Purina’s #BetterWithPets Summit – Part 1 – The Experience

This post is sponsored by Nestle Purina® and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated to help spread the word about the third annual BetterWithPets campaign but Zee & Zoey’s Cat Chronicles only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Purina is not responsible for the content of this article.


From the moment I entered the beautiful Brooklyn Expo Center for the Purina Better With Pets Summit to the time I left, the entire experience was engaging, compelling,  and thoroughly enjoyable. Photo credit: Brooklyn Expo Center

When someone starts an event by stating cats and people are better together (said by Nina Leigh Krueger, Chief Marketing Officer for Purina North America), well, let’s just say you had me at meow. As a matter of fact, whether discussing cats, dogs, having a scrumptious gourmet lunch, participating in interactive exhibits, or anything else, Purina had my undivided meow during the entire duration of the 2015 Better With Pets Summit (BWPS) that was held in the Brooklyn Expo Center on November 3rd.

Having never attended a BWPS before, I had no idea what to expect, but with a theme that centered on emotional wellness for pets and the people who love them, I knew I would be in store for a very special day. Notwithstanding my very noticeable lack of sleep the night before and the loss of my Samsung tablet for picture taking, I was right.

Unlike some venues where the conference setting is dark and cold, the Brooklyn Expo Center is a gorgeous piece of architecture, encased top to bottom in large window panes that bathe the interior in a beautiful glow of natural light. Complimenting that were eye-catching graphics throughout the room  – larger than life cats and dogs to tug at your heartstrings and even some real life cats and dogs to melt your heart!


This stunning cat was one of my favorite images – it was part of a vignette of dog and cat pictures that was projected on a large screen.


This sweet little chihuahua was one of the many real life dogs I got to pet!

Purina also spared no expense to make sure everyone was comfortable – from the handsome guys in trendy “man buns” serving espressos and cappuccinos, to the convenient charging stations centrally located to keep our iPhones and computers at the ready – it was first class all the way.


I loved the setting for the speakers – rather than podiums that tend to be intimating, comfortable chairs were set up in an intimate way – almost like you were in your own living room, inviting guests over for an evening of insightful and stimulating conversation.


Maybe it’s my inner-cat, but I had an inexplicable urge to nibble on the very simple and tastefully done table decorations. The cappuccinos were delicious too – the only thing missing was having a cat face design in the frothy foam!


Sharing a fun moment before the summit began with author and pet behaviorist, Steve Dale.

After the morning beverages and small talk, the summit began with the comedic flavor of Josh Gondelman – the charmingly funny, Emmy nominated writer for Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on HBO who was the host of the summit. He broke the ice by telling us when he was younger, the only dog he knew wore a trench coat, had two legs, and said “Don’t Do Drugs.” He has since adopted an adorable senior Pug named Bizzy and he was the perfect lighthearted choice to balance the serious and informative aspect of the summit.


Josh Gondelman is not only an Emmy nominated writer, he also co-authored the book “You Blew It: An Awkward Look at the Many Ways in Which You’ve Already Ruined Your Life.”

First on the agenda was a panel devoted to the question, “Are millennials changing our relationship with cats?” As there were three panelists – Sandra Lyn, Purina Behaviorist; Christina Ha, Meow Parlour Co-Founder; Mikel Delgado, Cat Behaviorist and Researcher, and Moderator, Hal Herzog, Psychologist and Anthrozoologist, far too much information was discussed to share in detail. Suffice it to say, the conversation was fascinating and I will discuss it in depth in my next post.


The very engaging cat panelists – L to R – Hal Herzog, Ph.D.; Sandra Lyn, Ph.D.; Christina Ha; and Mikel Delgado, Ph.D. Photo Credit: Purina

I will briefly say, however, that I was quite pleased with how much time Purina devoted to cats. It’s a slow process, but I have noticed since the inception of my blog in 2010 and attending several pet related conferences, that companies are steadily increasing the amount of time, funds, and effort devoted to cat care and research.

The next panel was a fascinating discussion of the effects of stress on pets and how to manage those stressors to enhance your pet’s well-being. And yes, believe it or not, there actually is such a thing as good stress – such as by providing them with experiences that challenge their minds (like putting food treats in a puzzle). The panel was moderated by Marty Becker, Veterinarian and Best-Selling Author; with Ragen McGowen, Purina Behaviorist; Heather Lewis, Animal Arts Architect, and Tony Buffington, Cat Stress Expert and Veterinarian speaking.

An interesting take away from this discussion was the effect colors, shapes, and space have on a cat in a shelter or veterinary environment. Ms. Lewis, principal of Animal Arts, a firm that has earned 39 awards for architectural excellence for their innovative and practical design solutions for veterinary hospitals and animal care facilities across the world, says that simple things – like painting walls in pastel tones of blues, violets, and greens can greatly alleviate a cat’s stress.


This kitten was part of an interactive room that was filled with all kinds of stimulating activities to keep a cat happy and engaged.

She was happy to report as well, that there are now cages for shelters designed with horizontal rather than vertical bars to give cats a better view of their surroundings. These types of cages, coupled with keeping them placed high off the ground, can significantly change the mindset of the cat from that of being anxious and stressed to being calm and settled.

The last panel was a very moving and inspirational discussion on raising pets and kids. Discussing such topics as using pets to teach empathy and trust in situations of trauma and abuse, the panel was moderated by Zara Boland, Purina Veterinarian, and represented by Jayne Vitale, Mutt-i-Grees Child Development Director; Stash Becker, Instagram Influencer; Ilana Resiner, Veterinarian and Behaviorist; and Charley Bednarsh, Director of Children’s Services, and Pet Partner Therapy Member.

