Caturday – The Social Networking of a Cat

Like, love, hate, or indifferent – the recent changes facebook has been making have given me reason to pause and think through the eyes of my cats. It dawned on me, these creatures have been successfully social networking with complete sophistication and effectiveness for centuries with no interference or need to change their platform at all.

Point in case – In this first picture, you will see Zoey in “status mode.” She is preparing to comment that an event is about to occur and that everyone on her “friends list” should be on alert for an update.

In the next picture, some of Zoey’s family members have gathered.

A notification has now been generated – Mia has discovered something at the window, which acts as a computer screen for the cat and posted a comment via a very loud meow and chattering noises!

Look! It’s a squirrel!

The kitties leave cat facebook for a minute to go on cat twitter to quickly send out a tweet that a squirrel has been spotted! Oh boy, look at how many “likes” this is getting!! Now someone else is commenting! What? Now a bird has been spotted!

This bird has no idea how famous it is and will probably be a guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show! The post is going viral – cats everywhere are asking to become friends of the Zee/Zoey gang!

Here is a friend request now – it is TomCat – the wandering neighborhood cat lounging on our walkway to say hello. The kitties accept his friend request and log out for the time being so that they can go back to napping. Whew…. Social networking is fun! Maybe Mr. Mark Zuckerberg could learn something from our cats!

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  1. Carolyn says:

    lol very clever, Deb. Love it! The cats certainly teach us how to network 🙂 Great pics, as always. Just one question. Was the squirrel blocked and reported for spam? xox

    • Deb says:

      Caro – since we actually love squirrels, we let it go this time!!! Also, Concatulations to you – I did not realize it, but you are my 1000th comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big prizes will come your way! Just kidding… but I am thrilled that you and Austin are honored with that amazing feat!

  2. Carolyn says:

    WOW! I am honoured. Thanks. Austin will be impossible! People usually get things like a ticket to Aberdeen or a years supply of Kelloggs Cocoa Pops! So I am grateful xox

    • Deb says:

      MOL Caro!! Very funny – but I see that Austin already has been impossible… poor dear standing in a “time-out” corner… I’m sure whatever he did this time was with proper good cause! 🙂

  3. your funny, and OMG, Your mom is a real CatLady!

    • Deb says:

      Thanks for dropping by Cat Lady Diary – we are glad you liked the post, and yes, mom is the real deal when it comes to being a Cat Lady!!!

  4. Dan says:

    LOL — Very clever! As with Mr. Zuckerberg’s facebook, perhaps there will be a tracking feature that one could utilize when letting the feline family out for their Saturday morning outdoor adventures. At least it would relive the anxiety created by one or two of the cats hide and seek games due to their unwillingness to come back indoors.

    • Deb says:

      Excellent idea Dan… however, once the device becomes perfected and commonplace to our world, it will imeadiately be changed, bringing us to an even more frustrated state!!

  5. Brian says:

    That Zoey sure is beautiful! I send tweets but I have officially said hello to the silly squirrels yet!

    • Deb says:

      Thanks for the compliment on Zoey, Brian! She is a beauty for sure! The squirrels really are silly, but they provide endless entertainment for the gang here!

  6. Cheysuli says:

    You know all the best human ideas were ideas by cats first. Really–you think you can copy us?

  7. I hope he takes your suggestion to heart! Then he’d also know that to delete kitty and dog profiles is a waste of time and plain silly.

  8. OMC, Zoey is so beautiful! All our boys have crush on her.

  9. super cute! Stay tuned…in a week or so Facebook is gonna rock their world!

  10. Marg says:

    Oh we really like this way of thinking. Of course cats rule the world and know a whole lot more that the darn humans about socializing. You sure did do this subject up just right. That Zoey is one gorgeous lady. I just think Bengals look like neat cats. Have yourself a great Sunday.

    • Deb says:

      Glad you enjoyed the write-up Marg – it really is amazing how simple, yet complex cats can be… but us cat lovers have known how intelligent cats are for years!! Zoey is a beauty – I probably have had every size, shape, and breed of cat that there is at one point or another in my life – the Bengal is just completely unique to any cat I have ever had. She is my baby and such a joy!

  11. meowmeowmans says:

    We loved this post … so funny! 🙂

    Zoey, you are so beautiful!

    • Deb says:

      Thanks meowmeowmans – I really ejoyed putting this post together – it all just seemed to make sense!! Despite that it may go to her pretty little head, I will pass your compliment on to Zoey! 🙂