Nominations for the Petties 2011 – Help Support us for “Best Blog Design”
Hey all my wonderful felinista’s! It’s Deb here and all of us at Zee & Zoey’s Chronicle Connection need some help from you! Nominees for Dogtimes Pet Blog Awards – The Petties 2011 are taking place and we would love to have some support for the “Best Blog Design” category. And don’t fret – even though it is called Dogtimes, it still has numerous categories open to our beloved feline friends! Now, even though Zee and Zoey might disagree, I know we are not remotely qualified for some of the categories like “Best Overall Pet Blog,” or “Best Cat Blog,” but “Best Design”… well… I can’t help but brag, but I think we deserve a paw pat on the back for that one! I hope you agree that our blog is an absolutely exquisite work of art, filled with stunning photographs, delightful artwork, and heartfelt posts to compliment the overall appeal and beauty for the reader.
We try not to ask too many favors of you, but we really would appreciate any bit of help we could get! We truly think our blog is worthy of this nomination or we wouldn’t ask – and the wonderful bonus out of all of this, if we win in the category, Dogtime will donate $500.00 to a shelter of our choice!
It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! Just go to this link and provide the following details:
Name: Zee and Zoey’s Chronicle Connection
Nominee URL:
Nominee Email:
Then, just provide a brief reason why this blog should win!
Thank you all so much and we are grateful for all your help and support!!