Celebrating Earth Day in a Feline Friendly Way!


Look at the world though the wonderment of a cat’s perspective. It’s an awe-inspiring beautiful place that we should be thankful for each and every day. Click image to enlarge and please feel free to share to spread the gratitude.

Today is Earth Day and I’m not going to write a long post about how precious our earth is and that we need to figure out ways to preserve the bounty we have been given. I would hope we already know that the land we live in, the air we breathe, and the water that is necessary to keep us alive is a gift that should not be taken for granted.

It is also a gift that does not exist in endless supply, in large part due to the rushing evolution of mankind in our eternal quest to be bigger, better, and faster than we were the day before with little concern until after the fact that our land, ecosystems, natural resources, habitats, and wildlife suffer immeasurably. Instead, I thought I would focus on what I know best today – cats – and some of the small ways we can help say thank you to our earth, feline style, by sharing a few fun recycling craft projects to make cat toys out of stuff we already have in our house!

The first thing I found on a cool site called Design Sponge is something that never gets old in my house – places for my kitties to scratch! Using old corrugated boxes that are probably already sitting somewhere in your garage or a spare bedroom, all you have to do is cut the boxes into 4” strips and fashion them together into a tight circle to make the scratching pad (please click here for full details). I have not yet made this scratching pad but I can assure you it is something I am going to try, as getting boxes delivered to me is something I am no stranger to – if I can put them to good use and make my cats happy at the same time that is something to celebrate!


Step one to make a scratching pad from old boxes – find a box. Step two – remove cat from box (good luck with that one says Peanut).


Step three – once cat is removed from box, quickly, before another cat jumps in, cut the box into 4″ high strips. Photo courtesy of DesignSponge.com.


Voila! Just like that, a sturdy and functional scratching pad for your kitty! Photo courtesy of DesignSponge.com. Pretty model kitty, name unknown.

The other thing I found that is ridiculously ingenious is making cat toys out of the empty rolls that come from our toilet tissue! Yes, I know… first kitty must shred the toilet paper while on the roll, but then when they are done doing that and the toilet paper is rendered useless for you, you can make a fun toy out of the roll! This great idea came from houselogic.com (click here for full instructions) and I actually did attempt this project. The cats absolutely enjoyed it, especially Jazmine, and I made it all the more enticing by sprinkling a little catnip on it! Now, of course, the best toy of all is a human toy which requires no assembly whatsoever and it is completely green. But, if you’re not up for having your toes assaulted at night while you are sleeping, I suggest you give the toilet roll toy a try!


These cardboard ball kitty toys are actually made from toilet paper rolls! Photo courtesy of houselogic.com.


Jazmine is showing me how much she appreciates the toy I made her from an old toilet paper roll… So much so, that if you look closely at her back legs, you will see the signature heart shape she has on her left paw!

That’s just a fraction of what we can do for our cats and help save the earth at the same time. Think small, think big, just think! And just remember that we have but one earth. Love it, cherish it, and protect it. Maybe we can’t save the world in one day, but if we each practice better behavior – using less water, recycling, and treating our world with respect – when it’s collectively added up, it does make a big difference.


Thinking big – several years ago, Dan reconstructed one of our cat condos that was falling apart by refurbishing it with new carpet, shelves, leopard fabric, designer cubbies, and more! Seen here is Zoey enjoying her liar!


If you don’t feel like redoing a whole kitty condo, Kizmet shows you how to recycle and make toys out of everyday objects – besides his regular pom-pom and mouse toys that were store-bought – his favorite homemade toys are pens, wadded up balls of paper, and milk rings!

mia on bed

Mia doesn’t need toys to appreciate ways to recycle – she likes to nap on the warmth of clean clothes that have just come out of the dryer!


Every time you turn the water on in your bathroom sink, just picture Jazmine and remember her wise words (click image to enlarge) to try and conserve this extremely precious resource. For many of us, we take water for granted, but for many others across the world (and even in our own country), water is a scarce commodity.

Let’s make Earth Day, Earth Everyday…. Now it’s your turn – please share some of the ways you help take care of our earth… we’d love to hear from you!


Nothing wrong with exploring our earth, just remember to appreciate, respect, treasure, and honor it along the way! Thank you to Rolz for sharing this important message!

On another note, congratulations to Melinda Koca, the winner of our Texts From Mittens – A Cat Who Has an Unlimited Data Plan… and Isn’t Afraid to Use It book giveaway by Angie Bailey.

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  1. Paws up for this important message. Recycling is important, and cats can help, too!

  2. Absolutely LOVE this! Love the cardboard idea, I think all of us should try it! xoxo

  3. just tried pinning this but it wouldn’t let me….not sure if the problem is on my end or not

  4. What cool ideas!!! That scratching pad is very stylish looking and the toilet paper roll toy is SO cool!!! Truffles isn’t a TP shredder but she LOVES batting around the empty roll. I’m definitely going to be making one of those for her!

  5. Shiner Cougarcat says:

    Mom has made us one of those TP roll ball things. We loved it, until we took it all apart…….

  6. da tabbies o trout towne says:

    jazmine…manee thanx for de tipz & trix on makin sum toys…for sure
    we R gonna try theeze eye deaz out !!!

    conga ratz two melinda on winnin de way awesum book 🙂

    N round heer; we ree cycle, ree fuze pastic bagz, ree uze milk jugs N butter
    bowls etc, keep de thermo wher it shuld be, never tern on de lites less itz
    like way dark, N sleep all day ta conserve energeez like lectric & gas N stuff like that

    happee earth day ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  7. Sue Brandes says:

    That scratcher is a great idea. going to have to try that. Happy Earth Day.

  8. Connie Marie says:

    We just moved, lots of boxes! I’m trying these ideas, Many thanks.

  9. meowmeowmans says:

    Those are some great ideas about how we can all help the Earth! We have to take care of it … it’s the only one we’ve got. Happy Earth Day hugs!

  10. I really love the cardboard balls! The Squeedunk cats love their Kitty Pods by ITI, which are very similar to the cat pad you highlight! Maybe I will try to make my own using these instructions, goodness knows we too receive enough boxed deliveries! What a wonderful post, it’s good to be kind to the Earth every day!

    • Deb says:

      I think you would be able to make a great scratching pad, Laura!! I hope you try it and share the experience in a blog post!

  11. Happy Earth Day ! Those are great recycling ideas ! Purrs

  12. We love the cardboard remakes….the ball one is interesting…Daiquiri wonders how far it would fly if mom threw it 🙂

  13. Flynn says:

    Happy Earth Day! The cardboard scratcher is a very good idea. I am making mum hunt out all her corrugated cardboard so she can make one for me. She says that hopefully it will give her carpet a rest. I do use my upright scratchers a lot, but I like to scratch on the flat sometimes as well.

  14. Those are some great DIY projects. We gotta get the mom working on those! 🙂 Happy Earth Day!

  15. Ellen Pilch says:

    Great post! Kizmet- straws and q-tips are lots of fun too 🙂

    • Deb says:

      Thank you for that bit of information, Ellen! We do love straws (especially stealing them out of our human’s beverage glasses) but had not thought about torturing q-tips!