that you took a risk in posting this. I know you’ve never backed away from controversy (at least not in the time that I’ve known you) but I also know it can be daunting to take on a volatile subject. BTW, I think the fact that you embraced whatever “mistakes” you’ve made and learned from them AND went on to educate others about them speaks volumes about your character! I don’t believe that bringing home a purebred cat is necessarily a mistake though 🙂
The subject of breeding is a topic that needs to be discussed and I’m glad you brought it up here. I do think there is a place for purebred cats. There are so many wonderful and unique cat breeds and it would be such a shame to lose them. If we stop breeding them, we will lose them. I fully support rescue and encourage anyone looking to share their home with a cat to consider a shelter or rescue cat. But that doesn’t mean that I condemn someone who prefers to share their home with a purebred either. (Yes, before anyone else points it out, I realize that purebreds do find their way into shelters and rescues also so the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive.) I do think we need to support responsible breeding and breeders. And educating the public about how to recognize a responsible breeder is an uphill battle. We talk a lot about puppy mills and, even so, a lot of people don’t realize where the puppies that they produce end up being sold (i.e. in pet shops and online.) Even fewer people realize that similar facilities exist for breeding cats. This is the type of breeding that needs to be stopped, the type that is done purely for profit without regard for the well-being or welfare of the individual animals or the breed(s) involved.
Lorie – I really like the tone of your response. You see the many sides to this complicated topic and I am glad you think it is something that needs to be discussed more. I agree. Nobody wants to see cats suffering, and of course we support rescue. But to lose breeds, that really would be a sad concept. Responsible breeding is key and I hope to really elaborate on this with Steve Dale and Teri Thorsteinson.
I couldn’t agree more. As a life-long lover of the Siamese breed, I’ve seen troubling changes in breed standards. and feel we need to create awareness of what is responsible breeding. My first meezer was bought from an excellent breeder but since then I would never adopt from a breeder when there are so many meezers available from rescue groups and shelters. My Merlin was adopted at age one after being shunted from home to home four times.
Deb, I will just get to the point. Being the owner of a PURE BRED Shetland Sheepdog I feel exactly the same and TOTALLY understand where you are coming from. I also often feel the need to “apologize” for having a purebred dog.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter one whit of the pet you choose to have is purebred or not and frankly it is no one’s business how we acquire our pets but it is sad that individuals make us feel that we must apologize. Shame on them for judging, shame on us for continuing to try to be “people pleasers” When you try to please every one you end up pleasing no one.
Love Steve Dale…reviewed 2 of his books a few months ago. One on Cat Chat and one on Dakota’s blog……he also had a section in another book review I did for both blogs of the book by Tracy Ahrens, “Raising My Furry Children”
Caren – you are so right, but often easier said than done! I had forgotten about Dakota – I’m always so focused on Cody, so you do understand what I mean!
yep I TOTALLY do. In fact, a few weeks ago on Dakota’s blog when I posted about the “Shelter Me’ project, I mentioned some of the “guilt” that I was made to feel for having a purebred dog.
Before we got Dakota we had scoured every resource we could think of (that was before my days of blogging and really knowing contacts as both you and I do now) to try and find a Sheltie rescue near our home. Yes, we did search Petfinder as well.
My step daughter had told us about Dakota. The breeder we purchased him from bred show dogs. The dogs she couldn’t show were more or less kept in another room (not in bad conditions but I could tell they did not get the emotional nurturing that her other dogs did). I think Dakota was crated much of the time. He was 8 mos old when we got him and in my opinion we feel as if we did INDEED “rescue” him. The term “rescue” is relative. Being “rescued” doesn’t have to be done in the “traditional” sense to help a dog or a cat.
You didn’t spay or neuter Zee or Zoey. Big deal. That was God’s plan. When the unexpected pregnancy happened you didn’t abandon your animals on the street, quite the contrary. They receive more love, affection, nurturing and thrive in a “cat-friendly gymnastics environment” 🙂 than most cats are lucky to have.
I don’t like hearing someone say “good, you learned, you will never do that again”….Never say never. It happened, if it happened again you would rise to the occasion as you did this time.
Sorry I wrote a book about this right now, but I truly resent people passing judgment on things they know little or nothing about.
Caren – I will have to pop over some time soon to read that post about Dakota – it sounds very compelling. And you are quite right, just because an animal came from a breeder, it does not always mean the circumstances were ideal. My cat Jazz is a perfect example – I got him from an ad in the paper for Ragdolls – his surroundings were horrendous and I absolutely “rescued” him in that sense. Not all breeders are refutable and that is another point of my discussion that will be shared with Steve and Teri.