After the discussions concluded, we were treated to a variety of hands-on experimental exhibits where we got to walk around and mingle with the panelists and Purina representatives. That was fantastic, but nothing was as fantastic as what I stumbled upon… AN ENTIRE ROOM FILLED WITH CATS AND KITTENS! In case you did not hear me right, please let me repeat myself – I stumbled upon AN ENTIRE ROOM FILLED WITH CATS AND KITTENS!


After the panel sessions had concluded, we were able to walk around and take advantage of some interactive exhibits. I was instantly drawn to this ADORABLE dog that was part of a play lab for agility!


I also met Pudge – a famous 4 year-old Exotic Shorthair cat that lives in Minneapolis, MN (so famous that she has nearly 370,000 facebook likes!)


I happened upon this sign talking about the importance of interior design to help cats feel safe, engaged, and stress free. I had no idea what was to be around the corner after that!!

Well, if Purina had me at meow before, you can only imagine my delight at this point. Tying it all into one nice little package – the concept of the right environment for cats to be happy, and how cats and people are better together – it was the purrfect way to end the day for me. Myself and all the other cat lovers that attended the summit were drawn to this room like we had been drugged on catnip. Whatever personal issues may have ailed any of us went out the window as we got to spend the next hour or so bonding with cats and kittens! We got to chat in a completely stress-free environment and it truly was an experience I will never forget!


Janiss Garza of Sparkle Cat, Angie Bailey of Catladyland, and Layla Morgan Wilde of Cat Wisdom 101 – all taking a quiet break in the cat room!

They were from an organization called Syxx of Cybercat Exotics and I can’t even begin to tell you how psychology joyful it was to spend time with these sweet beings. It brought so many feelings to the forefront – counting the blessings I have for my own cats and being grateful that a company like Purina is so dedicated to the welfare of making the world a better place for cats.

Deb Barnes Zee Zooey

Happiness… is cats… I’m seen here petting a sweet boy named River – he reminded me so much of my Peanut at home. You will also note a darling black cat in the background! Photo courtesy of Susan Willett – Life withDogs and Cats


There were a lot of Siamese cats at the exhibit and I was especially drawn to this beautiful boy.


There were oodles of kittens to pet and this little black one was following me all over the place with the most persistent of meows!! I think at this point, with so many people picking him up to pet him, he is ruing the fact he is so irresistibly cute!! Photo courtesy of Paris Permenter – CatTipper

After dragging myself away from the cats and kittens for the closing ceremony, we were treated to a Keynote by Carole Radziwill, author and reality television personality. I left the summit exhausted, but very, very pleased. I was honored to be among such talented, devoted, and compassionate people – all of us spreading the word that people and pets together, is indeed better.


See you in a few days for Part 2 of my Purina #BetterWithPets experience. To connect with Purina, please visit them here:

Purina Facebook
Purina Twitter
Purina Instagram
Event Hashtag: #BetterWithPets

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  1. Oh my gosh, look at the meezer!!!! He is soooo cute. I can’t wait to hear more details about the Summit. Are the talks recorded anywhere by chance? I so wanted to hear the speakers.

  2. The summit sounds like it was really wonderful. It’s great to hear that there was so much discussion about the role of stress in the lives of our cats. That’s really key in ways that we are only now coming to realize. Hopefully those lessons will start to spread and help cats and their humans live better quality lives together.

  3. Two French Bulldogs says:

    What a cool event. We heard it was awesome
    Lily & Edward

  4. Brian Frum says:

    My Dad says this is always such a fine event and first class all the way. We knew you would have a fine time!!!

  5. Love the infographic with the colors and horizontal lines! I feel like visiting every shelter and saying, “Do it this way! It will be so much better!”
    –Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  6. sounds like it was a huge success and they made a serious effort to bring cat issues to the front

  7. A great summation of what sounded like an excellent event!

  8. A much appreciated wrap of the day’s events. Would have enjoyed being a cat watching

  9. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    Deb; thanx for sharing; it does indeed sound like an awesome time was had…by all…I appreciate you taking the time to share the event through your posts; { paid or not } it’s nice to be able to “see” what went on…how long did it take you to leave the room filled with cats…..{ or are you secretly still there ? ! }
    🙂 ♥♥♥

  10. That sounds like a pawsome event, thank you for sharing with us. Purrs

  11. Deziz World says:

    Meow Sounds weally pawsum. Sure wish we kuld go to these kinds of fings. Glad you had a good time and learned so much.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  12. This post was so very interesting to me. I have never been to a cat show or a show with anything to do with cats and was intrigued by the colora and basic layout of a room to help a cat relax. Thank you.

    (((Jean, Shoko and Kali)))

  13. It sounds like the summit was great! I’m loving reading everyone’s post and look forward to your next one.

  14. Ellen Pilch says:

    That sounds like an amazing conference. Thank you for sharing all you learned. We definitely need more high places in our home.

  15. What a wonderful experience. I’m so glad you got to go and are sharing it with us! Can’t wait to read part 2.

  16. Love your spin on BWP. It was great seeing you but goodness I need to lose weight 😉

  17. Hilary says:

    Wasn’t it a great event! i wish we could have met too, but looking at your pictures I realized we did – sort of… I was sitting next to Chloe Kardoggian 🙂

  18. Connie says:

    Might you have a link to the study about the bars?? my local shelter is undergoing some renovations and this might be the time to share that with them.