And, many cats that once had a home are brought to shelters for behavior problems, which I find completely tragic. Rather than trying to fix the root cause of the issue, the shelter becomes the solution. That is why this subject is so complex. Anyhow, it is what it is and I am a better person for it. I brought the subject up because I felt it was important – I think a lot of people struggle with topics like this and I just wanted an avenue to open people’s eyes through my own. I truly have not taken offense at any comments and really appreciate your love and support!! 🙂
Deb, I agree with Layla. There will always be those with a dissenting opinion. You love your cats and we love reading and learning about Zee & Zoey and the kittens. xoxoxo
Gracey – thank you! I am so happy you enjoy reading about Zee & Zoey and the kittens – they certainly are entertaining!!
It certainly sounds as though you have had your eyes opened over the last few years, Deb! Up until recently I have not had any interest in whether people had purebreds or rescues or whatever. I could see both sides. What I do have problems with is when cats and dogs are bred to the point where they suffer because owners/breeders want to show them and they have to fit certain criteria! Because of that some breeds have become unrecognisable from how they were decades ago. I have seen King Charles spaniels that have bred to the point of malformed skulls which squeeze their brains causing untold suffering. Pugs and Boxers with respiratory problems because of prerequisite squashed faces. The same with some breeds of cats. The list is endless with this kind of thing. I absolutely know you weren’t talking about that, but when humans treat animals as accessories or show pieces without any thought for their wellbeing then I see red!
On the hand I do not see anything wrong with breeding per se as long as the animals are loved and their welfare is uppermost.
I hope I haven’t said anything I shouldn’t, or upset you 🙁 I know you are one of the good guys and I think your honesty about your steep learning curve is much to your credit. I also know that I could be hounded by those who think that cats should not go outside! We all have our views, but as long as we all agree that the welfare of the animal is paramount then we shall be fine!
BTW I have just found out that just over the back of me, literally within 100 yards there is a woman who breeds main coons!!!! Up until I “met” you I had never heard of the breed!
Take care xox
Carolyn – that is an excellent point, regarding the overbreeding, or breeding them to fit a criteria that ends up hurting them, and that is part of the reason this discussion is so important. I welcome all sides of the discussion and you have not upset me. I brought the topic upon myself and could have left it alone. I just feel the teacher and educator in me – I am a sponge and I really feel the need to explore these extreme types of topics, because I ultimatley believe there can be a middle road with proper education and responsbility.
The outdoor topic is certainly one subject that is also touchy. Were it not for my particular backyard, I would not let my cats outside at all. But, I realize that it does happen – what I would at least hope, is that if a cat is allowed outdoors, that it be sterilized so as to prevent pregnancies that might not have a welcoming home such as mine. So, yes, I can respect different views, with the ultimate objective being the welfare of the animal!
I cannot believe you have not heard of the Maine Coon before!! See, we all learn something everyday!!! xoxox
I think moggies tend to be outdoor cats much more. Austin is a moggie lol. Also I think cultural differences come into play here as in Europe cats are outside much more anyway. I will be interested in your future posts on all of this xox
PS we have been enjoyimg our Queen’s diamond jubilee river pageant (on TV) in atrocious weather! Oh well bad weather and pomp and circumstance we Brits do very well lol
wellll…while I am most certanly NOT purebred…it does not diminish my worth.. nor does a purebred cat’s worth diminish by it breeding. Mom and Dad had purebred Sibes…showed them…bought from incredible breeders…etc…however, knowing what they know now…they would never buy a Sibe from a breeder…there are too many in shleters…so we are definitely a ‘shelter ,stray animal rescue anifamily…but we DO NOT judge anyone who is trying to improve the breed quality of cats and dogs, as long as they are doing it for just that…not any projected profit…IMHO…
Savannah – we like your attitude and take on the topic!
Deb, what might be construed as mistakes were living, loving beings, those beings led to your examination of your life and to a book which in turn led you to us, and from this blossomed your epiphany. This was your path, never apologize for it.
I look forward to your articles!
Bernadette – I suppose the kittens could be construed by some as a “misktake.” Certainly the pregnancy was not intentional. That being said, you are right, it was my path and one that I will never forget. The bond that formed between Zoey and I during her pregnancy was a gift I will always cherish. The communication and love she shared with me was incredible – to the point that she actually came and got me when she went into labor and had two kittens on my lap… Thank you for your wonderful words!
Deb, only those hard-liners who would lay the stigma of purebred cats and unwanted litters on you would call them mistakes, but not you and me! If you had not had this love story and this litter of kittens, chances are we never would have met you, and all the rest. We all began somewhere and today shake our heads at what we should have known way back when. It was all meant to be.
Bernadette – your insight has inspired me for an upcoming post idea and I thank you for uncluttering some of the cobwebs in my head! There is very little chance our paths would have crossed, had it not been for Zee and Zoey. They have brought me to so many places and I have met so many wonderful people because of them. It was meant to be, I don’t question that at all… Thank you again and I am so happy you are part of my journey!